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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

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HF902 (Dill) Homestead resort ownership requirements modified.
Bills Added:
HF1531 (Mazorol) - Sales and use taxation exemption provided for qualified data centers.
HF1164 (Murdock) - JOBZ provisions modified.
HF1261 (Holberg) - Metropolitan area transit and paratransit capital expenditure additional financing provided, and certain obligations issued.
HF429 (Dettmer) - Anoka County; countywide public safety improvement finance cost authority expanded.
HF852 (Hornstein) - City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board joint dedication fee changed.
HF1573 (Hortman) - Courts authorized to construe will and trust provisions, Uniform Disclaimer or Property Interests Act updated and revised, receivership provisions changed, assignments provided for the benefit of creditors, conforming amendments made, and statutory sections renumbered.
HF1436 (Loon) - Income-producing property valuation provisions modified.
HF441 (Loon) - 911 fee collection from prepaid wireless telecommunications and prepaid wireless E911 services provided.
HF743 (Loon) - Cigarette definition modified, study proposed, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1219 (Davids) - Omnibus technical tax bill.
HF1316 (Davids) - Income, withholding, estate, property, sales and use, mortgage registry, lodging, and other various taxes and tax-related provisions policy, technical, administrative, and clarifying changes made; and aids and delinquent tax liabilities provisions changes made.
HF794 (Davids) - Improvement bonds authorized with certain terms and conditions; definitions modified; and clarifying, technical, and other changes made relating to the issuance of municipal bonds.
Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1506 (Banaian) - Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy membership, duties, and responsibilities changed, and money appropriated.
HF1579 (McFarlane) - Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, and alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established.
HF545 (Downey) - State budget document required to include federal contingency planning.


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Ways and Means

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With the exception of HF1612, the other bills on the agenda have been heard in policy and/or finance committees. In such cases, it is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken. Testimony will be taken on HF1612. Please contact the Ways and Means Committee Legislative Assistant, Alex Smith at or at 651-296-3889 if you would like to testify on HF1612.
The HF1381 Pre-Engrossment is a working draft of the bill that will be heard in Committee.
Any amendments to the bills on the agenda should be submitted as soon as possible to
Bills Added:
HF1598 (Drazkowski) - Three-fifths vote required to enact a law imposing or increasing certain taxes, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1597 (Kiffmeyer) - Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1613 (Gottwalt) - Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1381 (Erickson) - Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, student transportation, and early childhood education.
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.
HF1162 (Ward) - Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.

Property and Local Tax Division

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HF902 (Dill) Homestead resort ownership requirements modified.
HF1436 (Loon) Income-producing property valuation provisions modified.
HF852 (Hornstein) City of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board joint dedication fee changed.
HF1164 (Murdock) JOBZ provisions modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1061 (Urdahl) - Legacy bill; outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, and arts and cultural heritage funding provided, provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF1303 (Garofalo) - Revenue-based filing fee gradually adjusted beginning in fiscal year 2014.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Will continue with overview of HF1611
If time, will take up HF1098
Bills Added:
HF1098 (Mullery) - Seized animal disposition requirements changed, and penalty imposed.
HF1611 (Hamilton) - Agriculture programs, requirements, fees, and duties changed.

Capital Investment

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Bills Added:
HF959 (Howes) - Flood hazard mitigation funding provided, federal disaster assistance match funding provided, bonds issued, bond sale schedule provided, and money appropriated.
HF1125 (Howes) - Coon Rapids Dam renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF1493 (Cornish) - Distilled spirits primary source law created.
HF1395 (Loon) - Uninsured and underinsured coverages, medical benefits, arbitration, and marketing practices regulated; and automobile medical fraud reduced.
HF1394 (Hoppe) - Continuing education and prelicensing requirements, insurance coverages, nonadmitted insurers, insolvencies, adjusters, and appraisers regulated.

Civil Law

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HF1532 (Simon) Secretary of state duties imposed, and lists of registrants with challenged voting statuses due to felony convictions required.
*HF1532 will be heard on an informational basis.
Bills Added:
HF1220 (Wardlow) - Legislative enactments; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete reference corrections made; redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed; and miscellaneous corrections made to laws, statutes, and rules.
SF137 (Wardlow) - Deeds clarified to correct title and certain acknowledgments, powers of court clarified with respect to a probate provision, cancellation of residential purchase agreements provided, redemption period clarified for foreclosure of certain mortgages, and effective date clarified for child support judgments.
SF194 (Mazorol) - Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 amendments enacted by the adoption of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and conforming changes made.
HF1443 (Scott) - Foreclosure provisions for residential tenants application clarified.
HF1130 (Nornes) - Student record and data use provided for.
HF1254 (Bills) - Residential property rights expanded and defined, and association lien provisions of the Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act modified.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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HF770 and HF654 added as postponed business from the May 3 hearing.
Other Bills May Be Added
Bills Added:
HF1535 (Cornish) - DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.
HF1467 (Cornish) - Firearms; public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited; Minnesota's self-defense and defense of home laws clarified, codified, and extended; common law duty to retreat eliminated; self-defense dwelling boundaries expanded; dwelling or occupied vehicle entrance by stealth or force presumption created; rights available extended to defense against unlawful entry of an occupied vehicle; and other states' permits to carry a pistol within and under the laws of Minnesota recognition provided.
HF770 (Mazorol) - Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
HF654 (Wardlow) - Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.

Health and Human Services Reform

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Additional bills may be added.

We will be placing a 25 minute time limit for each bill. The 25 minutes includes both the presentation and testimony (both for and against). If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson at
Bills Added:
HF834 (Hoppe) - Public employee insurance program administrated by Minnesota Management and Budget for local government employees changes made, and program required to pay taxes and assessments on the same basis as private sector health insurers.
HF614 (Kelly) - Dental laboratories regulated, and money appropriated.
HF1391 (Downey) - State agency program designation authorized as performance-based organizations.
HF371 (Hoppe) - Local government employees required to approve participation in or withdrawal from the public employees insurance program.

Health and Human Services Reform

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HF1579 will be informational only.
Additional bills may be added.
We will be placing a 30 minute time limit for each bill. The 30 minutes includes both the presentation and testimony (both for and against). If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson at
Bills Added:
HF1018 (Zellers) - Hospital moratorium exception provided.
HF637 (Drazkowski) - Food, beverage, and lodging establishment statutes exemption modified.
HF1579 (McFarlane) - Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, and alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

Bills not listed in order of agenda
Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF264 (Urdahl) - Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act; actions against persons for weight gain as a result of food consumption prohibited.
HF770 (Mazorol) - Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
HF1270 (McDonald) - E-charging expanded to include citations, juvenile adjudication, and implied test refusal or failure.
HF1343 (Dettmer) - Immunity provided in cases involving the use of school facilities for recreational activities.
HF1408 (Sanders) - Vacancies in nomination procedures and requirements changed.
HF1478 (Kiffmeyer) - Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified.
HF1500 (Anderson) - Chemical and mental health services changes made, and rate reforms made.
HF1532 (Simon) - Secretary of state duties imposed, and lists of registrants with challenged voting statuses due to felony convictions required.
HF718 (Champion) - Civil rights restoration and civil rights possible loss notices required, and incarcerated offenders excluded from receiving absentee ballots.
HF654 (Wardlow) - Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Bills Added:
HF1032 (Torkelson) - Prevailing hours of labor requirements modified.
HF1476 (Scott) - Prevailing wage provisions added to and modified, and money appropriated.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF859 (Atkins) - Auto insurers required to inform insureds of the right to select any rental vehicle, and advisory required.
HF1420 (Sanders) - Residential contractors' provision of goods and services regulated, and enforcement provided.
HF1394 (Hoppe) - Continuing education and prelicensing requirements, insurance coverages, nonadmitted insurers, insolvencies, adjusters, and appraisers regulated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1611 (Hamilton) - Agriculture programs, requirements, fees, and duties changed.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Omnibus environment policy bill. The DE amendment to HF1097 will be available Monday morning (4/2/11).
Bills Added:
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.

Education Finance

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HF1381 (Erickson) Omnibus education policy bill
Bills Added:
HF1176 (McFarlane) - Alternative facility revenue uses modified.
HF1179 (McFarlane) - Pupil transportation provisions modified, Department of Education's role clarified in maintaining training programs, lift bus use included in the category or revenue authorized for reimbursement, and actual contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
HF945 (Petersen) - Teacher and principal evaluations and tenure modified.
HF392 (Howes) - School bus safety and standards provisions modified.

State Government Finance

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HF42 (Davids/Ortman) Tax Omnibus Bill
Discussion of Local Aids & Credits and Mining provisions
HF577/SF1047* (Lanning/Parry) Omnibus state government finance bill
Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1360 (Torkelson) - Environmental Quality Board modified and duties eliminated and reassigned.
HF545 (Downey) - State budget document required to include federal contingency planning.
HF1362 (Kieffer) - Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted, and duties, benefits, and requirements changed, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.

Legacy Funding Division

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Informational hearing on HFXXXX (Urdahl) a bill for an act relating to arts, history, and cultural heritage; appropriating money from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Bills Added:
HF957 (Westrom) - Wastewater capital grant program beneficial use modified to include use of storm water.
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