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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
February Forecast Overview from Department of Human Services
Public testimony on Gov. Dayton's budget
If you would like to provide public testimony on the governor's budget recommendations for the areas under the jurisdiction of the HHS Finance committee, contact Christine Kiel at

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF613 (Kelly) - Red Wing Port Authority member terms provided.
HF511 (Erickson) - Educational mandates deemed unneeded removed.
HF696 (Runbeck) - Local government authority to issue bonds payable with property taxes for employee benefits repealed.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
University of Minnesota Academic Health Center presentation
Minnesota Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics Presentation (University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic)

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF248 (Loeffler) - Small Group Health Insurance Market Working Group recommendation enacted by repealing a requirement that small employers that do not offer group health coverage either offer, or file a form with the state stating a decision not to offer, a Section 125 plan through which employees may contribute wages to a pretax account from which to pay for individual health insurance.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation from the Department of Employment and Economic Development regarding the Governor's budget proposal
Bills Added:
HF102 (Mahoney) - Minnesota science and technology program established.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Budget overviews: Guardian Ad Litem Board and Public Defense Board
HF229 (Downey), Judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims. - Continued item from previous hearing. No public testimony.

Ways and Means

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of February forecast by MMB Commissioner Jim Schowalter and State Economist Tom Stinson
Bills Added:
HF110 (Kahn) - Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement membership increased.
HF576 (Kelly) - Short-term borrowing repealed by modifying payment to districts.

Legacy Funding Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Greater MN Park & Trail Coalition- Dan Larson
Funding Request Presentations:
-Regional Libraries – Mark Ranum, Elaine Keefe
-Let's Go Fishing- Joe Holm
-Science Museum -
-Duluth Children’s Museum -
-Como Zoo – Michelle Furrer
-Humanities Center – David O’Fallon
-Minnesota Public Radio – Lisa Radzak
-Perpich Center - Sue Mackert, Pam Paulson
Bills Added:
HF450 (Cornish) - Dodd Ford Bridge rehabilitation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF499 (Davids) - Chatfield Center for the Arts funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF105 (Dettmer) - Washington County; Disabled Veterans Rest Camp on Big Marine Lake matching grant funding provided to be used for improvements, and money appropriated.
HF160 (Drazkowski) - Lake Zumbro and Schmidt Lake restoration funding provided, and money appropriated.


Audio Available: Download Mp3

State Government Finance

Bills Added:
HF446 (Abeler) - Jobs credit for increasing employment allowed.
HF633 (Benson) - Capital equipment exemption allowed at time of purchase.
HF485 (Davids) - Minnesota State High School League events temporary tax exemption made permanent, and associated revenue use modified.
HF505 (Davids) - Charitable contribution deduction expanded for food inventory.
Office of Minnesota State Auditor budget overview: State Auditor Rebecca Otto
Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission budget overview: Paul Erickson, Executive Director and Joel Carlson, MASC Board Member
Office of Enterprise Technology (OET) budget overview: Commissioner Carolyn Parnell

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continuation of Department of Corrections Budget Presentation
Department of Public Safety Budget Presentation


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Ann Higgins: League of Minnesota Cities
Joe Mansky: Minnesota Association of County Officers

State Government Finance

Budget overview by Explore Minnesota Tourism
Budget overview by Administrative Hearings
Bills Added:
HF577 (Lanning) - Omnibus state government finance bill.
HF299 (Quam) - Executive branch agencies retained savings program established.
HF89 (Benson) - Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, voter identification card provided at no charge, canvassing deadlines changed, notice required, provisional balloting procedure established, and money appropriated.

Veterans Services Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Testifying on HF50:
SSG Melissa Passeretti, 2 time Iraq War Veteran
SFC Gail Kaplan, MNARNG Iraq War Veteran
LtCmdr(Ret.) Nancy Gertner, (USN)
Trista Matascastillo,Veterans Advocate
Bills Added:
HF50 (Anderson) - Special women veterans license plates authorized, and money appropriated.
HF186 (Urdahl) - Driver's license expiration period extended while person is serving in active military service.
HF232 (Kriesel) - Gold star license plates eligibility expanded to surviving legal guardians, children, and siblings; motor vehicle fees regulated; Department of Veterans Affairs and veteran homes regulated; and driver and vehicle services technology account made permanent.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Continuation of Minnesota Department of Transportation budget presentation.

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
"The Florida Story"
Foundation for Excellence in Education
Patricia Levesque, Executive Director, Foundation for Excellence in Education
Jay Greene, Department Head and 21st Century Chair in Education Reform, University of Arkansas

Education Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
"The Florida Story"
Foundation for Excellence in Education
Patricia Levesque, Executive Director, Foundation for Excellence in Education
Jay Greene, Department Head and 21st Century Chair in Education Reform, University of Arkansas

Civil Law

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF501 (Runbeck) - Interest arbitration factors specified.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Tom Gillaspy, State Demographer: Regional Demographic and Population changes
Matt Gehring: Local Redistricting Timeline
Gary Smith, president of the Rochester Area Economic Development
Lisa Clark, Mayo Clinic Economic Impact Statement
Ardell Brede, Mayor of Rochester
Ken Brown, Olmsted County Commissioner
Public Testimony

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Agency Budget Presentation: Department of Corrections
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