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Results: Total: 189
March 2025 Legislative Updates - (Friday, March 28, 2025)
RELEASE: Chair Robbins, House Fraud & Oversight Committee, Launch for Whistleblowers to Report Fraud in State Agencies and Programs - (Monday, March 24, 2025)
RELEASE: House Passes Robbins’ Bill to Strengthen Whistleblower Protections for State Employees - (Monday, March 10, 2025)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Receives 2024 Champion of Small Cities Award - (Friday, March 7, 2025)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins: Democrats Must Own the $6 Billion Deficit - (Thursday, March 6, 2025)
RELEASE: House Democrats Continue to Vote Against Protecting Whistleblowers - (Wednesday, March 5, 2025)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins, House Republicans, Defend Girls’ Sports - (Monday, March 3, 2025)
February 2025 Legislative Updates - (Friday, February 28, 2025)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins’ Bill Calls for Accountability on Light Rail Spending - (Monday, February 24, 2025)
RELEASE: House Fraud & Agency Oversight Committee Holds First Hearing on State Grant Oversight - (Monday, February 10, 2025)
RELEASE: Sen. Warren Limmer & Rep. Kristin Robbins Honor Marvin Johnson for Decades of Service as Mayor of Independence - (Thursday, January 30, 2025)
RELEASE: Fraud Prevention Committee Could Be a Game-Changer for Minnesota Taxpayers - (Monday, January 27, 2025)
January 2025 Legislative Updates - (Friday, January 24, 2025)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Joins Colleagues to Outline Fraud Prevention Agenda - (Wednesday, January 22, 2025)
Chairs Kristin Robbins and Jeff Backer Respond to DHS Commissioner Resignation - (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)
Representative Kristin Robbins Takes Oath of Office, Ready to Serve District 37A - (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)
March 2024 Updates - (Friday, March 1, 2024)
RELEASE: Robbins Statement on Continued Looming Budget Deficit - (Friday, March 1, 2024)
February 2024 Updates - (Wednesday, February 28, 2024)
December 2023 Updates - (Sunday, December 31, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Statement on Budget Forecast Showing Looming Deficit - (Thursday, December 7, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Statement on Hennepin County Attorney’s Office Refusal to Prosecute Assault on Maple Grove Police Officer - (Wednesday, December 6, 2023)
November 2023 Updates - (Thursday, November 30, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on Report Finding Lack of Oversight in MN Senior Nutrition Program - (Wednesday, November 15, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Holds Conversations on Social Media's Impact on Youth - (Thursday, October 19, 2023)
PHOTO RELEASE: Rep. Robbins, House and Senate Republicans Call for SRO Action - (Thursday, October 12, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Urges Governor, MMB Commissioner to Halt Remodel of State Office Building - (Monday, October 9, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Encourages the Public to Submit Designs for New State Flag - (Wednesday, October 4, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Encourages Local Employers to Attend Earned Sick and Safe Time Round Table with DoLI - (Thursday, September 28, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on SRO Removal from Maple Grove Schools - (Monday, September 18, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Encourages High School Juniors to Apply for MN House Page Program - (Thursday, September 14, 2023)
August 2023 Updates - (Thursday, August 31, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Calls for Special Session to Resolve Student Resource Officer Law - (Wednesday, August 30, 2023)
PHOTO RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Applauds Highway 610 Groundbreaking - (Wednesday, August 23, 2023)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Applauds Nursing Home Funding Increase - (Tuesday, August 15, 2023)
July 2023 Updates - (Monday, July 31, 2023)
June 2023 Updates - (Friday, June 30, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Receives 100% Voting Record for Supporting Small Businesses - (Tuesday, June 20, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Bill Strengthening Domestic Violence Sentencing Becomes Law - (Wednesday, June 14, 2023)
May 2023 Updates - (Wednesday, May 31, 2023)
RELEASE: House Approves Bonding Package - (Tuesday, May 23, 2023)
RELEASE; Rep. Robbins: Tax Increases Should Be Off the Table - (Thursday, May 18, 2023)
April 2023 Updates - (Sunday, April 30, 2023)
March 2023 Updates - (Friday, March 31, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins Introduces SOTA Kids Act - (Friday, March 3, 2023)
RELEASE: Robbins on House and Senate GOP $13 Billion “Give it Back” Tax Plan - (Tuesday, February 28, 2023)
February 2023 Updates - (Tuesday, February 28, 2023)
PHOTO RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Receives Legislator of the Year Award from Minnesota Grocers Association - (Wednesday, February 1, 2023)
January 2023 Updates - (Tuesday, January 31, 2023)
RELEASE: Kristin Robbins Sworn-In to Third Term as State Representative - (Tuesday, January 3, 2023)
December 2022 Updates - (Saturday, December 31, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Statement on State Office Building Renovations - (Thursday, December 22, 2022)
Rep. Robbins on Record Budget Surplus - (Tuesday, December 6, 2022)
Rep. Kristin Robbins Named Assistant Minority Leader - (Wednesday, November 30, 2022)
November 2022 Update - (Wednesday, November 30, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Encourages Students to Apply for House Page, Internship Programs - (Thursday, September 29, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins urges hearings, transparency from Walz/MDE on fraud - (Tuesday, September 27, 2022)
July 2022 Updates - (Friday, July 22, 2022)
RELEASE: Representative Kristin Robbins Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award - (Tuesday, July 19, 2022)
June 2022 Updates - (Thursday, June 30, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Urges Residents to Apply for Frontline Worker Bonus Pay - (Wednesday, June 8, 2022)
May 2022 Updates - (Tuesday, May 31, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Named Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development Fellow - (Wednesday, May 25, 2022)
April 2022 Updates - (Friday, April 29, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Bill to Prohibit Fees for Online Court Documents Included in Omnibus Bills - (Monday, April 4, 2022)
March 2022 Updates - (Thursday, March 31, 2022)
Update on Bill to Ban Social Media Algorithms for Kids + More from St. Paul - (Friday, March 25, 2022)
RELEASE: House Democrat Inaction Causing Tax Increase Amid Historic Surplus - (Tuesday, March 15, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Coauthors Bill To Divest From Russian Companies - (Thursday, March 10, 2022)
February 2022 Updates - (Monday, February 28, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Calls for Permanent, Meaningful Tax Relief with Record-Setting Surplus - (Monday, February 28, 2022)
RELEASE: Civility Caucus Kicks Off First Event of Session with Our State, Our Future Conference - (Thursday, February 17, 2022)
Session Kicks Off - (Friday, February 4, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Introduces Bill to Prohibit Fees for Online Court Documents - (Thursday, February 3, 2022)
January 2022 Updates - (Monday, January 31, 2022)
RELEASE: Robbins Calls on Hutchinson to Resign, Ellison to Review Handling of Case - (Thursday, January 20, 2022)
December 2021 Updates - (Friday, December 31, 2021)
November 2021 Updates - (Tuesday, November 30, 2021)
RELEASE: Haley and Robbins Urge Vaccine Mandate Exemption for Truck Drivers - (Thursday, November 4, 2021)
October 2021 Updates - (Sunday, October 31, 2021)
RELEASE: Robbins Urges High School Juniors to Apply for House Page Program - (Friday, October 8, 2021)
September 2021 Update - (Thursday, September 30, 2021)
RELEASE: Five Judge Redistricting Panel Embarking on Statewide Tour - (Monday, September 27, 2021)
RELEASE: Applications Open for Minnesota Main Street COVID Relief Grants - (Friday, September 3, 2021)
RELEASE: September Marks “Drive the Great River Road Month” - (Wednesday, September 1, 2021)
RELEASE: New Tax Law Changes May Impact 2017 Tax Returns, Robbins Urges Review - (Thursday, August 12, 2021)
RELEASE: Businesses Encouraged to Apply for Governor’s Trade Mission to United Kingdom, Finland - (Wednesday, August 11, 2021)
RELEASE: Robbins Appointed to Task Force on Human Services Background Study Eligibility - (Wednesday, August 4, 2021)
July 2021 Updates - (Saturday, July 31, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Encourages Businesses to Attend IFAT Conference - (Tuesday, July 27, 2021)
RELEASE: Hometown Heroes Assistance Program Passes Legislature - (Wednesday, July 21, 2021)
June 2021 Updates - (Wednesday, June 30, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Congratulates Rogers High School on Hennepin Theater Trust Honors for Virtual Musical Mash-up - (Tuesday, June 15, 2021)
May 2021 Updates - (Monday, May 31, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Calls on Walz to Set Clear End-Date for Emergency Powers - (Tuesday, May 4, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Urges Restaurants, Bars to Apply for Restaurant Revitalization Fund - (Monday, May 3, 2021)
April 2021 Updates - (Friday, April 30, 2021)
RELEASE: Robbins Applauds Lift of Outdoor Youth Sports Mask Mandate - (Thursday, April 22, 2021)
RELEASE: Robbins Calls on Walz to Follow MSHSL, Lift Outdoor Youth Sports Mask Mandate - (Thursday, April 15, 2021)
March 2021 Updates - (Wednesday, March 31, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Applauds Updated LTC Visitation Guidance - (Wednesday, March 17, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Applauds Recission of Work from Home Order - (Friday, March 12, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Leads Bipartisan Effort to Waive MSHL Transfer Rule - (Monday, March 8, 2021)
February 2021 Updates - (Sunday, February 28, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on $1.6 Billion Budget Surplus - (Friday, February 26, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Applauds Minnesota Great River Road Receiving All-American Road Designation - (Tuesday, February 23, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Appointed to Mississippi River Parkway Commission - (Monday, February 1, 2021)
January 2021 Updates - (Sunday, January 31, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Appointed to Legislative Commission on Metropolitan Government - (Friday, January 29, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Statement on Gov. Walz's Budget Proposal - (Tuesday, January 26, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Introduces Bill to Expand Education Tax Credits - (Thursday, January 21, 2021)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Letter to Gov. Walz Urges End to Youth Sports Mask Mandate - (Friday, January 8, 2021)
RELEASE: State Representative Kristin Robbins Sworn-in for Second Term - (Tuesday, January 5, 2021)
November - December Updates - (Tuesday, December 1, 2020)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins statement on Main Street Relief Act - (Tuesday, November 24, 2020)
RELEASE: Robbins statement on new limits on bars and restaurants - (Tuesday, November 10, 2020)
RELEASE: House approves bill to fund bonding projects, fix tax problem - (Thursday, October 15, 2020)
RELEASE: Robbins Applauds Federal Extension of Free Meal Programs for Students - (Wednesday, September 2, 2020)
RELEASE: Letter to Governor Walz asking to trust school districts - (Tuesday, July 14, 2020)
RELEASE: Robbins applauds day services reopening for all people with disabilities - (Monday, July 13, 2020)
July 2020 Updates - (Wednesday, July 1, 2020)
June 2020 Updates - (Tuesday, June 30, 2020)
RELEASE: Small Business Grant Program Accepting Applications June 23 - (Friday, June 19, 2020)
RELEASE: Bipartisan Small Business Bill Passes House - (Friday, June 12, 2020)
May 2020 Updates - (Sunday, May 31, 2020)
RELEASE: Statement from Rep. Robbins on Gov. Walz reopening guidance - (Wednesday, May 20, 2020)
RELEASE: Statement from Rep. Robbins on Walz announcement - (Thursday, May 14, 2020)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on Budget Update - (Tuesday, May 5, 2020)
April 2020 Updates - (Thursday, April 30, 2020)
March 2020 Updates - (Tuesday, March 31, 2020)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins: Time for Tax Relief - (Monday, March 9, 2020)
Update from the Capitol - (Friday, March 6, 2020)
Survey, Late Nights on Floor & Coronavirus Preparation - (Friday, February 28, 2020)
Busy first two weeks! - (Friday, February 21, 2020)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins, House Republicans Unveil “Safety in Our Cities” Legislation - (Tuesday, February 18, 2020)
Legislative Update - (Wednesday, January 15, 2020)
December Update - (Tuesday, December 17, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on November budget forecast - (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on DHS House Hearing - (Tuesday, December 3, 2019)
DHS & Legislative Reform, Trade Meetings and more! - (Friday, November 15, 2019)
COLUMN: DHS overpayments to tribes cannot fall on taxpayers - (Friday, November 8, 2019)
Fall is in Full Swing! - (Tuesday, October 29, 2019)
Mini-Session in Review - (Wednesday, October 9, 2019)
MnDOT & Workforce Development Meetings; High School Page Deadline - (Monday, September 30, 2019)
RELEASE: Representative Robbins Hosts State Employment and Economic Development Commissioner’s Visit to Rogers - (Friday, September 27, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Kristin Robbins Hosts Community Meeting, Updating Public on Forthcoming I-94 Project - (Thursday, September 26, 2019)
I-94 MnDOT Meeting Next Thursday - (Friday, September 20, 2019)
ADVISORY: Rep. Robbins hosts MnDOT Officials for I-94 Construction Project Overview - (Wednesday, September 18, 2019)
Health & Human Services Hearing & Bonding Tour Stops By - (Friday, September 13, 2019)
Back-to-School & Sept MnDOT Meeting - (Thursday, August 29, 2019)
Senate DHS Hearing and Visit to Camp Ripley - (Friday, August 16, 2019)
National Night Out and Hands-Free In Effect! - (Thursday, August 1, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep Robbins joins House Colleagues Calling for DHS hearings at upcoming Mini-Session - (Wednesday, July 31, 2019)
LETTER: Minnesotans deserve transparency & effectiveness - (Tuesday, July 23, 2019)
Chaos at DHS and Hands-Free Driving Law - (Wednesday, July 17, 2019)
Town Hall Recap & Habitat for Humanity - (Thursday, June 27, 2019)
Town Hall on Tuesday - (Thursday, June 20, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins to hold two Town Halls in June - (Wednesday, June 19, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Receives Housing Leadership Award - (Wednesday, June 12, 2019)
End of Session Recap - (Thursday, May 30, 2019)
Special Session - (Saturday, May 25, 2019)
Final Week of Session - (Friday, May 17, 2019)
Budget Negotiations Continue - (Friday, May 10, 2019)
House Budgets Pass, Negotiations with Senate Begin - (Friday, May 3, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins on House Democrats voting for massive gas tax increase - (Monday, April 29, 2019)
Omnibus Bill Week - (Friday, April 26, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins on House Democrats voting to raise health care costs, cut nursing homes - (Friday, April 26, 2019)
Update: Where we are at the Legislative Break - (Monday, April 15, 2019)
Banning Pelvic Exams without Consent - (Friday, April 5, 2019)
RELEASE: Despite Objections, Two Sex Offenders to be Released into Dayton - (Thursday, April 4, 2019)
RELEASE: Legislation to Ban Pelvic Exams without Consent Introduced - (Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
Combating Fraud in our Public Programs - (Friday, March 29, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Coauthors Package of Proposals to Combat Fraud in Public Programs - (Monday, March 25, 2019)
Busy Week at the Capitol - (Friday, March 22, 2019)
Deadline Week at the House - (Friday, March 15, 2019)
Getting Things Done & A Recipe - (Friday, March 8, 2019)
February Forecast & Almanac Appearance - (Friday, March 1, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins coauthors bipartisan legislation addressing ‘crisis’ in civics knowledge - (Tuesday, February 26, 2019)
Gov. Walz Budget: The Price is Wrong - (Friday, February 22, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins Statement on Governor Walz's budget being a recipe for One Expensive Minnesota - (Wednesday, February 20, 2019)
MNLARS Update & Audit - (Friday, February 15, 2019)
Housing Report & Bills Moving - (Friday, February 8, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Robbins: New Housing Report Shows Affordability is Major Statewide Problem - (Tuesday, February 5, 2019)
First Bill Introduced & Town Hall Recap - (Friday, February 1, 2019)
March for Life & Town Hall Tomorrow - (Friday, January 25, 2019)
RELEASE: Letter to Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer - (Thursday, January 24, 2019)
Town Hall Next Weekend - (Friday, January 18, 2019)
First Week of Session - (Monday, January 14, 2019)
RELEASE: Robbins Sworn-in as State Representative for First Term - (Tuesday, January 8, 2019)