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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Finance

Implementation Status and Update from DHS on the following topics:
PCA Relative Care 20 percent Reduction
Corporate Foster Care Moratorium
Low Needs Reduction
If you would like to testify on any of the agenda items, e-mail Christine Kiel at

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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HFXXXX - Elimination of construction code fund transfers has been removed from the agenda
Bills Added:
HF1823 (Downey) - Small business investment credit modified, and credit for start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses provided.
HF1676 (Gunther) - Fast investment today program performance rewards created, tax benefits provided, and money appropriated.
HF1968 (Loon) - Minnesota Children's Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

SF1183 Doug Franzen, Lobbyist
HF1043 Gordon Ramsay, Chief of Police, Duluth Police Department
HF1535 John Kingrey, Minnesota County Attorneys Association
Kelly Keegan, Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Lee U. McGrath, Institute for Justice
Bills Added:
SF1183 (Dill) - State and local government tort liability limits restored to pre-2008 levels, and state and local government contracts that require contractors to provide liability insurance or other security in excess of those limits prohibited.
HF1043 (Gauthier) - Motor vehicle property crime penalties proposed for repeat violators.
HF1535 (Cornish) - DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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2012 Capital Budget Request - University of Minnesota

Health and Human Services Reform

Update on Essential Health Benefits

Health and Human Services Finance

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Presentation of reports due to the Legislature:
Alzheimer's Disease, MDH
Nursing Home Regulation Relief, MDH
Nursing Facility Pilot Project, DHS & MDH
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, DHS

Education Finance

No final action on bonding bills will be taken in today's hearing.
Bills Added:
HF1778 (Cornish) - Independent School District No. 2134, United South Central, funding provided for a cooperative facilities grant, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1794 (Fritz) - Minnesota State Academies funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1851 (McFarlane) - Library accessibility and improvement grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1997 (Davids) - Independent School District No. 239, Rushford-Peterson, funding provided for two school facilities, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2001 (McFarlane) - Northeast Metro 916 Intermediate School District funding provided for a new facility, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1264 (Hancock) - Independent School District No. 38, Red Lake, facilities renovation and construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2106 (Winkler) - Perpich Center for Arts Education funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Capital Investment

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MnSCU request overview: Chancellor Steven Rosenstone and Associate Vice Chancellor Brian Yolitz
DNR request overview: Kent Lokkesmoe

Rules and Legislative Administration

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House Concurrent Resolution #X
Proposed Calendar for Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012
Resolution on Committee Budgets
Resolution on Expense Reimbursement

Legacy Funding Division

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Informational hearing on the Office of the Legislative Auditor's evaluation report of the Legacy Amendment.
- Legislative Auditor Jim Nobles; Judy Randall, evaluation manager; and Cecile Ferkul, deputy legislative auditor for the Financial Audit Division

Transportation Policy and Finance

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HF1284 will be the vehicle for an omnibus policy bill. See the meeting handouts section to access the proposed delete-all amendment.
Continuation of Department of Public Safety update on the Minnesota License and Registration System (MNLARS).
Bills Added:
HF1915 (Runbeck) - Municipal state-aid street system eligibility and allocation amended.
HF1588 (Beard) - Toll lanes provisions modified.
HF1284 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation policy bill.

Property and Local Tax Division

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HF1914 (Davids) Commercial-industrial properties first $100,000 in value exempted from the state general levy, commercial-industrial property state general levy phased out over 20 years, seasonal recreational property state general levy frozen, maximum homeowner property tax refunds increased, special property tax refund temporary increase provided, and money appropriated.
Action will be taken on this bill.
Please let Committee Administrator Bobby Patrick know if you would like to testify on this bill.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Update on the Property Tax Working Group - Kathleen Gaylord, Dakota County Commissioner; Chair, Property Tax Working Group
HF1911 (Davids) - Local government levy limits imposed, and property tax increase limits provided or voter approval required.
No action will be taken on this bill. If you would like to testify, please contact Bobby Patrick, Committee Administrator, via e-mail at

State Government Finance

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No action will be taken on this bill.
To testify, please contact Committee Administrator Bobby Patrick via e-mail at
Bills Added:
HF1849 (Davids) - Solicitor definition provided for nexus purposes relating to taxation.
State Auditor Office, State Auditor Rebecca Otto presentations to the committee:
Collaborative Governance Council 2011 report and recent updates.
State Auditor Best Practices Reviews on Collaboration
State Auditor Survey of Counties
HF 1903 (Urdahl) Honor guard stipends preference modified.
HF 1560 (Wardlow) Office of Administrative Hearings disposition of contested case hearings provided.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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HF 1245 and HF1468 were heard and passed by the Public Safety Committee last year and were returned to the Committee during the interim. Public testimony has already taken place.
Department of Public Safety Division of Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division discussion on casino slot machines and blackjack tables inspections
Committee consideration of public safety bonding requests
Bills Added:
HF1245 (McFarlane) - Firearm possession by a minor included as unlawful for purposes of orders to enjoin gang activity.
HF1468 (LeMieur) - Forfeited firearm sale by law enforcement agencies authorized to federally licensed firearms dealers.
HF1844 (Erickson) - Harassment or retaliation against a person subject to an order for protection or no contact order criminal penalty provided.
HF1899 (Vogel) - Jacob's Law established, law enforcement notification required to social services if a child is neglected or abused outside the home, and parental rights under custody orders amended to include police reports on minor children.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

All bills being heard will be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
If you wish to testify on any bills please contact committee administrator Amy Zipko at 651.296.1774
Bills Added:
HF1809 (Hackbarth) - Electric fish barrier funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1963 (Wagenius) - University of Minnesota aquatic invasive species activities money appropriated.
HF1644 (Wagenius) - Watercraft surcharge and aquatic plant management fees modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

DNR update on deer and moose population.
Walk-through of remainder of DNR Game & Fish bill.
All bills being heard will be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
If you wish to testify on any bills please contact committee administrator Amy Zipko at 651.296.1774
Bills Added:
HF1796 (Hackbarth) - Snowmobile agent registration provided, snowmobile registration and trail sticker requirements modified, fees modified, and disposition of fees provided.
HF1797 (Hackbarth) - Snowmobile metal traction devices prohibition modified.
HF1923 (O'Driscoll) - Water supply demand reduction measures required.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF560 (Downey) - Government agency energy forward pricing mechanisms provisions modified.
HF1831 (Wardlow) - Legislative review of rules provided for sunset and legislative approval of existing rules.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Implementation Status and Update from DHS on the following topics:
Minnesota Medical Assistance Reform Waivers
County Service Delivery Authority
White Earth Human Services Delivery
Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA)
Anyone who wishes to testify on the named topics, send an e-mail to
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