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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Reform

Equal time will be given for each side. If you would like to testify, please send an email to
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 30.
Bills Added:
HF1766 (Lohmer) - Child care assistance fund payments modified.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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2012 Capital Budget Request - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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Informational hearing regarding the Office of the Legislative Auditor's Report of the Minnesota Judicial Branch Second District

Michael Hassing, Audit Manager
Sue Dosal, State Court Administrator
Dawn Torgerson, SCAO Finance Director
Diane Carlson, Deputy Second Judicial District Administrator

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

All bills will be laid over for possible action in the future.
Bills Added:
HF1765 (Crawford) - Pine Technical College; entrepreneurship and technology business incubator funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1804 (Murdock) - Wadena; community center and swimming pool funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1257 (Clark) - Nonprofit housing bonds issued for community land trusts.
HF1691 (Benson) - Stewartville; fire station expansion and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1745 (Poppe) - Hormel Institute funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1698 (Anzelc) - Itasca County; regional fire station funding provided to acquire land, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Completion of process relating to committee recommendation of Governor Dayton's capital budget recommendations.

Please contact Abigail Johnson with any questions 651-296-5068
Bills Added:
HF1926 (Swedzinski) - Certification provided for good manufacturing practices for commercial feed and feed ingredients, voluntary certification fees authorized, rule provisions relating to animal feed modified, and money appropriated.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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These bills were returned to the committee via rule 4.20.
Bills Added:
SF1268 (Anderson) - Loan transaction fees and charges authorized.
HF657 (Hoppe) - Event ticket practices regulated, and restrictive ticketing systems permitted.

Education Finance

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SF247 (Hoppe) Public employees insurance program (PEIP) local government employees participation or withdrawal approval requirements; service cooperative health insurance refund regulation.

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
SF1213 (Kelly) - Adult education tracking system modified.
HF1870 (Petersen) - School districts allowed to base unrequested leave of absence and discharge and demotion decisions on teacher evaluation outcomes.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Continuation of hearing bonding requests
Annandale Tactical Training Center (HF293 - Urdahl)
Ortonville Emergency Operations Center (HF788 - Falk)
Hennepin County 911 Regional Communications Center
Arrowhead Regional Correctional Center (HF1933 - Melin)
Marshall Emergency Response and Industrial Training Center (HF 2016 - Swedzinski)

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Resolution on Per Diem Pay
Personnel Report
Calendar of the Day for Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012

State Government Finance

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Presentation by Department of Administration on Report titled "Enterprise Data Analytics Master Contract Program" which includes updates on several RFPs issued from last session including tax compliance, state building efficiency, fleet management services, and strategic sourcing.
HF673 (Banaian) Public value impact statements required for legislation.
HF1288 (Loeffler) Phase 1 Capitol security and access improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Veterans Services Division

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Bills Added:
HF1821 (Dettmer) - Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
HF1903 (Urdahl) - Honor guard stipends preference modified.
HF1819 (Dettmer) - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon civil immunity provided, and business discrimination provision modified.
HF1519 (Anderson) - Veteran license plate collection preserved, and distribution and sale of remaining discontinued veterans plates directed and use of revenue authorized.
HF1416 (Gruenhagen) - Military affairs; nonpublic employees reemployment rights protections extended.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Department of Public Safety presentation on federal funds request for 2012 Commercial Drivers License Program Improvement Grant.
Department of Public Safety update on the Minnesota License and Registration System (MNLARS).
Minnesota Department of Transportation presentation on November 2011 transportation funds forecast.
Minnesota Department of Transportation Legislative report on Biennial Expenditures, Fiscal Year 2010-2011.
Minnesota Department of Transportation presentation on Federal Funds Requests, 2012-2013.
*Any portion of department presentations not covered in today's hearing will continue at a future hearing.
Bills Added:
HF730 (Mazorol) - Fairness for Responsible Drivers Act established, remedies of uninsured motorists limited, and amount of criminal fines increased.
HF1323 (Hoppe) - Online motor vehicle insurance verification system established, and money appropriated.

Ways and Means

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A delete-everything amendment (containing language that was previously heard and passed by the Ways and Means committee as part of HF211) will be offered on SF149.
It is preferred that amendments be submitted to by 4 p.m. Jan. 27.
Bills Added:
SF149 (Wardlow) - Conciliation court claims regulated, and court order appeals related to class actions permitted.

State Government Finance

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Note: HF545 was previously passed from this committee last year and was on the General Register. The bill was returned to this committee at end of session. There will be no public testimony on this bill today as it was heard last year in committee and will have vote taken to place this bill again on General Register.
Additional presentations to the committee by Minnesota Management & Budget including:
* Update on State Job Classifications Study
Ann O'Brien- Assistant Commissioner, MMB
Laurie Hansen- Director Human Resource Management, MMB
*Update on Performance Appraisal System Report
Ann O'Brien- Assistant Commissioner, MMB
Jeanine Kuwik- Internal Control and Accountability Director
* Executive Branch Total Compensation Report
Ann O'Brien- Assistant Commissioner, MMB
Chad Thuet- State Compensation Manager, MMB
Charlie Bieleck- Director of Budget Planning, MMB
ADDITION: MMB presentation/update on SEGIP -State Employee Group Insurance Program - Dependent Audit- Nathan Moracco- Director State Insurance Division
Bills Added:
HF545 (Downey) - State budget document required to include federal contingency planning.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Department of Corrections bonding requests.
Department of Public Safety bonding request.
Bills Added:
HF1829 (Cornish) - County attorneys and assistant county attorneys authorized to carry firearms on duty under the terms of a permit to carry.
HF1879 (Cornish) - Enhanced penalties provided for causing the death of or assaulting a prosecuting attorney.

Education Reform

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HF1770 (Kieffer) Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
Minnesota State High School League update
Introductions and update on Minnesota's No Child Left Behind waiver application by the Minnesota Department of Education
Bills Added:
HF1585 (Anderson) - Minnesota State High School League; time period reduced for good faith effort before interscholastic conference membership arrangement.
HF300 (Erickson) - Early childhood development screening notice modified.

Education Finance

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Testimony on Early Childhood Education Scholarships Implementation Plan
Bills Added:
HF1828 (Anderson) - Early education scholarship funds required to be awarded to greater Minnesota.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

HFXXXX DNR wolf hunting and trapping season bill
HF1856 (Dill) providing for hunting and trapping wolves
No formal action will be taken on either bill during this hearing.
If you are interested in testifying, please contact committee administrator Amy Zipko at 651-296-1774 as soon as possible.

Civil Law

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HF56 and HF1515 were previously approved by the committee. No new committee testimony will be taken on the bills.
The companion to SF429, HF747, was also previously heard and approved by the committee. Committee discussion will be limited to the additional Senate file language on lines 1.11 and 1.12.
Bills Added:
SF429 (Mazorol) - Attorney fee relation to damages awarded factor provided.
HF1515 (Holberg) - Late fee provisions modified, and provisions clarified relating to eviction from property subject to foreclosure.
HF56 (Dill) - Veteran waiver of immunity provided to sue the state of Minnesota as an employer in federal or other courts for violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
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