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Results: Total: 261
Legislative Update from Rep. Joe McDonald - (Monday, March 24, 2025)
Legislative Update from Rep. Joe McDonald - (Monday, March 17, 2025)
McDonald: Action needed to avert looming state shortfall - (Wednesday, December 4, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 10, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 3, 2024)
McDonald: Labor bill hammers construction industry - (Thursday, May 2, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 19, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 12, 2024)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 28, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 22, 2024)
Legislative update - (Monday, March 11, 2024)
House passes bill to address issue compromising school safety - (Tuesday, March 5, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 1, 2024)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 23, 2024)
Minnesota Legislature starting 2024 session - (Thursday, February 8, 2024)
Rep. McDonald urges DFL support for school resources officer law fix - (Monday, September 11, 2023)
McDonald applauds nursing home funding increase - (Monday, August 21, 2023)
Rep. McDonald encourages families to save back-to-school receipts for tax benefits - (Thursday, August 10, 2023)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 25, 2023)
The 'good, bad, ugly' of the 2023 session - (Tuesday, May 23, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 12, 2023)
McDonald: Costly, expansive details in worker leave bill concerning - (Wednesday, May 3, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 28, 2023)
Rep. McDonald: House bill shorts long-term care - (Friday, April 28, 2023)
Rep. McDonald: House Democrat provision would deal major blow to charitable gaming - (Wednesday, April 19, 2023)
Push to send state budget soaring is concerning - (Friday, March 31, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 10, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 3, 2023)
McDonald: House Democrats pass unaffordable, unreliable, dangerous energy package - (Friday, January 27, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 27, 2023)
McDonald: House approves bill matching state tax code with fed - (Monday, January 9, 2023)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 6, 2023)
McDonald performs seventh House oath - (Tuesday, January 3, 2023)
McDonald continues role as top House Republican on labor - (Monday, December 5, 2022)
Rep. McDonald urges hearings, transparency from Walz/MDE on fraud scandal - (Tuesday, September 27, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, July 22, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 13, 2022)
Rep. McDonald applauds passage of bipartisan veterans bill - (Monday, May 9, 2022)
Bill to lift unemployment insurance tax increase enacted - (Monday, May 2, 2022)
Session’s biggest issues teed up for final stretch - (Friday, April 22, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 1, 2022)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 17, 2022)
House Democrat inaction causing tax increase amid historic surplus - (Tuesday, March 15, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 4, 2022)
Rep. McDonald: Skyrocketing surplus should mean real tax relief - (Monday, February 28, 2022)
Legislative update - (Thursday, February 24, 2022)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 4, 2022)
Rep. McDonald statement re: passing of South Haven fire and rescue member Allen Fischer - (Monday, January 31, 2022)
Rep. McDonald: 2022 legislative session starts in St. Paul - (Monday, January 31, 2022)
Happy Thanksgiving - (Tuesday, November 23, 2021)
Legislative update - (Monday, September 27, 2021)
Legislative update - (Thursday, July 1, 2021)
Legislature adjourns with special session in store to finish budget - (Thursday, May 20, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 23, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 16, 2021)
Legislative update - (Thursday, March 11, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 26, 2021)
Setting the record straight on Gov’s tax increases, vaccine rollout - (Wednesday, February 24, 2021)
Prayers for Buffalo - (Friday, February 12, 2021)
Joint letter to Gov. Walz re: vaccine administration at Wright County schools - (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Wright legislators write Walz to address vaccine concerns impacting local schools - (Tuesday, February 2, 2021)
Legislative update - (Friday, January 22, 2021)
McDonald performs sixth House oath - (Tuesday, January 5, 2021)
Rep. McDonald gains leadership post on House committee - (Tuesday, December 22, 2020)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, December 22, 2020)
Rep. McDonald pleased with business relief approval - (Tuesday, December 15, 2020)
Rep. McDonald: State’s economic outlook improves - (Wednesday, December 2, 2020)
McDonald urges Walz to improve 'tone and approach' toward businesses - (Tuesday, September 1, 2020)
Letter to Gov. Walz re: hospitality industry - (Monday, August 31, 2020)
Legislative update - (Monday, June 29, 2020)
Delano Lions Club food/supplies drive Saturday - (Tuesday, June 16, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 21, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, May 14, 2020)
Legislative update - (Monday, May 11, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, May 1, 2020)
Rep. McDonald statement re: stay-at-home extension - (Thursday, April 30, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, April 23, 2020)
Legislative news - (Thursday, April 16, 2020)
The latest regarding state's efforts on COVID-19 - (Thursday, April 16, 2020)
COVID-19 financial assistance for veterans now available - (Monday, April 13, 2020)
Legislative update - (Thursday, April 9, 2020)
House approves bill applying workers’ compensation to COVID-19 cases - (Tuesday, April 7, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 3, 2020)
Legislative update - (Friday, March 27, 2020)
Rep. McDonald: Package approved to combat COVID-19 - (Thursday, March 26, 2020)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, March 24, 2020)
Disaster assistance program available for small businesses - (Monday, March 23, 2020)
Report from the House - (Thursday, March 19, 2020)
Rep. McDonald keeps working for constituents amid COVID-19 outbreak - (Tuesday, March 17, 2020)
News from the Capitol - (Thursday, March 12, 2020)
Rep. McDonald: Time for tax relief - (Monday, March 9, 2020)
Legislative report - (Friday, February 28, 2020)
Report from the House - (Thursday, February 20, 2020)
House Democrats block proposal to replenish funding for farm loans - (Wednesday, February 19, 2020)
Rep. McDonald, House Republicans unveil “Safety in Our Cities” legislation - (Tuesday, February 18, 2020)
Legislative update as 2020 session begins - (Thursday, February 13, 2020)
Rep. McDonald calls for ‘prudent’ use of state’s excess tax collections - (Tuesday, February 11, 2020)
Previewing what 2020 session has in store - (Monday, February 3, 2020)
Rep. McDonald: Get a Real ID now and spare headaches later - (Thursday, January 9, 2020)
Statement from Rep. Joe McDonald re: State economic forecast - (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
Thanksgiving message and legislative update - (Tuesday, November 26, 2019)
Waverly, Montrose receiving state packages for water projects - (Thursday, October 24, 2019)
Schools receiving $30 million in safety funding - (Wednesday, October 9, 2019)
Rep. McDonald urges drivers to adapt to new hands-free cell phone law - (Wednesday, July 24, 2019)
Happy Independence Day and notes on new laws in effect - (Monday, July 1, 2019)
A closer look what shook out at the Capitol this year - (Tuesday, June 11, 2019)
Legislative report - (Tuesday, June 11, 2019)
Report from the House - (Thursday, May 9, 2019)
House Democrats vote for massive gas tax increase - (Tuesday, April 30, 2019)
News from the House - (Friday, April 26, 2019)
House Democrats’ bill would raise health care costs, cut nursing homes - (Thursday, April 25, 2019)
Our state is strong, does not need $12 billion in tax increases - (Tuesday, April 16, 2019)
Legislative update - (Tuesday, April 16, 2019)
News from the House - (Friday, April 5, 2019)
Helping farmers as tough business climate, stresses mount - (Thursday, March 14, 2019)
McDonald supports disaster relief funding bill - (Tuesday, March 12, 2019)
Helping farmers as tough business climate, stresses mount - (Tuesday, March 12, 2019)
Legislative report - (Friday, March 1, 2019)
Rep. McDonald disagrees with Gov’s proposal for 20-cent gas tax increase - (Wednesday, February 20, 2019)
Legislative update - (Thursday, February 14, 2019)
Child care funding fraud, paid leave recent talkers in St. Paul - (Friday, February 1, 2019)
The latest from St. Paul - (Friday, February 1, 2019)
Legislative report - (Thursday, January 24, 2019)
House Republicans urge Democrats to not restore tax on health care - (Friday, January 18, 2019)
News from the Minnesota House - (Friday, January 18, 2019)
McDonald takes fifth oath of office - (Tuesday, January 8, 2019)
Update from the House - (Thursday, December 20, 2018)
McDonald gains post on House’s local government panel - (Tuesday, December 18, 2018)
McDonald statement re: state revenue exceeding projections by $1.5 billion - (Thursday, December 6, 2018)
Health care costs set to decrease on individual market - (Tuesday, October 2, 2018)
McDonald: Save your back-to-school receipts to receive tax benefits - (Friday, August 24, 2018)
Report from the House - (Wednesday, July 18, 2018)
Lower health care costs projected for second straight year - (Friday, June 15, 2018)
2017-18 biennium filled with successes despite vetoes - (Thursday, June 7, 2018)
Minnesota House finishes business, adjourns 2018 session - (Monday, May 21, 2018)
Report from the House - (Monday, May 21, 2018)
Update from St. Paul - (Monday, May 14, 2018)
Capitol report - (Friday, May 4, 2018)
House passes bill to reduce taxes, simplify state code - (Monday, April 30, 2018)
Tigers in the House and more from St. Paul - (Friday, April 13, 2018)
This week's news from St. Paul - (Thursday, March 29, 2018)
Legislative report - (Friday, March 23, 2018)
Food shelf drive, St. Patrick's Day wishes and more - (Friday, March 16, 2018)
Rep. McDonald awarded for his work to assist fathers - (Wednesday, March 14, 2018)
Update from the House - (Friday, March 9, 2018)
Statement re: Canadian company building in Delano - (Wednesday, February 21, 2018)
2018 session is underway - (Tuesday, February 20, 2018)
Historic 2017 session breeds optimism for 2018 - (Wednesday, February 14, 2018)
Statement re: faltering MNLARS - (Monday, February 5, 2018)
Holiday message - (Tuesday, December 19, 2017)
A veterans message and more from the House - (Thursday, November 9, 2017)
Education info for the new school year - (Friday, September 8, 2017)
Legislative report - (Tuesday, August 1, 2017)
Independence Day message and info on new laws - (Thursday, June 29, 2017)
Legislature delivers tax relief, transportation funding - (Friday, May 26, 2017)
Update from the Capitol - (Saturday, May 20, 2017)
Update from the House - (Friday, May 12, 2017)
McDonald urges governor to seek common sense on buffers - (Thursday, May 11, 2017)
HOUSE APPROVES $1.15 BILLION IN TAX RELIEF - (Wednesday, May 10, 2017)
Rep. McDonald discusses House plan to fund roads and bridges - (Friday, April 21, 2017)
Rolling up the sleeves on budget bills - (Friday, April 21, 2017)
House makes more progress on budget bills - (Friday, April 7, 2017)
Update from St. Paul - (Friday, March 31, 2017)
House approves $1.35 billion in tax relief - (Thursday, March 30, 2017)
Statement from Rep. Joe McDonald re: racist graffiti in Delano - (Thursday, March 16, 2017)
Good luck, Tigers; a closer look at the state economic forecast - (Tuesday, March 7, 2017)
Update from the House - (Friday, February 24, 2017)
Minnesota House passes Real ID bill - (Thursday, February 23, 2017)
Update from the House - (Friday, February 3, 2017)
Calling for a responsible approach to state budget - (Friday, February 3, 2017)
Roundup from the House - (Friday, January 27, 2017)
Initial round of tax relief signed into law - (Friday, January 13, 2017)
House fast-tracks tax relief - (Friday, January 6, 2017)
Legislature convenes for 2017 - (Friday, January 6, 2017)
McDonald takes oath of office - (Tuesday, January 3, 2017)
McDonald receives House committee assignments - (Wednesday, December 21, 2016)
Capitol portraits should remain where architect placed them - (Monday, December 5, 2016)
McDonald awarded by small-business group - (Friday, September 23, 2016)
Urging state auditor to honor court's decision in suit vs. counties - (Wednesday, September 7, 2016)
Please contact governor, ask him to approve tax relief - (Monday, June 6, 2016)
Let's fund roads/bridges without gas-tax hike - (Friday, May 13, 2016)
McDonald: Time to prioritize roads and bridges - (Friday, April 22, 2016)
Legislative update - (Friday, April 15, 2016)
Legislative update ... the session has begun - (Monday, March 14, 2016)
McDonald urges support for House transportation plan - (Wednesday, February 24, 2016)
Preparing for the 2016 session - (Friday, February 5, 2016)
Faltering MNsure is a key issue for 2016 session - (Wednesday, February 3, 2016)
Christmas message & more from the McDonalds - (Tuesday, December 22, 2015)
Let's treat state budget surplus responsibly - (Friday, December 4, 2015)
Thanksgiving wishes, a legislative update and hunting info - (Wednesday, November 25, 2015)
Update on MNsure, EPA regs - (Friday, October 2, 2015)
Back-to-school letter from Rep. Joe McDonald - (Tuesday, September 8, 2015)
K-12 improvements and Labor Day - (Thursday, September 3, 2015)
Update of several issues - (Wednesday, August 19, 2015)
A look at what mixed legislative power produced in 2015 - (Thursday, June 18, 2015)
Father's Day wishes and recap from the Capitol - (Thursday, June 18, 2015)
Unfortunate veto of good, bipartisan K-12 bill - (Friday, May 22, 2015)
Gov's K-12 veto disappoints - (Friday, May 22, 2015)
Capitol is a construction zone - in more ways than one - (Thursday, May 14, 2015)
House passes transportation bill - (Friday, April 24, 2015)
Transportation news from the House - (Friday, April 24, 2015)
Update from the House - (Tuesday, April 14, 2015)
St. Patrick's Day update - (Tuesday, March 17, 2015)
Greetings and the latest from St. Paul - (Friday, February 27, 2015)
Update from the Capitol - (Monday, February 16, 2015)
REP. MCDONALD ADVANCES FITNESS BILL - (Thursday, February 12, 2015)
Tax relief and more from St. Paul - (Friday, January 23, 2015)
Back at work in St. Paul - (Wednesday, January 7, 2015)
Happy holidays as 2015 session nears - (Monday, December 22, 2014)
The latest from St. Paul - (Friday, December 5, 2014)
Happy Thanksgiving - (Wednesday, November 26, 2014)
Update hiatus - (Tuesday, July 15, 2014)
Boetcker deserves the credit - (Tuesday, July 8, 2014)
Let freedom ring! - (Tuesday, July 1, 2014)
Time to do more to preserve our great republic - (Monday, June 30, 2014)
Awake the giant - (Wednesday, June 25, 2014)
A look back at the 2014 session - (Monday, June 2, 2014)
The home stretch - (Friday, May 9, 2014)
Almost four months of work to pay for government is too much - (Friday, May 2, 2014)
Views from the Capitol - (Thursday, April 17, 2014)
Repealing tax increases and working to help care providers - (Wednesday, March 26, 2014)
Statement re: school lunch funding - (Tuesday, February 11, 2014)
You're invited: Town hall meeting Feb. 13 - (Friday, February 7, 2014)
Local legislators to host town hall meeting in Delano - (Tuesday, February 4, 2014)
Welcoming your input; caucus meetings this Tuesday - (Monday, February 3, 2014)
Citizens frustrated by MNsure’s failings - (Friday, January 17, 2014)
Holiday blessings as 2014 session approaches - (Monday, December 30, 2013)
A closer look at projected state surplus - (Wednesday, December 11, 2013)
Thanksgiving message - (Tuesday, November 26, 2013)
Congrats local athletes; gov't healthcare update - (Wednesday, November 20, 2013)
National accolades deserved, now let's do even better - (Wednesday, October 23, 2013)
Childcare, insurance issues developing - (Wednesday, September 25, 2013)
Storm relief sole item on special session agenda - (Friday, August 30, 2013)
Property tax update - (Friday, August 2, 2013)
Happy Fourth; tax increases in effect - (Monday, July 1, 2013)
Reflecting on 2013 session - (Thursday, June 13, 2013)
2013 survey results - (Thursday, May 23, 2013)
Tax increases were not necessary - (Thursday, May 23, 2013)
Bill to redefine marriage advancing - (Wednesday, May 8, 2013)
Looking for input - (Friday, May 3, 2013)
2013 Legislative survey - (Tuesday, April 30, 2013)
House majority proposes billions in tax increases - (Monday, April 29, 2013)
Budget plans misguided - (Monday, April 22, 2013)
We prevail and grow stronger - (Friday, April 12, 2013)
Easter/Passover blessings - (Wednesday, March 27, 2013)
Gov. abandons some tax increases - (Friday, March 22, 2013)
Another positive economic forecast for MN - (Monday, March 4, 2013)
Tribute to my dad; healthcare; public employee contracts - (Monday, February 18, 2013)
Protecting Second Amendment; State of the State - (Friday, February 8, 2013)
Committee work picking up at Capitol - (Friday, February 1, 2013)
Gov. reveals raft of tax increases - (Wednesday, January 23, 2013)
2013 session is underway - (Thursday, January 17, 2013)
New legislative session underway - (Thursday, January 17, 2013)
New budget forecast issued - (Friday, December 7, 2012)