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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

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If not considered on Wednesday:
HF2072 (Davids) Taxation, spending, and incurring debt based on market value limits clarified, terms defined, technical and clarifying changes made, and obsolete provisions repealed.

HF2690 will be the Omnibus Technical Tax Bill. A delete all amendment will posted when available.
Bills Added:
HF2690 (Davids) - Individual income, corporate franchise, property, sales and use, and other taxes and tax-related provisions changed; supplemental targeting refund provided; city aid payments modified and cities exempted from 2011 aid payment penalties; technical, minor, and clarifying changes made in enterprise zone and economic development powers, and obsolete provisions eliminated; fund transfer required; and money appropriated.
Presentation by the Dept of Revenue on an update on tax compliance intitiatives.
Bills Added:
HF2909 (McElfatrick) - Minnesota GI Bill program expanded to include apprenticeships and on-the-job training, compensation provided for honor guards at veteran funerals, and money appropriated.
HF2269 (Lanning) - Help America Vote Act funds determined and money appropriated.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.


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Higher Education Policy and Finance

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*HF2065 will become the omnibus higher education bill.
Bills Added:
HF2065 (Nornes) - Omnibus higher education bill.
HF2025 (Urdahl) - Postsecondary enrollment options program expanded, and career and technical education task force established.

Health and Human Services Finance

Bills Added:
HF2294 (Abeler) - Health and human services omnibus bill.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2199 (Lanning) - Omnibus pension bill.
HF2634 (Torkelson) - Subsurface sewage treatment systems alternative local standards provided.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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HF2430 (Urdahl) Legacy Bill
Amendments due to the committee administrator by 7:30 a.m. March 22.
Bills Added:
HF2316 (Sanders) - Solid waste definition modified to exempt highway construction, improvement, or repair activities.
HF2171 (Hackbarth) - Omnibus game and fish bill.
HF2951 (Hackbarth) - Wild animal taking license requirements and fees modified, receipt disposition provided, and money appropriated.
HF2769 (Hackbarth) - Utility rates required to be based primarily on cost of service between and among consumer classes; clarifying and technical, and low-income affordability program changes made.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2792 (Doepke) - Lease levy expanded to include administrative space.
HF2918 (Anzelc) - School district transportation aid provisions modified.
HF2939 (Downey) - School district detachment and annexation proposal petition requirements modified.

Civil Law

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SF1212 (Holberg) Adult children of deceased person patient definition addition
HF2341 (Peppin) Abortion; prescribing physicians required to be physically present when abortion-inducing drugs are administered, and criminal penalty provided.
*Order is subject to change, and bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
SF1934 (Davids) - Township mutual fire insurance company combination policies regulated.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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-No other bills will be added to the agenda-
Bills Added:
HF2150 (Anderson) - Minnesota Management and Budget; public employee insurance program changes made, and temporary moratorium established to preclude employees from joining the public employee insurance program if their employer is not in the program as of the date of enactment.
HF2499 (Runbeck) - For-profit public benefit corporations incorporation provided.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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HF2003 (Woodard) Racing Commission, Gambling Control Board, and State Lottery operations allowed on an ongoing basis (pending motion to refer from Ways & Means)
Other bills will be added to the agenda-
Bills Added:
HF2544 (Loon) - Travel insurance offer and dissemination regulated.
HF2150 (Anderson) - Minnesota Management and Budget; public employee insurance program changes made, and temporary moratorium established to preclude employees from joining the public employee insurance program if their employer is not in the program as of the date of enactment.
HF2894 (Bills) - Workers' compensation payment provisions modified.
SF1599 (Kriesel) - Veterans and spouses of a disabled or deceased veteran hiring and promotion preference by private employer permitted.
HF2932 (Hoppe) - Wine festivals authorized to offer limited off-sales of wine by the bottle.
HF2499 (Runbeck) - For-profit public benefit corporations incorporation provided.
HF2784 (Atkins) - Liquor regulations modified, and liquor licenses authorized.
HF2732 (Sanders) - Electrical licenses modified.
HF383 (Hamilton) - New radiation therapy facility construction criteria established, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.
HF2349 (Gruenhagen) - Insurance agents regulated and "facilitate enrollment" defined.

Civil Law

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*HF1967 and HF2456 will be heard in the Data Practices Subcommittee on March 20.
**Bills may be added to the agenda, and order is subject to change.
***SF1934 was passed by the Senate on March 19, and replaces HF2342.
Bills Added:
HF1967 (Abeler) - Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
HF2456 (Abeler) - Continuing care policy provisions amended, disability services and licensing provision changes made, home and community-based service standards established, and payment methodologies established.
SF1934 (Davids) - Township mutual fire insurance company combination policies regulated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Informational hearing on Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certification Program

Capital Investment

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Bills Added:
HF2622 (Howes) - Omnibus bonding bill.

Education Finance

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Special presentation
Bills Added:
HF2838 (Howes) - Independent School District No. 31, Bemidji, supplemental pupil grant created.
HF2917 (Quam) - School district debt limits repealed.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Amendments to HF2769 due to the committee administrator no later than 7:30 a.m. March 21.
Bills Added:
HF2747 (Murray) - Cooperative utilities under the integrated resource planning process reporting obligations modified.
HF2226 (Vogel) - Wind easement effective date elimination delayed.
SF1788 (Beard) - Public Utilities Commission regulatory burden study required.
HF2769 (Hackbarth) - Utility rates required to be based primarily on cost of service between and among consumer classes; clarifying and technical, and low-income affordability program changes made.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2340 (Holberg) - Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Reform

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If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 20.
Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF595 (Anderson) - Criteria established that must be met before a new radiation therapy facility can be constructed, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.
HF2532 (Barrett) - Electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
HF1683 (Norton) - Foster care established for people with autism.
HF2252 (Lohmer) - Residential campus for individuals with autism plan developed by the commissioner of human services.

Health and Human Services Finance

HF2294 (Abeler) is the vehicle for the HHS Finance Omnibus bill. A delete everything amendment will be posted by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20 with the contents of the omnibus bill.
Public testimony will be taken during the evening portion of the committee. If you wish to testify, contact Christine Kiel at
Bills Added:
HF2294 (Abeler) - Health and human services omnibus bill.


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Legacy Funding Division

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Bills Added:
HF2430 (Urdahl) - Legacy and outdoor heritage bill.
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