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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Judiciary Finance and Policy

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Variations in drug sentences; sentencing guideline data and research.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Bills introduced on Tuesday, Feb. 25 may also added to the agenda.
HF 1929 (Dehn) Informational hearing only (bill is in Judiciary committee)
HF 2173 (Hornstein) relating to the Dept. of Human Rights
Bills Added:
HF2141 (Rosenthal) - Probable cause arrests clarified for violations of protection, restraining, and no contact orders; and time limit modified for probable cause arrests for domestic abuse.
HF2142 (Yarusso) - Domestic violence victim provided with notice of release of offender.

Transportation Finance

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Informational Hearing on MNPASS and Corridors of Commerce.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF155 (Runbeck) - Notaries public maximum fees increased.
HF655 (Howe) - High-voltage transmission line routing process regulated, and designation of a preferred route prohibited in the permitting process.
HF2029 (Kahn) - Diverse racial and ethnic Minnesota community artist study required for funding, impact, and needs.
HF1455 (Brynaert) - Blue Earth County; library board made advisory to the county board.
HF1631 (Mariani) - Cesar Chavez Day designated as March 31.
HF2093 (Carlson) - State agencies prohibited from paying more than ten percent over the appraised value to acquire real property.

Health and Human Services Policy

The committee has already heard public testimony on HF1988 and HF1971. Additional testimony will not be taken prior discussing amendments and taking a vote. HF1971 will be heard pending re-referral from the public safety committee. HF 1974 will be discussed in conjunction with HF 1931 but will not be formally acted upon.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF1988 (Laine) - Funeral providers price disclosure on websites required.
HF1971 (Liebling) - Automatic external defibrillator (AED) registration provided.
HF1831 (Fritz) - Medical assistance coverage modified to include consultations with licensed independent clinical social workers and licensed marriage and family therapists.
HF1931 (Halverson) - E-cigarettes, and nicotine and lobelia delivery products regulated.
HF1974 (Kahn) - Smoking definition under the Clean Indoor Air Act expanded.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 2014 Capital Budget Request.

Housing Finance and Policy

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The committee is anticipating an amendment to HF1941. As soon as the amendment is submitted to committee staff, it will be posted on the committee website. If you have any questions, contact Committee Administrator Abou Amara at 651-296-4110.
Bills Added:
HF1941 (Dehn) - Mortgage foreclosure mediation established, and money appropriated.
HF2112 (Clark) - Housing Opportunity Made Equitable (HOME) pilot project created.

Education Finance

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Review of enacted E-12 education-related provisions not in the 2013 omnibus E-12 education act (ch. 116)
Legislative Permanent School Fund Commission update

Civil Law

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*Bills may be added
Bills Added:
SF17 (Dehn) - Constitutional amendments; a resolution requesting Congress propose a constitutional amendment and if not, applying to Congress to call a constitutional convention to propose an amendment clarifying that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not artificial entities, and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.
HF1940 (Norton) - Booking photograph data practices provisions established.
HF1933 (Myhra) - Booking photographs disclosure regulated.
HF2017 (Johnson) - Data collected by a motor vehicle event data recorder use standards established.

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy


Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2293 (Atkins) - Payday lending regulated.

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF642 (Lesch) - Consumer fraud regulated.
HF2253 (Schoen) - Consumer protection; data breach notification regulated.


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Bills Added:
SF629 (Dill) - Jackson, Lake, Clay, Kandiyohi, and Lyon Counties; process provided to make county auditor-treasurer and recorder appointive.
HF1960 (Halverson) - Voting equipment purchase with Help America Vote Act grants deadline extended.
HF1841 (Freiberg) - Ballots that carry identifying marks rejection prevented.
HF1986 (Winkler) - Gift ban law for legislators and legislative employees food and beverage exception eliminated.

Energy Policy

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Heating assistance and weatherization.

Health and Human Services Policy

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The committee has already heard public testimony on SF894, HF1348, HF2005 and HF2023. Additional testimony will not be taken prior discussing amendments and taking a vote.
The committee will continue taking public testimony on HF1987, but no votes will be taken. The bill will be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus policy bill.
Bills Added:
SF894 (Schomacker) - Resident reimbursement classification changes made.
HF1348 (Abeler) - Medical assistance spenddown requirements and excess income standard modified.
HF2005 (Liebling) - Health data provisions modified, common entry point establishment requirements changed, automatic external defibrillator (AED) registration established, stroke center criteria modified, prescription monitoring program changed, immunity from civil liability established for use of opiate antagonists, and background study requirements modified.
HF2023 (Fritz) - Home care nursing services payment rates increased, and terminology changed.
HF1987 (Moran) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and general assistance random drug testing requirements modified.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

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Update on moose research in Minnesota.
*HF896 was passed after a full hearing in the 2013 session and returned to the committee pursuant to House Rule 4.20. The committee intends to limit itself to taking procedural action to return this bill to the General Register.
Bills Added:
HF896 (Persell) - Electric fish barrier design contract required.


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HF1909 (Drazkowski) Partial* Gift tax and business-to-business taxes repealed, wheelage tax increase rescinded, conservation easement valuation reductions reinstated, school board authority to authorize referendum levies rescinded, student achievement levy repealed, and prior animal waste technician fee and licensing requirements reverted to.

HFXXXX (Rosenthal) Telecommunications equipment tax exemption reinstated. (Will be heard between HF2105 and HF1889)

HF2014 (Anderson) Partial* Tax provisions repealed, exemptions reinstated, and money appropriated. (Will be heard between 1939 and 2123)

* Hearing will be limited to federal conformity, excluding the gift and estate taxes, and business to business tax repeal provisions.

Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2106 (Lenczewski) - Internal Revenue Code changes conformed, and working family credit phase-out extended for married filers.
HF1957 (Erhardt) - Taxation; discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness conformed to the federal exclusion.
HF2024 (Loeffler) - Qualified tuition and related expenses for tax year 2013 deductions conformed to federal extension.
HF2002 (Norton) - Federal adoption assistance tax exclusion conformed.
HF1959 (Davids) - Internal Revenue Code changes conformed, and working family credit phase-out extended for married filers.
HF1969 (Garofalo) - Federal adoption assistance tax exclusion conformed.
HF1777 (Lenczewski) - Omnibus tax bill.
HF1896 (Halverson) - Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
HF1877 (Isaacson) - Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
HF1968 (O'Neill) - Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
HF1908 (Kelly) - Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
HF2121 (Quam) - Storage and warehousing service tax repealed.
HF1893 (McNamar) - Tax on repairing and maintaining commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repealed.
HF1950 (McNamar) - Farm equipment repair services labor tax repealed.
HF1888 (Isaacson) - Commercial and industrial machinery repair and maintenance tax repealed.
HF1973 (Wills) - Business transaction tax repealed, and telecommunications equipment exemption reinstated.
HF1977 (Scott) - Business transactions tax repealed.
HF2105 (Hamilton) - Tax on repairing and maintaining commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repealed.
HF1889 (Isaacson) - Telecommunications equipment tax exemption reinstated.
HF1900 (Johnson) - Telecommunication and pay television machinery and equipment exemption reinstated.
HF1939 (Zellers) - Business transaction taxes repealed.
HF2123 (Quam) - Tax on repairing and maintaining commercial and industrial machinery and equipment repealed.
HF2124 (Quam) - Tax on repairing and maintaining electronic and precision equipment repealed.

Ways and Means

Informational Hearing: HFXXXX (Radinovich) Emergency Heating Appropriation

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

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Informational Hearing: HFXXXX (Radinovich) Appropriating money for low-income home energy heating assistance.

Education Policy

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Student Accountability
I. Adult Basic Diploma Task Force Work and Recommendations
II. Career Pathways and Technical Education Task Force Work and Recommendations
III. Informational overview of related legislation (HFs 1945, 1351, 301)

Teacher Accountability
I. Teacher Licensure Advisory Task Force Work and Recommendations
II. Informational overview of related legislation (HFs 34, 171, 652, 716, 965, 1166)
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