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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Presentation and overview from the BioBusiness Alliance

Presentation and overviews from:

Minneapolis Summer Youth Program
Learn to Earn
St. Paul Summer Youth Program

Civil Law

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF382 (Hoppe) - Receiverships, assignments for the benefit of creditors, and nonprofit corporation statutes amended; and Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act changed, updated, and clarified.

Veterans Services Division

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Overview by Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans: Executive Director Kathy Vitalis, Board Member Jill Laurence, Veteran Elmer Duncan and Veteran Robert Thomes
Overview of Defending The Blue Line Organization: Dan Larsen, Advisory Board, and Shane Hudella, Master Seargeant, Founder and TSgt's John and Heather Villegas, and their son Christian
Testifying on HF 384:
Geoff Dittberner, Vice President of MSCSA
Bill Johnson, a student at Hennepin Technical College
Jason Johnson, Army Veteran
Jessica Jackson, Army Veteran
Nicole Meulemans, Director of Student Life at Dakota County Technical College
Lauri Brooke, Becker County Veterans Service Officer
Joseph Butler, President, Minnesota State University Moorhead Veterans Club. Twelve year Minnesota National Guard Veteran and student at Minnesota State University Moorhead
Donald Pfeffer, Director, Higher Education Veterans Programs for the MN Dept of Veterans Affairs.
William Johnson - non traditional student - Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park, MN
Bills Added:
HF226 (Davids) - Veterans cemetery planning requirements changed, Fillmore County specified as one location for a new veterans cemetery, and money appropriated.
HF384 (Dettmer) - Campus veterans representative program sunset repealed.

Transportation Policy and Finance

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Department of Transportation presentation on the 10-year Highway Investment Plan.
Department of Transportation presentation on aeronautics.
Metropolitan Airports Commission presentation.
Bills Added:
HF80 (Nornes) - Waterfront structure transportation on trunk highways authorized with annual special permits.


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1. Tom Gillaspy: Population trends and shifts
2. Matt Gehring: 2010-2012 Minnesota Redistricting Timeline
3. Anthony Amato: Associate Professor of Demography and Geography chairs the Department of Rural and Regional Studies at Southwest State University

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF306 (Westrom) - Emily's Law established, adult certification and extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution age lowered for juveniles, and violent juvenile offense defined.

State Government Finance

Bills Added:
HF4 (Downey) - State workforce reduction required, and early retirement program created.
Bills Added:
HF258 (Davids) - Licensed ambulance services authorized to submit claims directly to the state.
HF394 (Howes) - Public safety radio systems tax exemption expanded.


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Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF407 (Kriesel) - State short-term borrowing through school district payment modifications repealed.
HF341 (Greiling) - Department of Management and Budget school district state-aid payment reduction requirement repealed.
HF257 (Bills) - Early graduation achievement scholarship program created, and money appropriated.

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
HF133 (Fritz) - Trial placements for eligible children allowed at the Minnesota State Academies.
HF183 (Kieffer) - Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
HF300 (Erickson) - Early childhood development screening notice modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Dept of Commerce/Office of Energy Security overview
All bills being heard are for possible inclusion in an omnibus game/fish bill; no votes will be taken at this hearing.
Bills Added:
HF16 (Hackbarth) - Two angling lines permitted.
HF107 (Rukavina) - Northern pike spearing slot limits eliminated.
HF225 (Hackbarth) - Northern pike experimental and special management waters limited.
HF242 (Persell) - Cass Lake; spearing allowed.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of the Neighborhood Development Center
Overview of MN Association of Rehabilitation Organizations
Overview of Workers' Compensation

Judiciary Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF68 (Garofalo) - Careless driving resulting in death provided to be a gross misdemeanor.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Student and Faculty Testimony

Health and Human Services Finance

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Minnesota Department of Health, Department Overview Continuation (this was removed from the agenda in committee)
County Based Purchasing Overview
Medical Homes and Accountable Care Organizations Overview

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF192 (Downey) - Reinventing Government Employment Act proposed, public employee compensation freeze and method for determining future compensation determined, state employee gainsharing system established, and state contracts with private vendors restrictions removed.
HF102 (Mahoney) - Minnesota science and technology program established.

Government Operations and Elections

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF89 (Benson) - Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, voter identification card provided at no charge, canvassing deadlines changed, notice required, provisional balloting procedure established, and money appropriated.
HF203 (Westrom) - Legislative approval of rules modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Minnesota Zoo overview
Conservation Corps overview
All bills being heard will be for possible inclusion in an omnibus game/fish bill; no votes will be taken at this hearing.
Bills Added:
HF348 (Hackbarth) - Decoy restrictions modified.
HF31 (Dill) - Deer killed by motor vehicle permitted to be kept by the driver.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF9 (Peppin) - New nuclear power plant certificate of need issuance prohibition abolished.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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USDA Rural Development
Farm Services Agency
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