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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

Overview of omnibus taxes bill
Bills Added:
HF466 (Morrow) - Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans grant funding provided for continued outreach to homeless veterans in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
HF866 (Lohmer) - Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans grant provided for continued outreach to homeless veterans in Minnesota, and money appropriated.
HF756 (Stensrud) - State employee performance appraisal and bonus pay system components specified.
HF418 (Downey) - Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; benchmarking study required on centralizing accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions in the Department of Administration; and report on improvement initiatives required.
HF1024 (Stensrud) - Deputy commissioner numbers reduced and assistant commissioner position eliminated in the unclassified service.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Office of Justice Programs budget
Gang and Drug Strike Task Force


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Mike Dean: Common Cause


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Transportation Policy and Finance

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Bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF712 (Nornes) - Mini truck operation authorized on local roads, and special permits eliminated for mini truck operation.
HF347 (Howes) - Motor vehicle and drivers' license transaction fees modified.

Ways and Means

Adopt budget targets

Property and Local Tax Division

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Walk-through of Property & Local Tax Division Report

Property and Local Tax Division

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HF982 (Davids) Taxation aid, credit, and payment changes made.
HF994 (Loeffler) Allowing all counties to impose a local sales and use tax; providing for an aid offset
HF996 (Runbeck) Tax statements modified.
HF1004 (Mullery) Reducing the charitable contribution requirement for certain nonprofit community service-oriented organizations to receive 4c classification
HF1007 (Runbeck) Public Employee Retirement Act aids and payments reduced in lieu of property taxes.
HF1045 (Runbeck) Reduction aid payment disparity reduced.
HF1046 (Runbeck) Homestead credit market value converted to a tax capacity reduction
Bills Added:
HF841 (Buesgens) - State general tax reduced, corporate franchise tax reduced and repealed, business income subtraction provided, and capital equipment exemption at the time of purchase allowed and application expanded.
HF896 (Fritz) - Medford; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF909 (Murphy) - Department of Revenue required to report on zip code use in collecting local sales taxes.
HF910 (Murphy) - Hermantown; current local sales tax rate modified.
HF156 (Ward) - School district referendum market value tax base altered.
HF317 (Abeler) - City of Ramsey; tax increment district special rules provided.
HF861 (Runbeck) - Lino Lakes; tax increment financing district extension allowed.
HF445 (Davids) - Pooled tax increments for development of market rate housing authorized.
HF776 (Loon) - Spending tax increment deadlines extended under certain conditions.
HF869 (Nelson) - Transit improvement area provisions modified.
HF616 (Gunther) - Personal property of an electric generation facility exemption provided.
HF877 (Simon) - Valuation exclusion authorized for certain improvements to homestead and commercial-industrial property.
HF274 (Davids) - Qualified farm and business properties tax exemption provided.
HF649 (Davids) - Cities allowed local sales tax imposition if criteria are met.
HF336 (Lenczewski) - Cities allowed to impose local sales and use tax, and aid offset provided.
HF502 (Lenczewski) - Youth sports and library permitted use of revenue modified for other purposes.
HF337 (Lenczewski) - County levies excluded in computing tax increment and making conforming changes.
HF289 (Lenczewski) - Airport property tax exemptions eliminated, foreign source income preferences eliminated, foreign royalty subtraction repealed, subsidies taxed, definitions expanded, JOBZ and related industries modified, development zones repealed, tax rates reduced, research credit repealed, foreign operating corporations repealed, and mail order business apportionment formula repealed.
HF290 (Lenczewski) - Individual income, corporate franchise, and property tax refund conformed to federal law provisions; corporate franchise tax rate reduced; foreign source income preferences eliminated; and foreign royalty subtraction and foreign operating corporations repealed.
HF825 (Marquart) - Local governments prohibited from expending resource to promote a local sales tax.
HF758 (Shimanski) - Sales tax on purchases by political subdivisions eliminated.

Education Finance

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HF669 (Loon) Early childhood education scholarship finance system created, early education worker training and retainment tax credits provided, early childhood education programming quality improved, and money appropriated. (Informational Hearing)

Bills Removed:
HF273 (Woodard) Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established.
HF558 (Downey) Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma mathematics exception removed.
Bills Added:
HF133 (Fritz) - Trial placements for eligible children allowed at the Minnesota State Academies.

Education Finance

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HF339 (Kelly) Teacher employment contracts negotiation process identified.
HF464 (Norton) Teacher collective bargaining agreement deadline and process changed.
Bills Added:
HF207 (Dittrich) - Mineral management cost payment from permanent school trust fund land proceeds prohibited, and money appropriated.
HF785 (Garofalo) - Permanent school fund interest payments clarified.
HF555 (Moran) - Principals' Leadership Institute money appropriated.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Bills will be heard for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill
Bills Added:
HF185 (Schomacker) - Environmental violation monetary penalty deposit required to be redirected to general fund.
HF197 (Hackbarth) - Nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required.
HF434 (Hackbarth) - Petroleum tank release cleanup fund eligibility modified, and sunset date extended.
HF824 (Hackbarth) - Metropolitan regional park funding provided for operation and maintenance, and money appropriated.

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
HF360 (Peterson) - School district provision of educational services to students without disabilities from other states requirement clarified.
HF879 (Erickson) - Annual evaluations for principals established, and a group of experts and stakeholders convened to recommend a performance-based system model for these evaluations.
HF273 (Woodard) - Students at low-performing schools enrollment options established.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Bills Added:
HF827 (Hamilton) - Nursing facility equal rate provision sunset placed.
HF828 (Hamilton) - Nursing home rate equalization modified.
HF835 (Hamilton) - Low-payment rate nursing facilities medical assistance operating payment rates adjusted, and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF418 (Downey) - Back Office Consolidation Act proposed; benchmarking study required on centralizing accounting, financial reporting, procurement, fleet services, human resources, and payroll functions in the Department of Administration; and report on improvement initiatives required.
HF419 (Downey) - Executive branch departments number reduced.
HF978 (Sanders) - Election administration and districting procedures modified.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Bills Added:
HF729 (McFarlane) - BioBusiness Alliance money appropriated.
HF670 (Swedzinski) - Minnesota Inventors Congress money appropriated.
HF342 (Murdock) - Manufactured homes inspections provided, and alternative design plans and reinstallation requirements modified.
HF675 (Gunther) - Graduation and retention grant requirements modified, Twin Cities RISE! funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF405 (Clark) - Youthbuild work experience requirements modified, and money appropriated.
HF838 (Gunther) - Opportunities industrialization centers money appropriated.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF469 (Gruenhagen) - Harassment restraining order petitions jurisdiction provided.
HF506 (Shimanski) - Fourth-degree assault crime and the assaulting a police horse crime expanded to provide more protection to law enforcement assistants.
HF532 (Kieffer) - Repeat criminal sexual conduct offender penalties enhanced.
HF738 (Cornish) - Public notice provided for the release hearing for killers of peace officers, and harassment restraining order provisions modified.
HF660 (McDonald) - Repeat sex offender 36-month presumptive executed sentence provided.
HF439 (Smith) - Consecutive sentences provision for assaults committed by state prison inmates clarified.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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University of Minnesota Presentation on Agriculture Initiatives
Bills Added:
HF821 (Nornes) - Senior citizen higher education program eligibility changed.
HF40 (Norton) - Lifelong learning account program established, tax credits allowed to employers and employees for contributions to lifelong learning accounts, and money appropriated.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF474 (Smith) - Fire safety account funds allocated.
HF609 (Smith) - Grants from fire safety account to local fire department authorized.

State Government Finance

More bills may be added following bill introductions on Monday and Thursday.
Bills Added:
HF102 (Mahoney) - Minnesota science and technology program established.
HF706 (Hancock) - Aircraft exempted from the sales and use tax.
HF790 (Howes) - Vital public safety personnel future aid payments reduced.
HF820 (Davids) - Reciprocity agreement negotiation with Wisconsin directed and its termination permitted only by law.
Department of Administration budget overview: Commissioner Spencer Cronk
LEAN Program: Dept of Administration
Bills Added:
HF886 (Lanning) - Compulsive gambling money appropriated.
Continuation from earlier meeting's agenda
HFXXXX (Buesgens) Providing a credit for railroad track maintenance; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290.
HFXXXX (Buesgens) Providing for subtraction of certain railroad track maintenance expenditures.
Bills Added:
HF174 (Peppin) - Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract, and money appropriated.
HF711 (Wardlow) - Long-term capital gains provided.
HF727 (Kath) - Income tax subtraction for military reserve pay expanded to include Active Guard Reserve income.
HF851 (Runbeck) - Deferred wage income tax exemption provided.
HF687 (Bills) - Military member reemployment refundable credit provided, and money appropriated.
HF1005 (Anderson) - Streamlined sales and use tax agreement necessary conforming technical changes made.
HF10 (Loon) - Taxable income subtraction allowed, corporate franchise tax rates reduced, and sales tax exemption allowed for capital equipment at time of purchase.
HF820 (Davids) - Reciprocity agreement negotiation with Wisconsin directed and its termination permitted only by law.
HF873 (Garofalo) - Education finance obsolete language removed.
HF874 (Garofalo) - Education finance obsolete language removed.
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