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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Transportation Policy and Finance

Consideration of bonding recommendations. A list of recommendations to be considered by the committee has been posted and provided to committee members.
Bills Added:
HF1586 (McDonald) - Motorcycle safety education program fund allocation provisions modified.
HF2473 (Banaian) - Transportation public-private partnership pilot program and related regulations established.

Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills Added:
HF2072 (Davids) - Taxation, spending, and incurring debt based on market value limits clarified, terms defined, technical and clarifying changes made, and obsolete provisions repealed.
HF2538 (Runbeck) - Enterprise zone and economic development power technical, minor and clarifying changes made, and obsolete provisions eliminated.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF2861 (McElfatrick) - Municipalities authorized to make grants to emergency medical services agencies.
HF2829 (Vogel) - Kandiyohi, Lyon, and Swift Counties appointive office process provided.
HF1492 (Lohmer) - State Advisory Council on Mental Health member added.
HF2404 (Scott) - Metropolitan Council staggered, four-year terms provided for members.
HF2398 (Anderson) - Omnibus agriculture bill.
HF2025 (Urdahl) - Postsecondary enrollment options program expanded, and career and technical education task force established.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.
HF2828 (Murray) - Albert Lea authorized to offer industrial sewer charge rebates as an economic incentive.
HF2704 (Daudt) - State primary date changed from August to June, and primary elections conducted by a political subdivision date changed in some circumstances.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF1031 (Stensrud) - Legislative Coordinating Commission; provisions modified governing the election of officers and the provision of services, and records retention policy established.
HF2339 (Gottwalt) - Health care compact created.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.
HF2359 (Quam) - Dodge County; retention election required for persons appointed to county offices, and process provided to make the county recorder appointive.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

HFXXXX (Hackbarth) Hunting & Fishing fees.
The hunting & fishing fee bills will be heard for informational purposes only -- no votes will be taken.
Bills Added:
HF2870 (McNamara) - Migratory waterfowl sanctuary and waterfowl feeding and resting area designations modified, temporary public water drawdown provisions modified, and shallow lakes defined.
HF1583 (Hansen) - Game and fish; license, stamp, and account revenue disposition modified, license requirements and fees modified, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

Other bills maybe added to the agenda. If you wish to testify on any of the bills, contact Christine Kiel at by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 14.
Bills Added:
HF2525 (Schomacker) - Nursing facility rate increase provided for health information technology costs.
HF2716 (Schomacker) - Nursing facility moratorium exceptions modified.
HF2717 (Schomacker) - Nursing facility Medicare certification modified.
HF1979 (Schomacker) - Minnesota supplemental aid shelter needy provisions modified, and adult foster care homes modified.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Bonding recommendations memo
Bills Added:
HF2698 (Abeler) - Visible Child Act created, Interagency Council on Homelessness and the State Interagency Coordinating Council duties modified, and visible child plan developed.
SF1551 (McElfatrick) - Construction code fund; fee deposit collected into an account, and funds appropriated annually.
HF2177 (Peterson) - Minnesota opportunity training grants created, and money appropriated.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Presentation of Decade of Discovery Initiative: University of Minnesota/Mayo Clinic Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics
Presentation of Autism Research at the University of Minnesota

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Other bills may be added to the agenda-
Bills Added:
HF2741 (Anderson) - Ethanol minimum content dates extended.

Education Reform

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Bills may be added.
Testimony for HF2329 was completed at a previous hearing.
Bills Added:
HF2801 (Woodard) - Charter school student population accountability measures clarified.
HF2530 (Kiel) - Probationary teachers; school board notification date changed by one month.
HF2759 (Erickson) - Board of School Administrators provisions modified.
HF2329 (Holberg) - CPR training and instruction requirements clarified.
HF2835 (Erickson) - Education provision clarified.
HF2651 (Loon) - Teachers charged with felonies suspensions without pay authorized.
HF2727 (Mariani) - Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, and special programs.

Education Finance

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Special Presentation - Use of technology to promote innovation and learning in the classroom

Bonding Requests
Bills Added:
HF2540 (Barrett) - School district state aid new source created for districts with below average revenue.
HF2714 (Woodard) - Charter school accountability and success fostered, and money appropriated.
HF2792 (Doepke) - Lease levy expanded to include administrative space.
HF2580 (Loon) - Parents empowered to request school district intervention in a "Priority" school.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2789 (McDonald) - Drug and methamphetamine paraphernalia definitions amended.
HF718 (Champion) - Civil rights restoration and civil rights possible loss notices required, and incarcerated offenders excluded from receiving absentee ballots.
HF1838 (Kriesel) - DWI; driving while impaired specified as a breach of peace through proposed constitutional amendment.
HF2860 (Cornish) - Fire safety account regulated, and money appropriated for fire safety services.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2188 (Kiffmeyer) - Voter eligibility provisions for individuals under guardianship conformed to constitutional requirements, other related procedures modified, and money appropriated.
HF2762 (Westrom) - Election errors service of petition and referee orders appeals modified, and transfer of structure settlement payment rights notice requirements added to.
HF876 (Smith) - Court hearing opening modified in delinquency or extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings.
HF2623 (Smith) - Juvenile delinquency case period for continuance without adjudication extended.
HF2000 (Johnson) - County boards authorized to set and impose court security fee in civil and criminal matters, and fee allotted for court security equipment and personnel.
HF2220 (Poppe) - Unreasonable restraint of children demonstrable harm level changed.
HF749 (Smith) - Family Reunification Act of 2011 created.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2470 (Cornish) - Criminal intelligence data classified under the Data Practices Act.
HF2435 (Woodard) - Fusion center to assist with detection, prevention, and investigation of, and response to criminal and terrorist activities provided.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, March 15
Resolution on House Rules 1.21, 1.22, 3.14


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Bills Added:
HF2821 (Anderson) - House of representatives district boundaries adjusted within senate districts 39 and 49, and obsolete district descriptions repealed.


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Legacy Funding Division

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HF2806(Torkelson) Clean water assistance grant funding provided, Aquatic Invasive Species Cooperative Research Center funding provided, prior appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
HF2791(Vogel) Let's Go Fishing money appropriated
Bills Added:
HF2830 (Torkelson) - Radio programming commemorating the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War and the Dakota Conflict money appropriated to the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations.
HF2831 (Torkelson) - Radio programming commemorating the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War and the Dakota Conflict money appropriated to Minnesota Public Radio.
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