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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Bills Added:
HF1425 (Anderson) - Legislative districting plan for use in 2012 and thereafter adopted.


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Transportation Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1283 (Hackbarth) - Recreational vehicle operating provisions and definitions modified, dual registration of motorcycles provided, nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required, watercraft titling requirements modified, and special vehicle use on roadways modified.
SF67 (Nornes) - Waterfront structure transportation on trunk highways authorized with annual special permits.
HF232 (Kriesel) - Gold star license plates eligibility expanded to surviving legal guardians, children, and siblings; motor vehicle fees regulated; Department of Veterans Affairs and veteran homes regulated; and driver and vehicle services technology account made permanent.
SF478 (Shimanski) - Disability motorcycle plate provided.
HF1036 (Sanders) - State passenger vehicle fleet management and consolidation provided.
HF977 (Cornish) - State Patrol prohibited from closing or consolidating dispatch centers.

Ways and Means

HF210/SF509 (Kiffmeyer) Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed, electronic polling place roster standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
The language of the HF210 will be offered as a delete everything amendment to SF509. The HF 210 Pre-Engrossment is an unofficial draft of that language.
Bills on the agenda have been heard in various policy and finance committees. It is the general practice of the House Ways and Means Committee that public testimony will not be taken. Questions can be addressed to
Amendments should be submitted to
Bills Added:
HF4 (Downey) - State workforce reduction required, and early retirement program created.
HF66 (Drazkowski) - Political contribution refund repealed.
HF873 (Garofalo) - Education finance obsolete language removed.
HF874 (Garofalo) - Education finance obsolete language removed.
HF1230 (Fabian) - State land disposition of receipts modified; state parks, state recreation areas, state forests, and state wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; Mississippi River management plan modified; and public and private sales and conveyances authorized for certain state lands.
HF1234 (Downey) - Commissioner of administration required to issue a request for proposals and enter into a contract for strategic sourcing consulting services, and money appropriated.
HF632 (Howes) - Maintenance plumbers licensed, and fees modified.

Civil Law

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**If you would like to testify in support of, or opposition to, this bill please notify the committee administrator or committee legislative assistant. The amount of time for individual testifiers will be limited based on the number of people interested in testifying.
Bills Added:
HF1613 (Gottwalt) - Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF122 (Davids) - Dental provider contracts and provider audits regulated.
HF1397 (Gruenhagen) - Group Insurance Portability Act enacted; state law conformed on continuation employers group health coverage to the federal COBRA law, and access provided to a GAP policy as an alternative.
HF1302 (Kahn) - International model code incorporation provided.
HF1471 (Hortman) - Electronic device recycling requirements modified.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF1544 (Kiel) - Marshall, Freeborn, and Mower Counties; process provided for making county offices appointive.
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.
HF1532 (Simon) - Secretary of state duties imposed, and lists of registrants with challenged voting statuses due to felony convictions required.
HF1597 (Kiffmeyer) - Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.

Transportation Policy and Finance

HF1310 will be a vehicle bill for a MnDOT and DPS policy and housekeeping bill. HF1068 will be the vehicle for an omnibus transportation policy bill and will also carry executive branch initiatives.
Bills Added:
HF650 (Kieffer) - Driver education and examination provisions regulated relating to carbon monoxide poisoning, and technical changes made.
HF1088 (Drazkowski) - State agency natural disaster response provisions modified.
HF1345 (Champion) - Highway construction projects contract bid preference provisions modified.
HF1333 (Nelson) - Construction manager contracting authority and related regulations provided for, and legislative report on contracting required.
HF1310 (Shimanski) - Transportation policy governing provisions provided, including traffic regulations, bikeways, motor vehicle requirements, vehicle registration and license plates, driver's license fee payments, alternative financing for transportation projects, motor carriers and commercial drivers, and rail programs; misdemeanor penalty imposed; fees established; provisions repealed; and technical changes made.
HF1068 (Beard) - Transportation and public safety policies governing provisions provided including data practices, bicycles and bikeways and highways and bridges, transportation construction contracts, motor vehicles, traffic regulations, driver licensing and training, alternative financing for transportation projects, railroads, motor carriers and commercial drivers, and agency reporting; fees and an account established; pilot program expanded; seaplane base variance provided; provisions repealed; technical changes made; and money appropriated.

State Government Finance

Bills Added:
HF1579 (McFarlane) - Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, and alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established.
HF1332 (Hansen) - Legislative auditor governing provisions modified.
HF182 (Beard) - State and local water management study required.
HF174 (Peppin) - Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract, and money appropriated.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Continuation of the Thursday agenda.
Bills may not be heard in the order listed.
If all bills on schedule are not heard by 11:45, the committee will recess for 15 minutes and move to Room 200 to continue the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1478 (Kiffmeyer) - Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified.
HF441 (Loon) - 911 fee collection from prepaid wireless telecommunications and prepaid wireless E911 services provided.
HF229 (Downey) - Child certified as an adult detainment in a juvenile facility provided pending the outcome of criminal proceedings, and judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims.
HF1468 (LeMieur) - Forfeited firearm sale by law enforcement agencies authorized to federally licensed firearms dealers.
HF955 (Cornish) - Level III predatory offender Web site maintenance responsibility transferred from the Department of Corrections to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
HF1214 (Hortman) - Child passenger restraint system provisions modified.
HF615 (Buesgens) - Driver education requirements modified for obtaining an instruction permit.
HF738 (Cornish) - Public notice provided for the release hearing for killers of peace officers, and harassment restraining order provisions modified.
HF642 (Slocum) - Child certified as an adult provided to be detained in a juvenile facility prior to trial and verdict.
Continuation of the Friday morning agenda, if necessary.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Monday, May 2
Resolution on House Rules 1.21 and 1.22

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Wednesday's agenda will resume Thursday morning with HF358. Public testimony portion of the hearing has concluded.
Bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills may not be heard in the order listed.
Bills Added:
HF441 (Loon) - 911 fee collection from prepaid wireless telecommunications and prepaid wireless E911 services provided.
HF965 (Kahn) - Anatomical gift donor document types expanded.
HF1467 (Cornish) - Firearms; public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited; Minnesota's self-defense and defense of home laws clarified, codified, and extended; common law duty to retreat eliminated; self-defense dwelling boundaries expanded; dwelling or occupied vehicle entrance by stealth or force presumption created; rights available extended to defense against unlawful entry of an occupied vehicle; and other states' permits to carry a pistol within and under the laws of Minnesota recognition provided.
HF1468 (LeMieur) - Forfeited firearm sale by law enforcement agencies authorized to federally licensed firearms dealers.
HF1478 (Kiffmeyer) - Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified.
HF955 (Cornish) - Level III predatory offender Web site maintenance responsibility transferred from the Department of Corrections to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
HF1214 (Hortman) - Child passenger restraint system provisions modified.
HF615 (Buesgens) - Driver education requirements modified for obtaining an instruction permit.
HF229 (Downey) - Child certified as an adult detainment in a juvenile facility provided pending the outcome of criminal proceedings, and judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims.
HF358 (Barrett) - Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, and immigration-related data use provided.

State Government Finance

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HF42 (Davids/Ortman) Omnibus Tax Bill
HF42 and Minnesota Tax Competitiveness
Note: More bills may be added.
HF1331 and HF1506 will be heard pending previous committee approval by government operations committee
HF174 was previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. It will be motioned to the House Ways and Means Committee during this hearing.
Bills Added:
HF554 (Johnson) - Mississippi River Parkway Commission expiration date changed.
HF1411 (Kahn) - Geospatial advisory council provisions changed and expiration date extended.
HF1331 (Benson) - State agencies required to enter into contracts to provide consulting services for improvements to state-operated systems and services.
HF1376 (Leidiger) - E-Verify use required by state contractors.
HF1506 (Banaian) - Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy membership, duties, and responsibilities changed, and money appropriated.
HF174 (Peppin) - Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract, and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections

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If necessary the committee will recess for session and reconvene in Room 200 after session adjourns
Bills Added:
HF233 (Sanders) - Department of Human Services required to issue a request for proposals for a Medicaid fraud detection and business intelligence contract.
HF182 (Beard) - State and local water management study required.
HF1391 (Downey) - State agency program designation authorized as performance-based organizations.
HF545 (Downey) - State budget document required to include federal contingency planning.
HF1360 (Torkelson) - Environmental Quality Board modified and duties eliminated and reassigned.
HF1238 (Fabian) - Local ordinance requirements modified, and subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance adoption delay extended.
HF997 (Westrom) - State agency civil penalty imposition regulated, and fees and expenses awarded to prevailing parties in actions involving state agencies.
HF1577 (Cornish) - Sex offender policy task force established.
HF1359 (Barrett) - State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
HF1545 (McNamara) - Energy Reliability and Intervention Office established within Department of Commerce to replace Energy Issues Intervention Office and energy reliability administrator, and conforming changes made.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Bills Added:
HF844 (McFarlane) - Public library representative provided for the Governor's Workforce Development Council.
HF1164 (Murdock) - JOBZ provisions modified.
HF1448 (McFarlane) - Criminal history reliance modified for employment requirements.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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Bills not listed In order of agenda
Other bills may be added as referred from other committees
Bills Added:
HF6 (Cornish) - Convicted sex offender indeterminate sentencing provided.
HF556 (Smith) - Juvenile prostitutes in need of protection or services provisions amended, sexually exploited youth defined, prostitution crime penalty assessments increased, and distribution of the assessment amended; prostitution laws provisions clarified and recodified, and definitions modified; and money appropriated to the commissioner of public safety to develop a statewide victim services model.
HF988 (Smith) - Public defender representation provision modified.
HF1023 (Smith) - Courts and common interest ownership provisions modified.

Health and Human Services Reform

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Presentation on Vaccine Safety: New Considerations, Concerns and Insights. Presentation by Dr. Theresa Deisher.
Presentation on vaccines by Kristen R. Ehresmann, R.N., M.P.H., Division Director, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control; Brian Van Ness, Ph.D., Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology & Development, Director, Division of Medical Genomics, Institute of Human Genetics; Perry B. Hackett, Jr., Ph.D., Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology & Development
Diane Peterson, Associate Director, Immunization Action Coalition
Bills Added:
HF1584 (Dean) - MinnesotaCare provider tax contingent reduction provided for.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF611 (Gunther) - Small business loan guarantee program created.
HF371 (Hoppe) - Local government employees required to approve participation in or withdrawal from the public employees insurance program.
HF834 (Hoppe) - Public employee insurance program administrated by Minnesota Management and Budget for local government employees changes made, and program required to pay taxes and assessments on the same basis as private sector health insurers.
HF1384 (Davids) - Charitable or religious organization transfers excluded from the fraudulent transfers act.
HF1326 (Atkins) - Microdistillery and brewer taproom licenses provided for; temporary and on-sale municipal licenses authorized; technical, clarifying, and other changes made to license provisions; on-sale and off-sales licenses authorized by White Bear Township; off-sale licenses authorized by the City of Rochester; and legislative review of community baseball alcohol issues provided.

Civil Law

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*HFs 601, 1060, 1130, 1370, 1466 and 1533 were heard in the Data Practices Subcommittee on 4/26 and referred to Civil Law. No additional public testimony will be taken on these bills.
*Testimony on HF210 will be limited only to the portions relevant to Civil Law.
Bills Added:
HF1466 (Scott) - Data practices technical changes made.
HF1370 (Paymar) - Law enforcement data sharing permitted.
HF1130 (Nornes) - Student record and data use provided for.
HF1060 (Beard) - "Personnel data" definition modified; data obtained for design-build transportation projects, adopt-a-highway program related data, and mileage-based road users data classified; and traffic accident related data provisions modified.
HF1533 (Peppin) - Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board procedures and requirements changed.
HF601 (Holberg) - Optional disclosure of public appraisals provided by a government entity.
HF210 (Kiffmeyer) - Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed and standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF467 (Gruenhagen) - Commissioner of corrections directed to implement a gardening program at state correctional facilities.
HF1121 (Hamilton) - Pesticide application regulating authority clarified.
HF1572 (Torkelson) - Pasture exemption from feedlot requirements modified.
HF1122 (Anderson) - Pesticide application regulating authority clarified.
HF1509 (Torkelson) - Clean Water Partnership Law modified.
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