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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF1823 (Metsa) - Council authorized to establish salaries for legislators, Compensation Council composition changed, and constitutional amendment proposed.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

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**NOTE:** The committee does have a 24-hour rule for amendments. Amendments will be due at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, May 9.
If you wish to testify, please contact the committee administrator at
Bills Added:
HF1139 (Liebling) - Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified, public education campaign required, and Civil Commitment Act modified.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Tuesday, May 14, 2013
End of Session resolutions
Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF157 (Hilstrom) Bullion coin dealers regulated, registration required, conduct prohibited, and enforcement authority and civil and criminal penalties provided.
Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF 1801 (Lillie) Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, May 13, 2013

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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Bills Added:
HF1801 (Lillie) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Friday, May 10, 2013

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ways and Means

Modify budget resolution
HF1054 (Clark) Marriage between two persons provided for, and exemptions based in religious association provided for (pending referral on the House floor)
HF863, HF1359 and the modification to the Budget Resolution will be taken up at the morning meeting.
HF1054 will be taken up when the committee reconvenes after session (or at the call of the chair).
Bills Added:
HF863 (Winkler) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.
HF1359 (Mahoney) - Workers' compensation; various policy and housekeeping changes made, advisory council recommendations adopted, and report required.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF1425 (Falk) - Annexation definitions provided, and annexation by ordinance of parcels limited.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, May 6, 2013
Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF 863 (Winkler) Campaign finance additional disclosure provided for, and various changes made to campaign finance and public disclosure law. (**Pending re-referral from State Government Finance)
Waiver of Joint Rule 2.03: HF 1359 (Mahoney) Worker's compensation various policy and housekeeping changes made. (**Pending re-referral from Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries)
Bills Added:
HF1510 (Nelson) - Hennepin County; county contract provisions updated and technical corrections made.

Ways and Means

HF956 will be acted on at the morning meeting and HF950 will be taken up at the meeting after session.
Amendments for both bills are due to committee staff by 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 1.
NOTE: Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. It is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
Bills Added:
HF956 (Hortman) - Omnibus energy bill.
HF950 (Nelson) - Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

Bills Added:
HF863 (Winkler) - Campaign finance and public disclosure law; various policy, technical, conforming, and other changes made; additional disclosure provided; regulations, reporting, spending and contribution limits, registration, definitions, and various procedures modified; and public official definition and penalties related to corporate political contributions modified.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Friday, May 3, 2013

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF1359 (Mahoney) - Workers' compensation; various policy and housekeeping changes made, advisory council recommendations adopted, and report required.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ways and Means

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Amendments are due to committee staff by 9 a.m., Friday, April 26.
Bills Added:
HF92 (Winkler) - Minimum wage regulated, and overtime and parental leave provisions modified.
HF1451 (Winkler) - I-35W bridge remnant steel disposition provided.
HF740 (Erickson) - Omnibus lands bill.
HF1792 (Murphy) - Claims against the Corrections Department settlement provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF683 (Fischer) - Legislative Water Commission created, appointments and funding provided, and money appropriated.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for May 1, 2013

Ways and Means

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On SF 489/HF 629, we will be working from the HF629 language.
Bills Added:
SF489 (Murphy) - Omnibus pensions bill.
HF629 (Murphy) - Omnibus pensions bill.
HF1152 (Murphy) - Retirement; various provisions modified relating to retirement plans, benefits and contributions, vesting, computing annuities, postretirement adjustments, disability, early retirement, survivor benefits, new judges, existing judges, MSRS and PERA, Teachers Retirement Association, Duluth and St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Associations, and salary and payroll assumptions.
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