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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Capital Investment

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Informational-only hearings on:
HF2823 (Carlson) Minnesota Workers Memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF730 (Lesch) Minnesota Hmong-Lao veterans commemorative memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF82 (Erhardt) Edina; All-Veterans Memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Informational-only: HF3053 (Yarusso) Reinvest in Minnesota critical habitat private sector matching account funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Bill added: Informational-only: HF2348 (Lillie) North St. Paul; military veterans memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Bills may be added to agenda.

Civil Law

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Bills Added:
HF2546 (Yarusso) - Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected; redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed; and miscellaneous corrections made to laws, statutes, and rules.
HF3215 (Huntley) - Health Department, Northstar Care for Children program, continuing care, community first services and supports, health care, and chemical dependency changes made; hospital payment system modified; background study and home and community-based service standards modified; fees set; and rate increases provided.
HF2467 (Liebling) - Human services background studies requirements modified.

Education Finance

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The committee will review, take questions and testimony on the author's DE amendment to HF3171 (Marquart) General education funding and policy modifications provided for early childhood, kindergarten through grade 12, and adult education, including general education, education excellence, special education, nutrition, and self-sufficiency and lifelong learning; forecast adjustments made; and money appropriated.

Government Operations

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Bills not heard during the morning meeting will be progressed to a Wednesday evening meeting.
Bills Added:
HF2214 (Sawatzky) - Transportation Department technical changes made, contract and project requirements clarified, Michael Duane Clickner Memorial Bridge designated, bridge inspection authority provided, U-turn rules modified, covered farm vehicle requirements modified, expiration date extended, hours of service exemption provided, financing required for parking facility, and reporting requirements changed.
HF2523 (Ward) - Local public health system changes made.
HF2755 (Paymar) - Corrections Department; outdated and redundant statutes amended and repealed.
HF3017 (Paymar) - Public Safety Department; outdated and redundant statutes amended and repealed, and report required on collection of data on victims of domestic abuse.
HF2319 (Nelson) - Metropolitan Council additional investment authority granted, investments by a Minnesota joint powers investment trust authorized, and conforming technical changes made.
HF2664 (Nelson) - MN.IT Services; antiquated, unnecessary, and obsolete language eliminated or modernized.
HF2724 (Nelson) - Agency rulemaking regulated.

Health and Human Services Finance

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HF2150 (Huntley) Health and human services appropriations and policy provisions technical corrections made.
A delete-all amendment will be posted Tuesday morning before committee. This will be the Health & Human Services Finance omnibus supplemental bill This hearing will be a presentation of the bill.
Amendments are due 3 p.m. Wednesday and will be heard Thursday, March 27.
**Agenda subject to change**
To sign up to testify, or if you have questions, please contact the committee administrator, Lucy Morgan, at


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Presentations on budget reserves:
Pew Charitable Trusts
Mary Murphy, Senior Associate, State Fiscal Health and Economic Growth
Brenna Erford, Manager, State Fiscal Health and Economic Growth
Minnesota Management & Budget
Matt Scheoppner, Economist
HF1982 (Erhardt) Budget reserve increased, and priorities set for additional forecast revenues.
HF3170 (Lenczewski) General fund budget reserve level policy established, budget reserve increased, and fund transfer authorized.
HF3167 (Lenczewski) State financial management additional revenue priorities modified, and contingent transfers to the budget reserve provided.

Energy Policy

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Additional bills may be added.
*HF3205 will be heard for informational purposes.
Bills Added:
HF3110 (Hortman) - Residential customer protections modified pertaining to medically necessary equipment.
HF2844 (Morgan) - Interconnection of distributed renewable electric generation information collection required.
HF3205 (Metsa) - Microenergy loan program modified to include community energy projects.
HF2704 (Anderson) - Transmission line siting regulated.


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Public Television, Informational Update

Judiciary Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF1585 (Cornish) - Felony of fraudulent or other improper financing statements extended to include retaliation against a police officer or chief of police or correctional officer or employee for performing official duties.
HF2660 (Hortman) - Forma pauperis party proceeding partial payment or reimbursement of costs amended.
SF685 (Hilstrom) - Simultaneous competency and civil commitment examinations required for defendants, and civil commitment hearings for defendants facilitated.
HF1082 (Allen) - Judicial forfeiture of property associated with controlled substance offenses and vehicles used in drive-by shootings conviction required.
HF2482 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling fraud provided.
HF3073 (Atkins) - Insurance regulations modified to reduce fraud, no-fault auto benefits regulated, economic benefits modified under chapter 65B, and motor vehicle insurance coverage verification task force established.

Health and Human Services Policy

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Additional bills may be added.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF3031 (Liebling) - Uniform public assistance program eligibility and verification established.
HF3216 (Huntley) - Health Department, Northstar Care for Children program, continuing care, community first services and supports, health care, and chemical dependency changes made; hospital payment system modified; background study and home and community-based service standards modified; fees set; and rate increases provided.

Transportation Policy

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Bills May Be Added to the Agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1981 (Ward) - Snow removal authority in uncompleted subdivisions sunset eliminated.
HF2751 (Masin) - Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee scope expanded.
HF2752 (Masin) - Metropolitan Council required to adopt standards for light rail vehicles, and Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee review of vehicle standards required.
HF2995 (Erhardt) - Towing order requirements clarified.
HF3059 (Norton) - Nonemergency medical transportation service provisions modified.
HF3084 (Bernardy) - Transportation Department; reporting requirements eliminated; antiquated, unnecessary, redundant, and obsolete provisions eliminated and modernized; and conforming changes made.
HF3038 (Masin) - Highway connector length limit removed, trunk highway contracts one-week bid advertisement period allowed, and state responsibility for bond payments to cities with population decline clarified.

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

Bills Added:
HF605 (Winkler) - Toxic Free Kids Act; children protected from harmful chemical exposure in products, disclosure required, priority chemical identification criteria amended, Pollution Control Agency authorized to prohibit sales of children's products that contain harmful chemicals, waiver process provided, fees established, and criminal penalty provided.
HF3158 (Wagenius) - Omnibus supplemental environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance bill.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

HF3238 will be heard first. Each side will have 15 minutes total to testify. The event will be ticketed. Amendments to HF2562 were received after the 4:30 p.m. committee deadline.
Bills Added:
HF3238 (Schoen) - Domestic violence restraining order provisions modified to prohibit persons subject to the restraining orders from possessing weapons, and persons convicted of domestic violence offenses required to surrender their firearms while they are prohibited from possessing firearms.
HF2701 (Pelowski) - Disaster assistance contingency account created; unused disaster relief appropriation transfer to contingency account required; disaster relief cost-share relationship established between the state, local governments, and American Indian tribes and bands; state public disaster assistance authorized in the absence of federal assistance; and money appropriated.
HF1915 (Drazkowski) - Peace officer exam reciprocity provided for military experience.
HF2562 (Hortman) - Mentally ill offenders working group established to study and make recommendations.
HF2147 (Rosenthal) - Continued employer insurance contributions required for former Corrections Department employees.
HF2928 (Slocum) - Criminal vehicular homicide or operation statute technical amendments provided, and driving while impaired law clarified to work with amendments to criminal vehicular homicide and operation statute.
HF2972 (Savick) - Fire safety account funds appropriated, and fire service advisory committee authorized to continue indefinitely.
HF3273 (Paymar) - Omnibus public safety bill.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

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HF2762 (Uglem) and HF2670 (Dehn) will be placed on the agenda solely to move them to the General Register. No testimony will be taken on the two bills.
Bills Added:
HF3180 (Dorholt) - Minnesota Jobs Skills Partnership program money appropriated.
HF2947 (Mahoney) - Combative Sports Office, and Construction Codes and Licensing Division housekeeping changes made; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and rules removed; and conforming changes made.
HF2670 (Dehn) - Architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design professional license provisions modified.
HF1881 (Murphy) - Regenerative Medicine Research Institute and funding program established, long-term care tax credit repealed, matching funds appropriations provided, and report required.
HF2762 (Uglem) - Board of Cosmetologist Examiners changes made, and expedited rulemaking required.
The committee will mark up and vote out the 2014 Supplemental Jobs and Economic Development Finance Bill.

In addition, HF3254 will be amended and moved to the Committee on Taxes. No testimony will be taken on the bill.
Bills Added:
HF2976 (Mahoney) - Supplemental omnibus jobs and economic development finance bill.
HF3254 (Lien) - Border city allocations modified, study and report mandated on North Dakota oil production and economic impacts in Minnesota, and money appropriated.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2582 (Lesch) - Minnesota Public Benefit Corporation Act; public benefit corporations organization and operation provided.
HF2605 (Mahoney) - Automated property system transaction fee schedule established, state auditor authorized to examine fee schedule, effective dates delayed for automated property system, and reports required.
HF2659 (Slocum) - Threading exemptions provided, and good cause exemption authorized for rulemaking.
HF2834 (Hortman) - Omnibus energy bill.
HF2213 (Hortman) - Small servicer definition amended relating to mortgages, and Foreclosure Curative Act clarified.
HF3264 (Atkins) - Minnesota Racing Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

Bills Added:
HF3027 (Allen) - Children and family services provisions modified; Northstar Care for Children program, background studies, adoption, and licensing requirements changed; and technical changes made.
HF2576 (Melin) - Criminal record expungement governing provisions modified, business screening services required to delete expunged records, and eviction record expungement allowed in some cases.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2892 (Hortman) - Infectious Waste Control Act modified.
HF2719 (Anzelc) - Biorefinery using cellulosic feedstock environmental review requirements modified.
HF2445 (Wagenius) - Textile waste diversion goal for the state established.

Ways and Means

Other bills may be added pending re-referrals.
Bills Added:
HF1796 (Erhardt) - Highway safety work zone prohibitions, requirements, and penalties amended; legislative report mandated; and money appropriated.
HF2538 (Poppe) - Farm-to-foodshelf program established, and money appropriated.
HF2246 (Clark) - Housing; high-risk adults appropriation modified.
HF2120 (Holberg) - Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy Legislative Commission created.
HF3144 (Pelowski) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; Board of Trustees funding provided for compensation costs associated with the settlement of employment contracts, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

HF2180 (Murphy) School district employee health coverage provisions amended, and money appropriated. (Discussion will focus on committee jurisdiction of MMB and PEIP)
HF2419 (Fritz) Minnesota secure choice retirement savings plan created, and trust account established. (Discussion will focus on committee jurisdiction of MMB)
Bills Added:
HF2757 (Newton) - Veterans homes cost of care calculations modified, and annual adjustments provided.
HF1938 (Atkins) - Minnesota FAIR plan employee benefits authorized.
HF2117 (Howe) - Veteran preference hearing related procedures modified.

Energy Policy

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Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF2866 (Erickson) - Legislative Energy Commission requested to investigate strategies to convert users of propane gas to natural gas or other fuels.
HF2603 (Hortman) - Community energy efficiency and renewable energy loan program modified, permissible administrative expenses modified for disbursement of supplemental low-income home energy assistance, and weatherization assistance program money appropriated.
HF2967 (Garofalo) - Commerce Department utilities assessment amount amended; and incremental revenue allocated to develop and maintain a statewide uniform energy conservation reporting system for utilities.
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