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Results: Total: 244
Legislative update - (Friday, March 28, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 21, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 14, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 7, 2025)
Mekeland: Unsustainable spending spree has state shortfall looming - (Thursday, March 6, 2025)
Mekeland: House Democrats block Preserving Girls Sports Act - (Tuesday, March 4, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 28, 2025)
Rep. Mekeland: Restore electronic pull tabs to help local charities - (Friday, February 21, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 14, 2025)
Mekeland bill to aid data center expansion in Minnesota advances in House - (Thursday, February 13, 2025)
Mekeland pleased House – finally – officially organizes - (Friday, February 7, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 7, 2025)
Mekeland: House GOP assembles ‘Make Minnesota Affordable’ package - (Friday, January 31, 2025)
Legislative update - (Thursday, January 30, 2025)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 24, 2025)
Mekeland: House Republicans unveil legislation to combat fraud in state programs - (Thursday, January 23, 2025)
Mekeland returns to Capitol ready to work in 2025 session - (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)
Legislative update - (Thursday, December 12, 2024)
Mekeland: Republicans will demand better after yet another audit reveals state mismanagement - (Wednesday, December 11, 2024)
Mekeland: Spending spree turns giant surplus into looming shortfall - (Wednesday, December 4, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, July 19, 2024)
Mekeland: 2024 session underscores more balance needed in St. Paul - (Tuesday, May 21, 2024)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, May 21, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 10, 2024)
Mekeland: House Republicans score win for religious freedom - (Wednesday, May 8, 2024)
Mekeland: House Democrats pass three anti-Second Amendment bills - (Friday, May 3, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 3, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 26, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 19, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 12, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 5, 2024)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 28, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 22, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 15, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 8, 2024)
Mekeland: Forecast shows shortfall on state horizon - (Friday, March 1, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 1, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 23, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 16, 2024)
Mekeland returns to Capitol for new session - (Monday, February 12, 2024)
Let’s get up to speed as new legislative session nears - (Thursday, February 8, 2024)
Mekeland earns award for efforts to contain housing costs - (Wednesday, November 1, 2023)
Reps. Mekeland, Schultz, Novotny respond to officers shot in Benton - (Thursday, October 12, 2023)
Rep. Mekeland urges DFL support for school resources officer law fix - (Monday, September 11, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, June 30, 2023)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 25, 2023)
Legislative session ends; Democrat trifecta spent it using narrow majority to push extreme agenda - (Wednesday, May 24, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 12, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 5, 2023)
Mekeland: Costly, expansive details in worker leave bill cause concern - (Wednesday, May 3, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 28, 2023)
Rep. Mekeland: House bill shorts long-term care - (Wednesday, April 26, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 21, 2023)
Rep. Mekeland: House Democrat provision would deal major blow to charitable gaming - (Wednesday, April 19, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 14, 2023)
Gov is out of touch with Minnesotans paying his $17K/month rent - (Friday, March 31, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 31, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 24, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 17, 2023)
Enough 'Fleecing of Minnesota' examples to start a series - (Friday, March 17, 2023)
Request for State Office Building renovation information - (Thursday, March 16, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 10, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 3, 2023)
Mekeland: State economic forecast underscores need for tax relief, structural overhaul - (Monday, February 27, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 17, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 10, 2023)
Mekeland authors bill to eliminate state tax on Social Security - (Friday, February 10, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 3, 2023)
Mekeland: House Democrats pass unaffordable, unreliable, dangerous energy package - (Friday, January 27, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 27, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 20, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 13, 2023)
Glaring differences in priorities as 2023 session begins - (Thursday, January 12, 2023)
Mekeland: House approves bill matching state tax code with fed - (Monday, January 9, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 6, 2023)
Mekeland performs third House oath of office - (Tuesday, January 3, 2023)
Rep. Mekeland urges hearings, transparency from Walz/MDE on fraud scandal - (Tuesday, September 27, 2022)
Legislative update - (Monday, July 18, 2022)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 26, 2022)
Session ends with tax relief, public safety unfinished - (Thursday, May 26, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 20, 2022)
Boom or bust? Session's big issues hang in balance at deadline - (Thursday, May 19, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 13, 2022)
Rep. Mekeland supports passage of bipartisan veterans bill - (Tuesday, May 10, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 6, 2022)
Bill to stop unemployment insurance tax increase enacted - (Monday, May 2, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 29, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 22, 2022)
Session hits home stretch with biggest issues still on table - (Wednesday, April 20, 2022)
Happy Easter - (Thursday, April 14, 2022)
Legislative update - (Thursday, April 7, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 1, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 25, 2022)
Deadline to prevent needless tax hike disappointingly met by inaction - (Wednesday, March 16, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 11, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 4, 2022)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 3, 2022)
Rep. Mekeland: Growing state surplus is opportunity for real tax relief - (Monday, February 28, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 25, 2022)
Tax relief bills unveiled early in new session - (Wednesday, February 16, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 11, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 4, 2022)
Rep. Mekeland: 2022 session begins with tax relief a top priority - (Monday, January 31, 2022)
Happy Thanksgiving - (Tuesday, November 23, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, August 13, 2021)
Mekeland receives Housing Leadership Award - (Monday, August 9, 2021)
Mekeland appointed to statewide committee on energy transition issues - (Wednesday, August 4, 2021)
House finishes budget work, adjourns special session - (Thursday, July 1, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, June 18, 2021)
Efforts to squash Becker gas plant must be stopped - (Tuesday, June 15, 2021)
Budget work continues after session ends - (Wednesday, May 19, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 14, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 7, 2021)
Mekeland calls on Walz to set clear end-date for emergency powers - (Tuesday, May 4, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 30, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 23, 2021)
Significant budget work remains as adjournment approaches - (Wednesday, April 21, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 16, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 9, 2021)
Legislative update - (Thursday, April 1, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 26, 2021)
Historically slow start to 2021 session - (Friday, March 19, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 19, 2021)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 11, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 5, 2021)
Statement from Rep. Mekeland re: state economic forecast - (Friday, February 26, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 26, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 19, 2021)
Our state needs reliable, affordable access to energy - (Wednesday, February 17, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 12, 2021)
House Republicans push bill to empower local districts, remove Gov’s ability to close schools - (Friday, February 12, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Rep. Mekeland: Heating assistance available to those in need - (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 29, 2021)
Rep. Shane Mekeland statement re: Gov. Walz's budget proposal - (Tuesday, January 26, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 22, 2021)
A look at highlights to start the 2021 session - (Wednesday, January 20, 2021)
Wedding/entertainment venues letter to Gov. Walz - (Friday, January 15, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 15, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 8, 2021)
Mekeland takes his second House oath - (Tuesday, January 5, 2021)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, December 22, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, December 17, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland responds to Gov’s extension of restrictions - (Wednesday, December 16, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, December 3, 2020)
Mekeland awarded as champion for homeowners - (Tuesday, October 27, 2020)
Letter to Gov. Walz re: hospitality industry - (Monday, August 31, 2020)
Mekeland urges Walz to improve 'tone and approach' toward businesses - (Monday, August 31, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland statement re: Gov. Walz's mask mandate - (Wednesday, July 22, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, July 16, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland addresses latest effort to end Gov’s emergency powers - (Tuesday, July 14, 2020)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, June 30, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland: Deadline to file Frontier claim nearing - (Thursday, June 25, 2020)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, June 23, 2020)
Legislative update - (Wednesday, June 17, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 22, 2020)
Statement from Rep. Shane Mekeland re: Walz re-opening guidance - (Wednesday, May 20, 2020)
COVID-19 outbreak magnifies the good, reveals shortcomings - (Thursday, May 14, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 14, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 8, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 1, 2020)
Statement from Rep. Mekeland re: stay-at-home order extension - (Thursday, April 30, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 24, 2020)
RV resorts, campgrounds open, with caveats - (Thursday, April 23, 2020)
COVID-19 decisions should keep long term in mind - (Wednesday, April 15, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, April 9, 2020)
House approves bill applying workers’ compensation to COVID-19 cases - (Tuesday, April 7, 2020)
Disaster Recovery Loan Program now available to farmers for COVID-19 damages - (Monday, April 6, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 3, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 27, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland: Package approved to combat COVID-19 - (Thursday, March 26, 2020)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, March 24, 2020)
Disaster assistance program available for small businesses - (Monday, March 23, 2020)
Working together, just differently, to overcome COVID-19 - (Wednesday, March 18, 2020)
News from the House - (Tuesday, March 17, 2020)
Legislative news - (Thursday, March 12, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland: Time for tax relief - (Monday, March 9, 2020)
Update from the House - (Friday, March 6, 2020)
House approves bill to fund finance program for farmers - (Thursday, March 5, 2020)
Legislative news - (Friday, February 28, 2020)
Mekeland: Solar program a behemoth subsidy for out-of-state corporations - (Friday, February 28, 2020)
News from the House - (Friday, February 21, 2020)
Sen. Mathews, Rep. Mekeland issue statement on Becker fire - (Thursday, February 20, 2020)
House Democrats block proposal to replenish funding for farm loans - (Wednesday, February 19, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland, House Republicans unveil ‘Safety in Our Cities’ legislation - (Monday, February 17, 2020)
News from the House (2020 session underway) - (Friday, February 14, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland: 2020 session begins with tax relief as a main focus - (Tuesday, February 11, 2020)
Legislative news - (Wednesday, February 5, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland authors bills to protect state’s energy supply - (Monday, February 3, 2020)
Rep. Mekeland: Get a Real ID now and spare headaches later - (Thursday, January 9, 2020)
Rep. Shane Mekeland statement re: DEED issues funding to Sherburne County - (Friday, December 20, 2019)
Legislative news - (Friday, December 6, 2019)
Statement from Rep. Shane Mekeland re: State economic forecast - (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
Happy Thanksgiving - (Tuesday, November 26, 2019)
Clear Lake receives state financing for drinking water project - (Wednesday, October 23, 2019)
Schools receiving $30 million in safety funding - (Wednesday, October 9, 2019)
Rep. Mekeland statement re: Northern Metals, MPCA reach agreement - (Monday, September 23, 2019)
Legislative update & 9/11 message - (Wednesday, September 11, 2019)
Mekeland and others react to report on permit fees driving up housing costs - (Tuesday, August 20, 2019)
Report from the House - (Tuesday, August 20, 2019)
Statement from Rep. Shane Mekeland on $25 million in overpayments by DHS - (Friday, August 2, 2019)
Mekeland requests House hearings to investigate DHS turmoil - (Wednesday, July 31, 2019)
Legislative news re: Northern Metals project - (Wednesday, July 24, 2019)
Rep. Mekeland urges drivers to adapt to new hands-free cell phone law - (Monday, July 22, 2019)
Notes from the House - (Friday, July 12, 2019)
Notes re: Independence Day and new laws - (Monday, July 1, 2019)
Mekeland receives award from housing group - (Tuesday, June 11, 2019)
House report - (Wednesday, May 29, 2019)
Rep. Mekeland: Overview of special session and new state budget - (Tuesday, May 28, 2019)
Sen. Mathews & Rep. Mekeland statement on Sherco 3 retirement and proposed industrial park investment - (Monday, May 20, 2019)
Legislative report - (Friday, May 17, 2019)
News from St. Paul - (Friday, May 10, 2019)
Legislative news - (Thursday, May 2, 2019)
Democrats advance bill with controversial gun control policies - (Tuesday, April 30, 2019)
House to vote on Democrats’ massive gas tax increase - (Monday, April 29, 2019)
The latest from St. Paul - (Friday, April 26, 2019)
House Democrats’ bill would raise health care costs, cut nursing homes - (Thursday, April 25, 2019)
Bills with serious flaws moving through House - (Monday, April 22, 2019)
Report from the House - (Monday, April 15, 2019)
This week's update from the Capitol - (Friday, April 5, 2019)
Legislative report - (Friday, March 29, 2019)
Final approval provided for bill to replenish disaster account - (Thursday, March 28, 2019)
Mekeland co-authors bill to help root out fraud in public programs - (Tuesday, March 26, 2019)
Update from St. Paul - (Friday, March 22, 2019)
Gov’s proposed tax increases are over the top - (Tuesday, March 19, 2019)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 15, 2019)
House approves bill making disaster recovery loans available to farmers - (Friday, March 15, 2019)
This week's news from St. Paul - (Friday, March 8, 2019)
Mekeland bill would temporarily bar clear-cutting at Sand Dunes - (Thursday, March 7, 2019)
The latest from the House - (Friday, March 1, 2019)
Report from the House - (Monday, February 25, 2019)
News from the House - (Friday, February 22, 2019)
Mekeland, Mathews introduce bill to invest in Becker business park - (Friday, February 22, 2019)
Less can be more in government - (Wednesday, February 20, 2019)
Update from the House - (Friday, February 15, 2019)
Working to help residents of District 15B solve issues big and small - (Tuesday, February 12, 2019)
The latest from St. Paul - (Friday, February 8, 2019)
Rep. Mekeland expresses concern over proposed energy standard - (Tuesday, February 5, 2019)
This week's news from the House - (Friday, February 1, 2019)
Update from the Capitol - (Friday, January 25, 2019)
Legislative news - (Friday, January 18, 2019)
Let’s walk the walk on reducing health care costs - (Wednesday, January 16, 2019)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 11, 2019)
Mekeland takes oath of office in the House - (Tuesday, January 8, 2019)