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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF984 (Hackbarth) - Game and fish; aquaculture provisions modified; compensation and assistance provisions for crop damage by elk modified; fish and wildlife management plan requirements modified; taking, possessing, and transporting wild animal provisions modified; acquisition procedures modified; penalty and license provisions modified; Board of Water and Soil Resources duties modified; and landowner liability for state walk-in access program limited.


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Ways and Means

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HF440 Omnibus judiciary finance bill
HF853 Omnibus public safety finance bill


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Tom Gillaspy, Census Demographics

Ways and Means

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HF1049 Omnibus jobs and economic development bill
HF1039 Omnibus agriculture bill
Amendments should be submitted to by 9 a.m. Monday.

Ways and Means

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Budget Resolution Amendment

HF934 Omnibus education finance bill
HF1101 Omnibus higher education finance bill
HF1010 Omnibus environment, energy and natural resources finance bill
SF56/HF511 The language of HF511 will be amended to SF56

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, March 28

State Government Finance

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Mark-up of omnibus: Amendments received by noon on Wednesday, March 23, may be offered.
No further testimony.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1162 (Ward) - Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.

Health and Human Services Finance

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The committee will take action on the bill. No public testimony will taken.
Bills Added:
HF927 (Abeler) - Omnibus health and human services finance bill.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1049 (Gunther) - Omnibus jobs and economic development bill.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

HF440 (Smith) Omnibus judiciary finance bill - Continued testimony and discussion

Health and Human Services Finance

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If you wish to provide testimony on the omnibus health and human services bill, send an email to with your name, title, organization by 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22.
Bills Added:
HF927 (Abeler) - Omnibus health and human services finance bill.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

HF1010 -- Omnibus bill discussion and amendments.

Capital Investment

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Lynne Osterman, MN Nano Executive Director
Eric Haugee, Ready 4 K
Pierre Willette, City of Minneapolis Intergovernmental Relations

John Finney, Red River Watershed Management Board (RRWMB) Chair
Ron Harnack, RRWMB Project Coordinator
Dan Money, Two Rivers Watershed District Administrator
Rob Sando, Roseau River Watershed District Administrator
Nick Drees, Middle-Snake-Tamarac Watershed District Administrator
Kevin Ruud, Wild Rice Watershed District Administrator
Jon Roeschlein, Bois de Sioux Watershed District Administrator
Curt Johanneson, City of Hendrum Mayor
Dan Wilkins, City of Climax
Jerry Bents, City of Nielsville
Jeff Pelowski, City of Roseau Mayor
Mike MacDonald, City of Crookston
Bruce Albright, Buffalo-Red WD
Kerry Netzke, AREA II
John Erichson, City of Austin Public Works Director City of Newport
Bob Zimmerman, Moorhead
Judy Erickson, Shell Rock River Watershed District
Bevy Nordby, Cedar River Watershed District
Kent Lokkesmoe, Department of Natural Resources Capital Investment Manager
John Jaschke, Executive Director, Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)

City of Crookston
Bruce Albright, Buffalo-Red WD, Oakport Township & Georgetown
Kerry Netzke, AREA II
City of Austin – Turtle Creek Watershed District
City of Newport
Bob Zimmerman, Moorhead
Kent Lokkesmoe, Cap Inv Manager, DNR
Bills Added:
HF960 (Howes) - Flood hazard mitigation grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF607 (Howes) - Capital improvement funding provided to acquire and better public land and buildings and for other improvements of a capital nature, nonprofit housing bond authorization changes made, bonds issued, appropriations modified, and money appropriated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Testimony from the MN Grocers
Testimony & any amendments to HF1039
Bills Added:
HF1039 (Hamilton) - Omnibus agriculture and rural development bill.

State Government Finance

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Conclude testimony on the omnibus
Witnesses may testify for up to two minutes. The chair reserves the right to limit testimony. Written testimony will also be accepted. Witnesses should email Johnna O'Neill, CLA, and provide the following information: name, organization, contact info, and issue of interest:
Amendments are due by noon on Wednesday, March 23.
Mark-up of the bill will begin on Thursday, March 24 at 8:15 a.m.
Noon deadline for all amendments.
HF934 (Garofalo) Education Omnibus Bill

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Continue hearing testimony on Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance Budget Bill (HF853), as amended.


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Video Available:

Legacy Funding Division

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-Informational/Discussion Items:
EAB informational, Annamarie Saarinen, Steve Bowe, Sandy Breuer, Chris Link
Administrative fees discussion
-Funding requests:
MN Film Board, Lucinda Winter
Bills Added:
HF658 (Atkins) - Dakota County; Darvan Acres Nature Center money appropriated.
HF792 (Gunther) - Watline Trail funding provided and money appropriated.
HF816 (Slocum) - Air National Guard Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF985 (Hackbarth) - Oliver H. Kelley Farm Historical Site funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF651 (Hancock) - La Salle Lake State Recreation Area established as a satellite unit of Itasca State Park, and money appropriated.
HF1255 (McElfatrick) - Grand Rapids; Children's Discovery Museum funding provided for new exhibits, and money appropriated.
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