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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Education Finance

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Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Friday, April 27, 2012.

Ways and Means

It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 24.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
***Bills may not be heard in the order they are listed on the agenda.
Bills Added:
SF201 (Garofalo) - Careless driving resulting in death provided to be a gross misdemeanor.
SF1653 (Sanders) - Independent contractor employee classification clarified, and contractor registration pilot project provided.
HF2172 (McElfatrick) - Construction code fund transfer to the general fund eliminated, and surcharges modified.

Ways and Means

It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 3:00 P.M. on Monday, April 23.

The general practice and past precedent of the Ways and Means Committee is that public testimony is not taken. Limited testimony may be considered at the discretion of the Chair.
Bills Added:
SF1856 (Kriesel) - Lawful gambling net profits contribution to 501(c)(19) organizations allowed by licensed organizations.
HF1485 (Lanning) - New National Football League stadium provided for in Minnesota; Minnesota Stadium Authority established; and Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue use, electronic pull-tab games, electronic linked bingo games, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; conditional imposition of taxes and revenue collection provided for; lawful gambling tax rates modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, April 23, 2012.
Senate Concurrent Resolution 11; A Senate concurrent resolution relating to the delivery of bills to the Governor after final adjournment.

Ways and Means

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SF1597 (Dettmer) Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 4 p.m.. on Thursday, April 19.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
***If the agenda is not completed prior to session, the Committee will reconvene after Session at the Call of the Chair.

***Bills may not be heard in the order they are listed on the agenda.

***HF1752, HF2860, and HF2967 will be heard after legislative session at the call of the chair. The Committee will reconsider the Rep. Bruce Anderson amendment to HF 2685.
Bills Added:
HF418 (Downey) - Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; benchmarking study required on centralizing accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions in the Department of Administration; and report on improvement initiatives required.
HF867 (Anderson) - Driving instruction permit provisions modified and clarified.
HF1954 (Downey) - Counties and cities required to report additional budgetary information.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.
HF2860 (Cornish) - Fire safety account regulated, and money appropriated for fire safety services.
HF2967 (Holberg) - Equalizing factors and threshold rates updated to reflect the changed adjusted net tax capacity tax base, education and human services appropriations updated for changes reflected in the February forecast, veterans job-training program provided for, supplemental budget appropriations provided, disposition of fees modified, newborn screening provisions modified, Housing Finance Agency provisions modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1752 (Howes) - Omnibus bonding bill - 2012.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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SF1694; Waiver of deadline
Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, April 19, 2012
*Change on agenda is a switch from the House File to the Senate File.

Ways and Means

It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
***Bills may not be heard in the order they are listed on the agenda.
***If the agenda is not completed prior to session, the Committee will reconvene after Session at the Call of the Chair.
Bills Added:
HF462 (Norton) - Nurse Licensure Compact, appointments provided, and money appropriated.
HF1918 (Dean) - State health care programs restructuring and reform plan in the event of federal changes to the Medicaid program required to be submitted by the commissioner of human services to the legislature.
HF2136 (Sanders) - Motor vehicle damage disclosure modified.
HF2169 (Beard) - State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.
HF2269 (Lanning) - Help America Vote Act funds determined and money appropriated.
HF2458 (Torkelson) - Advisory inspection process created.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.
HF2967 (Holberg) - Equalizing factors and threshold rates updated to reflect the changed adjusted net tax capacity tax base, education and human services appropriations updated for changes reflected in the February forecast, veterans job-training program provided for, supplemental budget appropriations provided, disposition of fees modified, newborn screening provisions modified, Housing Finance Agency provisions modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF867 (Anderson) - Driving instruction permit provisions modified and clarified.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.
HF1821 (Dettmer) - Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Tuesday, April 17, 2012.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Calendar of the Day for Monday, April 16, 2012
Resolution on Facilities (R-5)
Resolution on Parking (R-6)
Journal Resolution (R-7)

Ways and Means

If the agenda is not completed prior to session, the committee will reconvene after session at the call of the chair.
It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 15.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
***The order of bills on the agenda is subject to change. Bills may not be heard in the order they are listed.
Bills Added:
HF322 (Scott) - Parenting time presumption increased.
HF1476 (Scott) - Prevailing wage provisions added to and modified, and money appropriated.
HF1721 (Gunther) - Redevelopment demolition loans authorized, semiannual report eliminated, small business advocate office established in the Business Assistance Center, and Albert Lea granted the authority to establish an industrial sewer charge rebate program.
HF2340 (Holberg) - Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
HF2786 (Swedzinski) - Qualifying cities exempted from 2011 aid penalties.
SF2324 (Sanders) - Electrical licenses modified.
SF248 (Hamilton) - New radiation therapy facility construction criteria established, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.

Education Finance

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Integration Revenue Replacement Advisory Task Force Report
Presentation by Mr. Scott Thomas and Mr. Peter Swanson, Co-Chairs
Invited Testimony Only

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2810 (Lanning) - Vikings stadium; National Football League Stadium in Minnesota provided for; Minnesota Stadium Authority established; Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue use provided for; electronic pull-tab, electronic linked bingo, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; conditional imposition of taxes and collection of other revenues provided for; tax rates on lawful gambling modified; state appropriation bonds issued; and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF1774 (Kriesel) - Fireworks personal use authorized.

Ways and Means

SF1678/HF2059 (Woodard) Public defenders provisions modifications; financial responsibilities outline for children in need of protection services (CHIPS) cases.
It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 4 p.m. on April 4.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
***The order of bills on the agenda is subject to change.
Bills Added:
HF322 (Scott) - Parenting time presumption increased.
HF2199 (Lanning) - Omnibus pension bill.
HF1607 (Woodard) - State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials, and Capitol complex security committee established.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Waiver of deadline -- HF2810 (Lanning) Vikings stadium; National Football League Stadium in Minnesota provided for; Minnesota Stadium Authority established; Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue use provided for; electronic pull-tab, electronic linked bingo, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for, conditional imposition of taxes and collection of other revenues provided for,tax rates on lawful gambling modified, state appropriation bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Waiver of deadline -- HF1485 (Kriesel) Lawful gambling tax rates modified; linked bingo, electronic pull-tabs, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; and money appropriated.

Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, April 5, 2012

Government Operations and Elections

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The committee will consider Governor Dayton's appointments to the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

University of Minnesota Board of Regents: candidate Interviews
Election of nominee to forward to Joint Convention

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

Working group for HF2749/SF2342
Bills Added:
HF2749 (Abeler) - Auto insurance claims practices regulated.
HF1485 (Kriesel) Lawful gambling tax rates modified; linked bingo and electronic pull-tabs provided for; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; and money appropriated (Pending motion to re-refer)
Bills Added:
HF2810 (Lanning) - Vikings stadium; National Football League Stadium in Minnesota provided for; Minnesota Stadium Authority established; Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue use provided for; electronic pull-tab, electronic linked bingo, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; conditional imposition of taxes and collection of other revenues provided for; tax rates on lawful gambling modified; state appropriation bonds issued; and money appropriated.
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