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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2259 (Dettmer) - Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.
HF2261 (Dettmer) - Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery burial eligibility expanded to include deceased allied Hmong-American or Lao-American veterans of the American Secret War in Laos.
HF1031 (Stensrud) - Legislative Coordinating Commission; provisions modified governing the election of officers and the provision of services, and records retention policy established.
HF2429 (Mazorol) Technology corporate franchise tax certificate transfer program established.
An author's amendment for HF794 will be posted when available. Final action will not be taken on either bill.
Bills Added:
HF794 (Davids) - Improvement bonds authorized with certain terms and conditions; definitions modified; and clarifying, technical, and other changes made relating to the issuance of municipal bonds.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills originally scheduled for the Wednesday, March 7 meeting are rescheduled for Thursday, March 8.
Bills Added:
HF2528 (Mazorol) - Accidents involving damage to state-owned infrastructure report sharing required.
HF2426 (Dettmer) - Peace Officer's Memorial repairs money appropriated.
HF2463 (LeMieur) - Alcoholic beverage special licensing purchase authorized until the state is able to issue the necessary card.
HF1607 (Woodard) - State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials, and Capitol complex security committee established.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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If you would like to testify please contact Brian Theis or Ryan Blodgett.
Bills Added:
HF2491 (Kelly) - Domestic abuse no contact order provided as a criminal order, and proceeding provisions modified.
HF1899 (Vogel) - Jacob's Law established, law enforcement notification required to social services if a child is neglected or abused outside the home, and parental rights under custody orders amended to include police reports on minor children.
HF68 (Garofalo) - Careless driving resulting in death provided to be a gross misdemeanor.
HF2531 (Shimanski) - Parenting plan mediation development required.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Bills Removed: HF1942 (Beard) Metropolitan Council base appropriations amended
HFXXXX (Beard) Relating to Transportation, metropolitan affairs; transportation governance and finance provisions amended (walk-through and informational hearing)
Testimony will be taken and amendments will be considered, but all bills on the agenda will be laid over.
Bills Added:
HF2560 (Scott) - Metropolitan Council proportional distribution required for any transit reductions.
HF2321 (Scalze) - Metropolitan transit service opt-outs authorized.
HF2696 (Beard) - Metropolitan Council; formula changed for assistance to cities and towns with replacement transit service.
HF1943 (Beard) - Metropolitan Council transit funding provisions modified.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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HF2459 and HF2432 will be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus liquor bill
Bills Added:
HF2251 (Anderson) - Health maintenance organizations regulatory authority shifted from the commissioner of health to the commissioner of commerce.
HF2500 (Sanders) - Debt settlement services agreements laws changed.
HF2459 (Kieffer) - Wine educator licensure created.
HF2432 (Hoppe) - Liquor off-sale license for growlers authorized.
HF2569 (Mazorol) - Debt management and settlement exemption for attorneys at law clarified.

Government Operations and Elections

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HF2171 (Hackbarth) Omnibus game and fish bill.
Bills Added:
HF1629 (Howes) - Explore Minnesota Tourism Council modified.
HF1979 (Schomacker) - Minnesota supplemental aid shelter needy provisions modified, and adult foster care homes modified.
HF2353 (Hackbarth) - Publicly funded shooting ranges accessibility required.
HF2684 (Peppin) - Lobbying principal reports modified.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2244 (O'Driscoll) - Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.
HF2320 (Hilty) - Carlton County; tax levy authorized for cemetery purposes.

Health and Human Services Finance

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February Forecast Briefing by DHS and MMB
Bills Added:
HF2198 (Hosch) - Aliveness Project of Minneapolis money appropriated.
HF2425 (Abeler) - Mental health physician assistants classified as mental health professionals for purposes of medical assistance.

Health and Human Services Reform

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Equal time will be given for each side. If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 5.
Bills Added:
HF2237 (Gottwalt) - Hospital community benefit programs and health maintenance organization collaboration plans; evidence-based strategy requirements removed.
HF1993 (Barrett) - Advisory council provisions modified.
HF1994 (Gottwalt) - Health and human services policy provisions changed; provisions modified relating to continuing care, telephone equipment program, chemical and mental health, and health care; comprehensive assessment and case management services reformed; and technical changes made.
HF2258 (Abeler) - Chemical use assessment requirements modified for civil commitments, chemical health navigation program created, chemical health services reports required, and rulemaking authority provided.
HF1967 (Abeler) - Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
HF2009 (Abeler) - Human services legal provisions changed; human services licensing, licensing data, and the Office of Inspector General related provisions modified; Human Services Background Studies Act amended; municipal license provisions modified; program integrity monitoring provided for; data sharing required; eligibility determinations required; and report required.
HF2456 (Abeler) - Continuing care policy provisions amended, disability services and licensing provision changes made, home and community-based service standards established, and payment methodologies established.
HF2555 (Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Presentation from the Small Business Caucus about their 2012 legislative agenda
Bills Added:
HF2184 (Mahoney) - Bridge to Work Minnesota program created, and job-training incentives provided.
HF2363 (Mahoney) - Minnesota Science and Technology Authority money appropriated.
HF2575 (Vogel) - Department of Employment and Economic Development business advocate established.
HF2582 (Gunther) - Unemployment insurance federal conformity, policy, and other housekeeping changes made.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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University of Minnesota presentation on paid leave and severance pay
Bills Added:
HF2322 (Anderson) - Mandatory health care coverage expansion waiver required.
HF2065 (Nornes) - Omnibus higher education bill.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF2553 (Hoppe) - Claims practices regulated.
HF2356 (Daudt) - Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association compliance with the open meeting law and the Data Practices Act required, and board membership modified.
HF2342 (Davids) - Township mutual fire insurance company combination policies regulated.
HF2280 (Loon) - Qualified brewer definition modified for tax credit purposes.
HF2178 (Lanning) - Moorhead; Bluestem Center for the Arts on-sale liquor license allowed.
HF1416 (Gruenhagen) - Military affairs; nonpublic employees reemployment rights protections extended.
HF496 (Beard) - Home solicitation sales regulation exclusion clarified.

Capital Investment

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DEED agency overview
PFA overview

Education Finance

HF1870 information only
Bills Added:
HF1870 (Petersen) - School districts allowed to base unrequested leave of absence and discharge and demotion decisions on teacher evaluation outcomes.
HF2468 (Vogel) - School district pension subtraction repealed.
HF2647 (Myhra) - Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
HF2651 (Loon) - Teachers charged with felonies suspensions without pay authorized.

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
HF2025 (Urdahl) - Postsecondary enrollment options program expanded, and career and technical education task force established.
HF2596 (Doepke) - Commissioner of education prohibited from enforcing unadopted rules.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1923 (O'Driscoll) - Water supply demand reduction measures required.
HF1989 (Hackbarth) - Incumbent electric transmission owner rights established, and commission procedures established.
HF2207 (McFarlane) - Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness state land expedited exchange, condemnation, and private sale provided.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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HF1816 was previously heard by the committee. Testimony will be to the DE2 amendment.
Bills Added:
HF2327 (Benson) - Election administration procedures for individuals who have been convicted of a felony modified.
HF1816 (Benson) - Federally licensed firearm importers, manufacturers, and dealers authorized to possess and sell firearm silencers to government agencies, the military, and other licensed firearms importers, manufacturers, and dealers.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Wed., March 7, 2012

State Government Finance

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HF2161 (Nornes) Otter Tail County; city of Vergas aggregate tax imposition authorized.
HF1113 (McFarlane) Ramsey County; mortgage registry and deed tax expiration authority removed.
HF1242 (Doepke) Hennepin County; authority extended to impose a mortgage registry and deed tax.
HF1876 (Mahoney) Saint Paul; annual maximum debt extended and increased.
HF2283 (McElfatrick) Local government aid payment to cities modified.
NOTE: HF 2169 bill was heard in committee March 1 and has been returned from floor for additional amendment.
Minnesota Management & Budget update presentations to the committee:
Update on SWIFT Accounting System
Update on New Budget System
Update on Labor Contract Negotiations
Bills Added:
HF1988 (Gunther) - Truman; storm water project grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2169 (Beard) - State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.

Legacy Funding Division

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Bills Added:
HF2270 (Torkelson) - Parks and trails grant program provisions modified.
HF1840 (Rukavina) - St. Louis County school trust land condemnation provided.
HF2430 (Urdahl) - Legacy and outdoor heritage bill.
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