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Audio/Video Archives - 2013-2014 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Council on Black Minnesotans
Minnesota Humanities Center

Labor, Workplace and Regulated Industries

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Bills Added:
HF2300 (Melin) - Employment discrimination based on status as a family caregiver prohibited.
HF2259 (Yarusso) - Nursing mothers; unfair employment practices clarified.
HF2274 (Masin) - Wage disclosure protected, and retaliation prohibited.
HF2461 (Lesch) - Employee earned sick and safe time provided.
HF2371 (Kahn) - Pregnancy and parenting leave provided, and pregnancy accomodations required.

Judiciary Finance and Policy

Bills Added:
HF2576 (Melin) - Criminal record expungement governing provisions modified, business screening services required to delete expunged records, and eviction record expungement allowed in some cases.

State Government Finance and Veterans Affairs

HF2478 (O'Driscoll) Veterans in crisis; Upper Midwest Community Policing Institute de-escalation training
Bills Added:
HF2447 (Falk) - Veterans Day; employers required to provide veterans with time off.
HF2233 (Dettmer) - Federal individual income tax subtractions modified, and military retirement subtraction created.
HF2665 (Nelson) - Military affairs obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws removed.


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Bills Added:
HF2578 (Lenczewski) - Revenue Department obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and administrative rules removed.
HF2107 (Lenczewski) - Taxation obsolete provisions eliminated, and clarifying and minor policy changes made.

Property and Local Tax Division

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HF2426 (Dill) Taconite production tax distribution modified.
HF2465 (Lien) Local government aid losses calculation modified.
HF2261 (Persell) Disabled veteran homestead valuation exclusion extended.
HF2399 (Anzelc) Property tax sliding scale market value exclusion for electric power generation efficiency eligibility.
HF2432 (Anzelc) Itasca County authorized to issue general obligation bonds for the county nursing home.
Bills may be added to the agenda.

Transportation Policy

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Bills Added:
HF1796 (Erhardt) - Highway safety work zone prohibitions, requirements, and penalties amended; legislative report mandated; and money appropriated.
HF2214 (Sawatzky) - Transportation Department technical changes made, contract and project requirements clarified, Michael Duane Clickner Memorial Bridge designated, bridge inspection authority provided, U-turn rules modified, covered farm vehicle requirements modified, expiration date extended, hours of service exemption provided, financing required for parking facility, and reporting requirements changed.
HF2255 (Dorholt) - Ignition interlock device program relating to criminal vehicular operation scope clarified.
HF2266 (Benson) - Pupil transportation; type III drivers training frequency requirements amended.
HF2394 (Schoen) - Deputy registrar residency requirement removed.
HF2481 (Selcer) - Pupil transportation; seat belt cutters required in type III vehicles, school bus drivers required to conduct post-trip inspections, bus endorsement reporting and cancellation requirements modified, and penalties provided.

Transportation Finance

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Continuation of Oil Freight and Pipeline Safety Hearing held on Feb. 27.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy

Bills Added:
HF2421 (Melin) - Firearm seizure penalty for baiting deer modified.
HF2542 (Hortman) - Lead and mercury products prohibited and regulated, and formaldehyde in children's products ban modified.
HF2543 (Hortman) - Environmental data classified, reporting requirements modified, permitting efficiencies modified and created, Pollution Control Agency duties modified, administrative penalty order and field citation provisions modified, civil penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.

Government Operations

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Bills Added:
HF2419 (Fritz) - State-administered retirement savings plan report to the legislature required by the commissioner of management and budget, and money appropriated.
HF2282 (Norton) - Autism spectrum disorder statewide strategic plan implemented.
HF2120 (Holberg) - Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy Legislative Commission created.
HF1943 (Mullery) - State procurement provision modified relating to bidders' past work.
HF2088 (Fischer) - State hydrologist position established.
HF2373 (Moran) - Equal pay certificate required as a condition for public contracts, data classified, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2091 (Winkler) - Private and public employee labor standards provided, minimum wage regulated, and state employee use of donated vacation leave regulated.
HF1931 (Halverson) - E-cigarettes, and nicotine and lobelia delivery products regulated.

Housing Finance and Policy

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Agency overview from Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Bills Added:
HF1992 (Dehn) - Home and community-based waiver housing program requirement exceptions established.

Health and Human Services Policy

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Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
To testify please contact Committee Administrator Matthew Bergeron at
Bills Added:
HF2177 (Ward) - Tanning equipment limited to persons age 18 or older.
HF2526 (Norton) - Newborn screening program modified.
HF2458 (Allen) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) participants educational opportunities modified.
HF2449 (Abeler) - Group residential housing agreements modified.
HF2408 (Newton) - Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities (ICF/DD) and home and community-based service provider reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.

Higher Education Finance and Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2647 (Pelowski) - Higher education statutes modernized, streamlined, and clarified; unnecessary, or redundant laws and rules eliminated; and obsolete language and unnecessary verbiage deleted.

Agriculture Policy

Dairy Day at the Capitol.
Bills Added:
HF84 (Lesch) - Dog and cat breeder licensing and inspection provided, funding provided, and money appropriated.

Civil Law

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Bills Added:
HF2167 (Lesch) - Government data practice application clarified.
HF2385 (Lesch) - Expert review certification time limits adjusted because of recent amendments to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure.
HF2616 (Fischer) - Water appropriation provisions modified, and administrative penalties provided for violations.
HF300 (Clark) - Notice to quit or pay prior to filing an eviction action created.
HF1941 (Dehn) - Mortgage foreclosure mediation established, and money appropriated.

Education Finance

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School Facilities Financing Working Group report

Early Childhood and Youth Development Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2176 (Yarusso) - Montessori early childhood programs provided.
HF2095 (Mullery) - Children's mental health screening and assessment procedures modified, and reports required.
HF2224 (Mullery) - High-risk children and youth projects established to provide early intervention collaborative services, and money appropriated.

Education Policy

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After HF2476, the Department of Education will present an overview of the recommendations from the Special Education Caseloads Task Force
Bills Added:
HF2476 (Davnie) - Restrictive procedures standards clarified for schools, and money appropriated.
HF2693 (Sawatzky) - Special Education Case Load and Rule Alignment Task Force 2014 recommendations implemented, and commissioner of education authorized to use expedited rulemaking to implement the rule recommendations of the task force.
HF2568 (Sawatzky) - Special education; paperwork burdens reduced by creating a unified online system for collecting and reporting required special education due process data and thereby increasing opportunities for special education educators to focus on teaching students.

Education Policy

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Bills Added:
HF2133 (Moran) - Postsecondary tuition endowment establishment task force created.
HF2272 (Davnie) - School service contracts best value analysis and minimum standards required.
HF2326 (Slocum) - Recovery program additional funding sources created for students, and money appropriated.


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House Files 2166, 2516 and 2531 may need to be progressed to Thursday's agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2096 (Simon) - Campaign finance definition modified, and voter registration and absentee ballot application online submission provided.
HF2265 (Laine) - Secretary of state authorized to obtain data from the Public Safety Department, and to share data.
HF2166 (Laine) - Electronic rosters authorized, evaluation required of the use of electronic rosters in the 2014 election, various technical and conforming changes made, and definitions provided.
HF2516 (Bernardy) - Election administration related provisions modified; and technical changes made to voting, voter registration, ballots, and other election-related provisions.
HF2531 (Laine) - Campaign finance board duties modified, rulemaking required, online electronic records systems authorized, board authorized to request reconciliation information, penalties authorized, definitions and fee amounts modified, reporting and filing requirements modified, various technical and clarifying changes made, data classifications provided, and statements of economic interest modified.
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