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Results: Total: 143
Rep. Freiberg Statement on Republican Bill to Ban Trans Kids from Sports - (Monday, March 3, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, February 27, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, February 14, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Tuesday, January 28, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, January 16, 2025)
An important update about the Minnesota House of Representatives - (Thursday, January 9, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, July 11, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Tuesday, June 4, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, May 17, 2024)
Minnesota House Passes Elections Conference Committee Report - (Monday, May 13, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, May 3, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, April 19, 2024)
Minnesota House Passes Elections Policy Bill - (Monday, April 8, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, April 5, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, March 21, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, March 8, 2024)
Rep. Mike Freiberg Introduces the Dog and Cat Data Transparency Bill - (Wednesday, March 6, 2024)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, February 22, 2024)
End-of-Life Options Act Receives First Committee Hearing in the Minnesota House - (Thursday, January 25, 2024)
Rep. Mike Freiberg Celebrates New Minnesota State Flag - (Tuesday, December 19, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, November 17, 2023)
Local nursing homes receive $546,321 in new state funding - (Wednesday, August 2, 2023)
MN Secular Government Caucus Response to PSEO Lawsuit - (Tuesday, May 30, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Monday, May 22, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, May 12, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, April 28, 2023)
Minnesota House passes Elections budget bill - (Tuesday, April 18, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, April 14, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Friday, March 17, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Saturday, March 4, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, February 16, 2023)
RELEASE: Minnesota House Elections Committee passes Democracy for the People Act - (Wednesday, February 8, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Mike Freiberg votes to pass HF 28, the “Restore the Vote” Act - (Thursday, February 2, 2023)
Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Thursday, February 2, 2023)
RELEASE: Bill to join interstate compact to elect the President of the United States by the national popular vote passes committee hearing - (Wednesday, February 1, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Freiberg votes for the PRO Act, Protecting Minnesotans’ Reproductive Rights - (Thursday, January 19, 2023)
Legislative update from Rep. Mike Freiberg - (Wednesday, January 18, 2023)
RELEASE: Minnesota House Elections Committee passes two bills in second week of session - (Thursday, January 12, 2023)
Rep. Mike Freiberg to chair House Elections Committee - (Friday, November 18, 2022)
Legislative Update: Indigenous Representation, Reproductive Freedom Rally, Hometown Heroes - (Wednesday, July 20, 2022)
Legislative Update: Reproductive Freedom, Gun Violence Prevention, THC - (Friday, July 8, 2022)
RELEASE: Reps. Frazier and Freiberg statement on Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade - (Saturday, June 25, 2022)
Legislative Update: No Special Session - (Wednesday, June 22, 2022)
Legislative Update: MMIW Awareness, Climate, Public Safety - (Wednesday, May 11, 2022)
RELEASE: Reps. Freiberg and Frazier encourage residents to prepare to apply for Frontline Worker Bonus Pay - (Wednesday, May 4, 2022)
Legislative Update: Education, Housing, Health, and Everything Else - (Tuesday, May 3, 2022)
RELEASE: House approved legislation containing Rep. Freiberg’s proposal for a new state flag - (Tuesday, April 26, 2022)
Legislative Update: Omnibus Week - (Monday, April 25, 2022)
Legislative Update: Ban PFAS, Lock the Clock, Accessibility Issues - (Thursday, March 17, 2022)
Legislative Update: Ban Conversion Therapy, Protect Our Pets, Support Nurses, and more! - (Monday, March 7, 2022)
Conversion Therapy Ban passed out of Preventive Health Division - (Wednesday, March 2, 2022)
Legislative Update: Lead-Free Water, ERA, No-Knocks - (Thursday, February 17, 2022)
Legislative Update: Walz News, Town Hall, Climate - (Wednesday, January 26, 2022)
Legislative Update: Boosters, Interns, and Water - (Thursday, December 23, 2021)
Legislative Update - Daylight Saving Time, Boosters, and November's Town Hall - (Wednesday, November 10, 2021)
A call to end dangerous COVID-19 misinformation - (Friday, July 23, 2021)
Legislative Update - You’re Invited to Saturday’s District 45 Town Hall - (Thursday, July 8, 2021)
Legislative Update - The June Special Session - (Wednesday, June 30, 2021)
Legislative Update - Finalizing Our Budget - (Thursday, May 27, 2021)
Rep. Freiberg votes for bill to legalize cannabis for adult use, expunge records for non-violent cannabis offenses - (Thursday, May 13, 2021)
Legislative Update - The House Budget - (Friday, April 30, 2021)
Rep. Freiberg votes for Health and Human Services Budget Proposal - (Monday, April 26, 2021)
Legislative Update - Tomorrow's Virtual Town Hall - (Friday, April 9, 2021)
Legislative Update - Vaccine Eligibility Opens Up - (Tuesday, March 30, 2021)
Legislative Update - This Weekend's Virtual Town Hall - (Thursday, March 18, 2021)
Legislative Update - Minnesota's Vaccine Timeline - (Friday, February 26, 2021)
Minnesota House unanimously approves legislation authorizing Dentists to administer COVID-19 Vaccines - (Thursday, February 25, 2021)
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Legislation Advances Through House Preventive Health Policy Division - (Wednesday, February 24, 2021)
Legislation prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco advances through the House Preventive Health Policy Division - (Wednesday, February 17, 2021)
House Preventive Health Policy Division advances legislation requiring health plans to cover contraceptives, extending Medical Assistance for new mothers - (Wednesday, February 10, 2021)
Legislative Update - Tomorrow's Town Hall - (Friday, February 5, 2021)
House Preventive Health Policy Division holds hearing on childhood immunization - (Wednesday, February 3, 2021)
Legislative Update - January 29, 2021 - (Friday, January 29, 2021)
House Preventive Health Division holds hearing on the impacts of Climate Change on Public Health - (Wednesday, January 27, 2021)
Legislative Update - January 14, 2021 - (Thursday, January 14, 2021)
Legislative Update - December 23, 2020 - (Wednesday, December 23, 2020)
Legislative Update - December 9, 2020 - (Wednesday, December 9, 2020)
Rep. Freiberg to chair House Preventative Health Policy Division - (Tuesday, December 1, 2020)
Legislative Update - November 25, 2020 - (Wednesday, November 25, 2020)
Rep. Freiberg Supports Jobs & Local Projects and Critical Economic Development Legislation - (Thursday, October 15, 2020)
Legislative Update - July 1, 2020 - (Wednesday, July 1, 2020)
Minn. House Government Operations Committee to hold hearing on criminal justice and police accountability reforms - (Sunday, June 14, 2020)
Legislative Update - June 4, 2020 - (Thursday, June 4, 2020)
Legislative Update - May 29, 2020 - (Friday, May 29, 2020)
Legislative Update - April 20, 2020 - (Monday, April 20, 2020)
Minnesota House Government Operations Committee Holds Remote Hearing - (Wednesday, April 8, 2020)
Legislative Update - March 18, 2020 - (Wednesday, March 18, 2020)
Legislative Update - March 13, 2020 - (Friday, March 13, 2020)
Legislative Update - February 21, 2020 - (Friday, February 21, 2020)
Legislative Update - February 7, 2020 - (Friday, February 7, 2020)
Legislative Update - December 19, 2019 - (Thursday, December 19, 2019)
Legislative Update - October 2, 2019 - (Wednesday, October 2, 2019)
Legislative Update - June 5, 2019 - (Wednesday, June 5, 2019)
Legislative Update - May 16, 2019 - (Thursday, May 16, 2019)
Legislative Update - April 26, 2019 - (Friday, April 26, 2019)
Legislative Update - March 20, 2019 - (Wednesday, March 20, 2019)
Legislative Update - February 14, 2019 - (Thursday, February 14, 2019)
Legislative Update - January 25, 2019 - (Friday, January 25, 2019)
Equal Rights Amendments Pass the House Government Operations Committee - (Thursday, January 24, 2019)
State Rep. Freiberg to Chair the House Government Operations Committee - (Wednesday, November 21, 2018)
Legislative Update - July 20, 2018 - (Friday, July 20, 2018)
Local Bonding Projects Approved By Governor Dayton - (Thursday, May 31, 2018)
Legislative Update - May 15, 2018 - (Tuesday, May 15, 2018)
Dayton and Freiberg Fight for Emergency School Funding - (Thursday, May 3, 2018)
Legislative Update - April 27, 2018 - (Friday, April 27, 2018)
Legislative Update - April 11, 2018 - (Wednesday, April 11, 2018)
Legislative Update - March 8. 2018 - (Thursday, March 8, 2018)
Legislators to Host Town Hall Meeting March 27th - (Wednesday, February 28, 2018)
Freiberg seeks to eliminate big tobacco tax giveaways and help Minnesotans quit smoking - (Friday, February 9, 2018)
Town Hall Notice: Legislators to Host Town Hall Meetings February 17th & April 7th - (Thursday, February 1, 2018)
RELEASE: Rep. Freiberg and Pa. legislator agree to friendly bet on NFC title game - (Wednesday, January 17, 2018)
Legislative Update - November 9, 2017 - (Thursday, November 9, 2017)
Legislative Update - September 1, 2017 - (Friday, September 1, 2017)
Minnesota Lawmakers Joint Statement on Charlottesville - (Thursday, August 17, 2017)
Town Hall Invitation - (Friday, June 23, 2017)
Legislative Update - May 26th, 2017 - (Friday, May 26, 2017)
Freiberg House Resolution Calls for Independent Investigation into Trump-Russia Ties - (Monday, May 15, 2017)
Legislative and Measles Update – May 4th, 2017 - (Thursday, May 4, 2017)
Legislative Update - April 17th, 2017 - (Monday, April 17, 2017)
Legislative Update - March 31st, 2017 - (Friday, March 31, 2017)
Legislative Update - March 23rd, 2017 - (Thursday, March 23, 2017)
Legislative Update - March 3rd, 2017 - (Friday, March 3, 2017)
Legislative Update - February 16th, 2017 - (Thursday, February 16, 2017)
Legislative Update - February 3rd, 2017 - (Friday, February 3, 2017)
House Republicans Block National Popular Vote - (Thursday, January 26, 2017)
Legislative Update - January 24, 2017 - (Tuesday, January 24, 2017)
Freiberg Sworn in to Third Term Representing District 45B - (Tuesday, January 3, 2017)
Freiberg Selected to be Assistant House Minority Leader - (Wednesday, December 14, 2016)
Legislative Update - July 22, 2016 - (Friday, July 22, 2016)
RELEASE: Freiberg named “Legislator of Distinction” by League of Minnesota Cities - (Tuesday, June 28, 2016)
Rep. Mike Freiberg Introduces Legislation to Make MLB Baseball Tobacco-Free - (Monday, May 16, 2016)
Freiberg Bill to Help Disabled Veterans Advances - (Wednesday, March 30, 2016)
Legislative Update - May 16th, 2015 - (Saturday, May 16, 2015)
With $2 billion surplus, our kids should be top priority - (Saturday, April 25, 2015)
Rep. Freiberg statement on Governor Dayton’s State of the State address - (Thursday, April 9, 2015)
Rep. Freiberg Introduces a Bill Requiring Parents Who Opt Out of Vaccinations Meet with Doctor First - (Thursday, January 29, 2015)
Rep. Mike Freiberg - Legislative Report - March 28, 2014 - (Friday, March 28, 2014)
Rep. Mike Freiberg - Legislative Report - March 7, 2014 - (Friday, March 7, 2014)
Rep. Mike Freiberg _ E-Update - October 29, 2013 - (Tuesday, October 29, 2013)
Rep. Freiberg honored by League of Minnesota Cities - (Thursday, July 18, 2013)
Rep. Mike Freiberg - E-Update - January 29, 2013 - (Tuesday, January 29, 2013)
DFL lawmakers inrtoduce bill to protect Minnesota homeowners - (Friday, January 25, 2013)