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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 985
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Higher Education Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Committee procedures
Overview of jurisdiction and accounts

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Committee procedures
Overview of private health care coverage. Presentations by: MN Department of Commerce, MN Department of Health, MN Council of Health Plans, and MN Association of Health Underwriters (MAHU)

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Member and staff introductions.
Agency and budget overviews by nonpartisan staff.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Introductory Remarks and Overview
Introduction by Committee Members
Overview of Committee Procedures
Presentation by the Coalition to Preserve Minnesota Justice System

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Principles for Health and Human Services Budgeting and Program Reform, Michael Scandrett
Hospital Funding, Mary Krinkie, MN Hospital Association and Paul Olson, DHS
DSH Funding, Paul Olson, DHS

Government Operations and Elections

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Office of Administrative Hearings presentation on state rulemaking
House Research Intro to government operations
Bills Added:
HF52 (Peppin) - City, county, and town zoning control and ordinance variances provided.

Civil Law

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Introductions by committee members and staff
Presentation by Mr. Bryan Lake, Minnesota State Bar Association
Presentation by Mr. Wayland Campbell, Director of Child Support Division, MN Department of Human Services
Presentation by Ms. Lynn Aves and Mr. Matt Gehring, Civil Law House Research
Open microphone for citizens and job creators to suggest regulatory and statutory changes to improve Minnesota’s economic environment, and for other changes to statutes and regulations for the benefit of consumers and citizens in Minnesota (Please limit remarks to five minutes. Contact the committee administrator if you wish to register in advance.).
- Mr. Mike Hickey, National Federation of Independent Businesses
- Mr. Bob Johnson, Insurance Federation of Minnesota

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Welcome & introductions
HR policies, staff, miscellaneous personnel reports
House policies and resolutions

Veterans Services Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Introductions of committee and staff
Jim Cleary, House Research, committee overview
Military affairs presentation, Brigadier General Joe Kelly, the assistant adjutant general of the Minnesota National Guard and the deputy commissioner for the Department of Military Affairs

Transportation Policy and Finance

Introduction of committee members and staff.
Presentation on November 2010 forecast of transportation and transit revenues and expenditures. (Pam Tschida, acting chief financial officer, and Warren Skallman, budget director, Department of Transportation.)

Education Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Committee priorities
Overview of committee operating procedures

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Minnesota Water and Sustainability Framework presentation
EQB 2010 Minnesota Water Plan

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Commttee motto and mission
Overview of committee operating procedures

Health and Human Services Finance

DHS base budget explanation
Forecast briefing
MA early expansion
Shifts impacting upcoming biennium
Health Care Access Fund discussion

Special Session Disaster Relief Bill

If you would like to testify, please contact Dan Dwight at or 651-296-5385 by 4:00 P.M. on Thursday, August 23.

This is the rescheduled meeting from Monday evening. It is planned to finish the conference report at this meeting.
SF1047 Omnibus state government and military and veteran affairs finance bill.

HF42 (Davids/Ortman) Omnibus Tax Bill
HF577/SF1047* (Lanning/Parry) Omnibus state government finance bill.
The conference committee will attempt to complete the bill today. Please see the attached document "Undecided Language" for a list of language items that have yet to be decided.
As a courtesy to the committee, please email Johnna O'Neill at if you plan to testify on specific provisions.

SF760 (Hann) Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
The conference committee will act on all remaining policy only items in the bill.

HF943 (Garofalo) Omnibus Education Finance Bill
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