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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

There will be limited discussion to HF1975 which was laid over Feb. 23 for consideration of a possible amendment.
Secretary of State Demonstration of Poll Book laptop and scanner equipment will be first on the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1813 (Benson) - Eligible contractor list required to be made available under a master contract program.
HF1975 (Drazkowski) - State government outside contract restrictions removed, and disclosure required on where contract work takes place.
Bills Added:
HF1823 (Downey) - Small business investment credit modified, and credit for start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses provided.

Legacy Funding Division

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HF2400 (Quam) Minnesota State Arts Board; distribution method for funds to regional art councils modified.
Bills Added:
HF1762 (Davids) - Rochester; veteran and emergency services museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1062 (Urdahl) - President and Congress urged to pardon Chaska.
HF2433 (Garofalo) - At least 40 percent of the arts and cultural heritage funding required to be devoted to programs for school-age children.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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HF2415 is the vehicle bill for the Department of Corrections omnibus agency policy bill
Bills Added:
HF2409 (Shimanski) - Police civilian review uniform authority procedures provided.
HF2491 (Kelly) - Domestic abuse no contact order provided as a criminal order, and proceeding provisions modified.
HF2415 (Cornish) - Fugitive apprehension unit authorized to apply for search warrants, commissioner directed to implement a gardening program at state correctional facilities, selection criteria narrowed for challenge incarceration program, and victim notification permitted to include electronic and written notification.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012.

Veterans Services Division

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Short Presentation/Programs Update by Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans(MAC-V) will be first on the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF2100 (Kriesel) - Veterans and spouses of a disabled or deceased veteran hiring and promotion preference by private employer permitted.
HF2261 (Dettmer) - Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery burial eligibility expanded to include deceased allied Hmong-American or Lao-American veterans of the American Secret War in Laos.
HF2260 (Dettmer) - Congress and the President of the United States memorialized to amend federal veterans cemetery law to expand eligibility for burial in state veterans cemeteries developed with federal funding to include allied Hmong-American and Lao-American veterans of America's Secret War in Laos.
HF2259 (Dettmer) - Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF2102 (Benson) - Farm trucks USDOT number requirements changed.
HF2058 (Kiel) - Motor vehicle weight limit regulation amended; and exemptions, search warrants, and citation warnings provided.
HF2239 (Benson) - Motor vehicle titling and license plate requirements amended and clarified for pioneer vehicles.
HF1955 (Beard) - Move-over traffic law clarified, and speed requirement when driving by parked emergency, patrol, construction, or maintenance vehicles added.

State Government Finance

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Completion of presentation on the 2012 Tax Expenditure Budget - Dr. Paul Wilson, Department of Revenue
No action will be taken on HF1216.
Bills Added:
HF1216 (Downey) - "Tax expenditure" and "tax relief" definitions provided and applied.
NOTE: BILL REMOVED HF 2169 (Beard) State agency rule review and reporting methods provided
Bills Added:
HF1975 (Drazkowski) - State government outside contract restrictions removed, and disclosure required on where contract work takes place.
HF1976 (Leidiger) - Federal E-Verify program use by state appointing authorities required.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1945 (Gottwalt) - Criminal neglect of vulnerable adult penalty modified.
HF2333 (Swedzinski) - Motor fuel theft specifically included in the theft crime, and permissive inference created.
HF2302 (Kriesel) - Predatory offenders prohibited from serving as hotel or motel employees, and background check required.
HF1774 (Kriesel) - Fireworks personal use authorized.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2244 (O'Driscoll) - Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF2132 (Lohmer) - Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority jurisdiction clarified.
HF1708 (Marquart) - Minnesota Youth Council established.
HF2174 (O'Driscoll) - District money deposit investments authorized, and designated depositories provided.
HF2392 (Dettmer) - Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority powers and jurisdiction provided.
HF2169 (Beard) - State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Other bills maybe added to the agenda

If you wish to testify, email Christine Kiel at
Bills Added:
HF2097 (Peppin) - Child care accreditation provisions modified.
HF2230 (Abeler) - Pediatric care coordination services provided, demonstration providers required to include in provider networks all providers that agree to standard contract terms, patient-centered decision making required under all medical assistance, managed care and county-based purchasing plans required to reduce the incidence of low birth weight, competitive bidding program established for the metro area, and draft methodology report required.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Bills Added:
HF2305 (Gunther) - Barber licenses and fees changed, penalties created, and money appropriated.
HF1721 (Gunther) - Redevelopment demolition loans authorized, semiannual report eliminated, small business advocate office established in the Business Assistance Center, and Albert Lea granted the authority to establish an industrial sewer charge rebate program.
HF1883 (Brynaert) - Mankato; arena improvement and event center expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1677 (Hackbarth) - St. Paul regional ballpark funding provided, city authorized to use design-build or construction manager at-risk method of project delivery, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

HF2246 (Daudt) Convictions under the original criminal vehicular operation law allowed to enhance DWI offenses, and legislative oversight corrected.

If you would like to testify please email Committee Administrator Ryan Blodgett and Committee Legislative Assistant Brian Theis.
Bills Added:
HF322 (Scott) - Parenting time presumption increased.
HF292 (Anderson) - Child custody; parenting plans required by both parents.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Committee recommendation for 2012 capital budget requests
Bills Added:
HF1036 (Sanders) - State passenger vehicle fleet management and consolidation provided.
HF1916 (Howes) - Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities prior appropriations modified.
HF1960 (Banaian) - St. Cloud State University hockey center project 2008 appropriation modified.

Education Reform

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Bills not completed on Tuesday the 21st may be added.
Bills Added:
HF2329 (Holberg) - CPR training and instruction requirements clarified.
HF2293 (Davnie) - School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.

Education Finance

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HF2433 (Informational Only)
Bills Added:
HF2291 (Mariani) - Adult basic education; process created for contact hours lost due to a service disruption.
SF946 (Erickson) - School district pilot project established to examine joint operations to provide innovative delivery of programs and activities and share resources.
HF2037 (Garofalo) - Community education, school readiness, and Early Childhood Family Education fund balance penalties eliminated.
HF2433 (Garofalo) - At least 40 percent of the arts and cultural heritage funding required to be devoted to programs for school-age children.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2159 (Swedzinski) - Immigrant and minority microloan program established, and Rural Finance Authority provisions modified.

Capital Investment

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University of Minnesota bonding requests
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