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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Ways and Means

HF2738 (Kiffmeyer) Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF2083 (Garofalo) School district aid payment shift modified.
The bills on the agenda have been heard in other policy and/or finance committees with opportunities for public testimony. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken.
Amendments for HF2738, HF2244, HF2087 and HF673 should be submitted to by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 12.
Amendments for HF2083 should be submitted to by 12 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13.

Links to tracking sheets for HF 2083:
Bills Added:
HF2087 (LeMieur) - State Building Code and apprenticeship training changes made.
HF2244 (O'Driscoll) - Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.

Legacy Funding Division

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HFXXXX (Urdahl) Appropriating money for television programming commemorating the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War and the Dakota Conflict
Bills Added:
HF2546 (Buesgens) - State Capitol restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2637 (Buesgens) - State Capitol building renovation, restoration, and repair money appropriated.
HF2653 (Urdahl) - American Civil War and the Dakota Conflict sesquicentennial commemoration activities money appropriated.
HF2767 (Urdahl) - Film production incentive program created and money appropriated.
HF2768 (Urdahl) - Historical society activities and grants money appropriated.
HF2832 (Urdahl) - Television programming commemorating the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War and the Dakota Conflict money appropriated to the Minnesota Public Television Association.


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State Government Finance

HF2157 (Persell) Bemidji; veterans facility establishment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2601 (Hancock) Bemidji; Northern Minnesota Veterans Home funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
NOTE: HF2601 and HF2157 will be heard first on agenda. These bills will be heard the day prior in House Veterans Division and then sent back to State Govt. Finance Committee for hearing today.
Additional bills may be added.
HF2327 (Benson) Election administration procedures for individuals who have been convicted of a felony modified.
Bills Added:
HF1977 (Drazkowski) - Executive branch employee representative negotiations authorized to avoid layoffs.
HF1813 (Benson) - Eligible contractor list required to be made available under a master contract program.
HF2655 (Davids) - Film investment tax income credit provided.
HF2194 (Gauthier) - Spirit Mountain Recreation Authority water facility construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
See Committee Documents for the Delete-All Amendment
Bills Added:
HF2337 (Davids) - Omnibus tax bill.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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If you would like to testify, please contact Brian Theis or Ryan Blodgett.
Bills Added:
HF2531 (Shimanski) - Parenting plan mediation development required.
HF2680 (Shimanski) - Jury selection limitation removed on voter list data received by courts.
HF358 (Barrett) - Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, and immigration-related data use provided.
HF876 (Smith) - Court hearing opening modified in delinquency or extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings.
HF2623 (Smith) - Juvenile delinquency case period for continuance without adjudication extended.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2706 (Kriesel) - Automobile theft and financial crime prevention grant awards expanded and funds transferred.
HF2585 (Kriesel) - Statewide Radio Board authority expanded and updated to include the latest emergency communication technologies, Statewide Radio Board authorized to elect to become a statewide emergency communication board, tribal governments included in regional radio board structure, and comprehensive authority provided under board to address all emergency communications.
HF2723 (Woodard) - Criminal records expungement for individuals who have received stays of adjudication or diversion authorized, expungements without petitions authorized in cases where charges were dismissed against a person upon prosecutorial approval and with victim notification, persons petitioning for expungement required to provide a copy of the criminal complaint or police report, and opening of expunged records without a court hearing authorized in limited circumstances.
HF2744 (Cornish) - Predatory offender community notification law clarified by adding cross-references.

Veterans Services Division

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Additional bills may be added
NOTE: HF2601 and HF2157 will be heard jointly and will be also heard first on the agenda.
Presentations by Minnesota State Colleges and Univiersities (MNSCU) Re-entry programs for Veterans
Bills Added:
HF2601 (Hancock) - Bemidji; Northern Minnesota Veterans Home funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2157 (Persell) - Bemidji; veterans facility establishment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1982 (McElfatrick) - Veteran education program established, and money appropriated.
HF2640 (Dettmer) - Pay differential law amended as it applies to school district employees who are members of the National Guard or any other reserve unit.


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Data Practices Subcommittee

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*Order of bills is subject to change.
Bills Added:
HF2044 (Petersen) - Natural resources department electronic licensing classifications repealed.
HF1784 (Anzelc) - Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board regulated, and classification of loan or equity investment application data modified.
HF2701 (Holberg) - Expedited data requests provided, subcontract filing with government entity required, and other miscellaneous changes made.
HF2668 (Holberg) - Fiscal note unofficial data classified.
HF2647 (Myhra) - Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
HF2009 (Abeler) - Human services legal provisions changed; human services licensing, licensing data, and the Office of Inspector General related provisions modified; Human Services Background Studies Act amended; municipal license provisions modified; program integrity monitoring provided for; data sharing required; eligibility determinations required; and report required.

Transportation Policy and Finance

HF2685 will be the vehicle for an omnibus transportation policy bill. A proposed delete-all amendment will be posted to the committee web page by 5 p.m. Saturday, March 10. Monday's committee will include a walk-through of the delete-all and testimony. Amendments will be considered and a vote will be taken on the bill at the Wednesday, March 14 hearing.
Bills Added:
HF1670 (Hoppe) - Pupil transportation; federal substance testing allowed to fulfill testing requirements for type III vehicle drivers.
HF2032 (Myhra) - Retail sale definition modified, and motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue use clarified.
HF2328 (Beard) - Air flight property tax levies, aircraft fuel taxes, and aircraft registration taxes and filing fees provisions modified.
HF2232 (Drazkowski) - Department of Human Services data sharing required, public assistance fraud investigation required, and eligibility determinations required.
HF2378 (Vogel) - Design-build projects approved under pilot program completion authorized.
HF1333 (Nelson) - Construction manager contracting authority and related regulations provided for, and legislative report on contracting required.
HF1901 (McFarlane) - Scrap vehicle purchasing regulation amended.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.

Civil Law

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*The order in which the bills may be heard is subject to change.
**Bills that are not heard on March 12 will be added to the March 14 agenda.
***HF 2555 has been added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2308 (Kieffer) - Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
HF1819 (Dettmer) - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon civil immunity provided, and business discrimination provision modified.
HF2476 (Holberg) - Child support 20-year survival judgements provisions eliminated.
HF2009 (Abeler) - Human services legal provisions changed; human services licensing, licensing data, and the Office of Inspector General related provisions modified; Human Services Background Studies Act amended; municipal license provisions modified; program integrity monitoring provided for; data sharing required; eligibility determinations required; and report required.
HF1994 (Gottwalt) - Health and human services policy provisions changed; provisions modified relating to continuing care, telephone equipment program, chemical and mental health, and health care; comprehensive assessment and case management services reformed; and technical changes made.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.
HF1865 (Mack) - Minnesota Ski Safety Act adopted.
HF2160 (Cornish) - Fingerprints permitted to be taken by law enforcement for any offender interacting with the criminal justice system for any offense to eliminate a suspense record.
HF2527 (Mazorol) - Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law enacted.
HF2505 (Mullery) - Post office box number designation permitted in the annual report of the conservator.
HF2398 (Anderson) - Omnibus agriculture bill.

Government Operations and Elections

HF1993 (Barrett) Advisory council provisions modified
Bills Added:
HF2368 (Runbeck) - Voter approval required for lease financings.
HF2589 (Peppin) - Hennepin County; watershed districts required to get municipal approval before acquiring property in the municipality.
HF1517 (Atkins) - Fire Service Memorial pipe band designated as the official Fire Service Memorial pipe band of Minnesota.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2738 (Kiffmeyer) - Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

HF 2164 (McNamara) Omnibus environment bill.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2587 (Garofalo) - Health professional education loan forgiveness program requirements amended.
HF2529 (Lohmer) - Living skills training program funding provided for persons with intractable epilepsy, and money appropriated.
HF2276 (Kiffmeyer) - Advanced diagnostic imaging services operator accreditation required.
HF2571 (Norton) - Dental services for the disabled expanded.
HF2094 (Norton) - Volunteer dental services coverage provided for and regulated.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Presentation of bonding requests from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Bills Added:
HF2485 (Howes) - Housing funding provided, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency authorized to issue housing infrastructure bonds, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2606 (Hausman) - St. Paul; University Enterprise Laboratories building expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2567 (LeMieur) - Todd County senior citizens center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Informational presentation on the expiration of dates in Minn. Stat. 239.791, concerning ethanol.
Bills Added:
HF539 (Anderson) - Agricultural pursuit clarified as not being determinative for property tax classification, and agricultural operation defined.
HF2564 (Shimanski) - Agritourism activity immunity from civil liability created.

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
HF2293 (Davnie) - School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
HF2621 (Kelly) - Special or independent school districts made subject to mayoral control.
HF2580 (Loon) - Parents empowered to request school district intervention in a "Priority" school.

Education Finance

Bills Added:
HF2083 (Garofalo) - Omnibus K-12 bill.
HF2419 (Garofalo) - 90 percent aid payments required for charter schools in their first three years.
HF2506 (Loon) - School district reserved staff development revenue allocation requirement stricken.
HF2604 (Quam) - Permissible fund transfer expanded.
SF946 (Erickson) - School district pilot project established to examine joint operations to provide innovative delivery of programs and activities and share resources.


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