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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 1049
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Capital Investment

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HEAPR overview from House Research
MnSCU 2013 capital request
U of M 2013 capital request

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
E-12 related programs/activities that fall under the committee's goals of 1) supporting student performance and closing achievement gaps; 2) funding adequacy; 3) funding equity; 4) special education adequacy; 5) paying back the shift; and with data demonstrating positive outcomes.

• St. Paul Public Schools – school-based prekindergarten
• MinneMinds – high quality early care and education
• Jewish Family & Children’s Services – Parent-Child Home Program

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Meeting on groundwater, continuation from Thursday, January the 17th

Education Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentations on trends in Student Acheivement Assessment

Government Operations

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority
Overview of the State Auditor's Office and legislative initiatives
Bills Added:
HF55 (Sundin) - Carlton County; annual tax levy for cemetery purposes authorized.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of probation delivery systems


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Testimony on elections, campaign finance and public disclosure issues
Minnesota Majority
Common Cause Minnesota
Minnesota Voters Alliance
League of Women Voters Minnesota
Freedom Foundation of Minnesota

Energy Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentations by electric utilities

Judiciary Finance and Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation by the Judicial Standards Board
Presentation by the Tax Court
Presentation by Civil Legal Services

Commerce and Consumer Protection Finance and Policy

Additional Bills May Be Added
Bills Added:
HF5 (Atkins) - Minnesota Insurance Marketplace established, powers and duties prescribed, person's physician of choice right recognized, right to not participate established, open meeting requirements and data practice procedures specified, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Added to agenda: Overview of Debt Service Costs, Andrew Lee, House Fiscal Staff

Debt service guidelines update and bond cancellation report, Minnesota Management and Budget Office

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Education Finance presentation by House Research and Fiscal Analysis staff

Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance

Speakers from the DNR, USGS, MNGS and Met Council address groundwater.

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview from MN Bureau of Mediation Services

Overview from MN Department of Labor & Industry

Education Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
K-12 to Post-Secondary Transitions: Irondale High School Early College presentation; MDE Commissioner Cassellius; MOHE Director Pogemiller; MnSCU Chancellor Rosenstone

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
DHS base budget by program area by Department Assistant Commissioners
10:00 AM- Continuing Care Administration (CCA)
10:25 AM- Operations
10:35 AM- Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP)
10:45 AM- State Operated Services (SOS)
10:55 AM- Chemical & Mental Health (CMH)
11:15 AM- Child & Family Services (CFS)
11:30 AM- Health Care (HC)

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Overview of the Department of Public Safety

Transportation Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
The Metropolitan Council, the Counties Transit Improvement Board, and the Suburban Transit Assocation will provide informational overviews for the Transportation Finance and Policy Committees.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Voting delays, 2012 general election
Overview of campaign finance and public disclosure issues

Jobs and Economic Development Finance and Policy

Agency overview of the Rural Finance Authority by:

Jim Boerboom, Deputy Commissioner of the MN Department of Agriculture

Greta Gauthier, Director of Government Relations of the MN Department of Agriculture

Ryan Roles, MN Department of Agriculture
Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 1049
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