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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Other bills may be added
Bills Added:
HF1012 (McNamara) - Waterfowl habitat improvement account disposition provided.
HF1011 (McNamara) - Trout and salmon management account disposition provided.
HF1088 (Drazkowski) - State agency natural disaster response provisions modified.
HF1440 (Beard) - Hydroelectric facility municipal approval exception provided.
HF1025 (Beard) - Energy rates, conservation and savings programs, utility cost recovery and investments, qualifying facilities and non-generating utilities, rate impacts, large energy customers, cold weather notices, hydropower, transmission lines, Public Utilities Commission approval for utilities' security issuance, Energy Reliability and Intervention Office establishement, the Energy Conservation Information Center and residential weatherization programs, Melrose Public Utilities Commission membership provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF1283 (Hackbarth) - Recreational vehicle operating provisions and definitions modified, dual registration of motorcycles provided, nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required, watercraft titling requirements modified, and special vehicle use on roadways modified.

Education Reform

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HF1381 will become the omnibus education policy bill. The agenda will be mark-up and passage of the omnibus.
Bills Added:
HF1381 (Erickson) - Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, student transportation, and early childhood education.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1471 (Hortman) - Electronic device recycling requirements modified.
HF908 (Torkelson) - Wetland Conservation Act modified.
HF1097 (McNamara) - Pesticide control, peatland protection, fees and fee disposition, invasive species provisions, cash match requirements, state water trails and waysides, Mineral Coordinating Committee, watercraft titling, special vehicle use on roadways, oxygenated gasoline requirements, Water Law, local ordinance requirements, waste management provisions, landfill cleanup program, and environmental review requirements modified; citizen oversight committees provided; adopt-a-WMA program created; dual registration of motorcycles and disposition of fees provided; nonresident off-road vehicle state trail pass required; and money appropriated.
HF1463 (Anderson) - Waste Management Act modified.
HF1451 (McNamara) - Shallow lakes management report required.
HF1513 (Torkelson) - Wholesale energy rate payment provided for qualifying facility.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF811 (Kelly) - Wind project setbacks established.

Civil Law

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HF56 (Dill) Veteran waiver of immunity provided to sue the state of Minnesota as an employer in federal or other courts for violation of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
HF905 (Hamilton) Youth athletes with concussions resulting from participation in youth athletic activities policies established.
HF747 (Mazorol) Attorney fee relation to damages awarded factor provided.
HF1162 (Ward) Nonnative species provisions modified, permits to control or harvest aquatic plants requirements modified, and criminal and civil penalties provided.
**Any bills not heard on Tuesday, April 26 will be added to this agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1515 (Holberg) - Late fee provisions modified, and provisions clarified relating to eviction from property subject to foreclosure.
HF654 (Wardlow) - Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF1530 (Mazorol) - Title insurers statutory premium reserves regulated.
HF730 (Mazorol) - Fairness for Responsible Drivers Act established, remedies of uninsured motorists limited, and amount of criminal fines increased.
HF894 (Mazorol) - Noneconomic detriment damages limitation modified.
HF1395 (Loon) - Uninsured and underinsured coverages, medical benefits, arbitration, and marketing practices regulated; and automobile medical fraud reduced.
HF371 (Hoppe) - Local government employees required to approve participation in or withdrawal from the public employees insurance program.
HF834 (Hoppe) - Public employee insurance program administrated by Minnesota Management and Budget for local government employees changes made, and program required to pay taxes and assessments on the same basis as private sector health insurers.
HF1326 (Atkins) - Microdistillery and brewer taproom licenses provided for; temporary and on-sale municipal licenses authorized; technical, clarifying, and other changes made to license provisions; on-sale and off-sales licenses authorized by White Bear Township; off-sale licenses authorized by the City of Rochester; and legislative review of community baseball alcohol issues provided.

Health and Human Services Reform

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HF1020 will be the omnibus health and human services policy bill.
Additional bills may be added.
We will be placing a 30 minute time limit for each bill. The 30 minutes includes both the presentation and testimony (both for and against). If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson at
Bills Added:
HF1475 (Lanning) - Children and family services provisional technical and policy changes made, Minnesota family investment program and child care assistance program changes made, and Minnesota family investment program and diversionary work program simplified.
HF1404 (Franson) - Gager's Law enacted, and standards adopted that govern outdoor activity at licensed child care facilities.
HF523 (Quam) - Children and Community Services Act service plan requirements changed.
HF1020 (Gottwalt) - Health and human services program policy provisions changed, nonemergency medical transportation proposal required, pharmacy audit integrity program and Minnesota Autism Spectrum Task Force created, state funds prohibited for abortions, health occupations licensing provisions amended, licenses prohibited to individuals with felony-level criminal sexual conduct offenses, and Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act created.
HF1508 (Schomacker) - Resident case mix classification changed.
HF1500 (Anderson) - Chemical and mental health services changes made, and rate reforms made.
HF1445 (Liebling) - Body art technician provisions changed.
HF1543 (Gottwalt) - Health care program provisions changed; technical and policy changes made; obsolete language clarified; federal conformity changed; eligibility requirements clarified; pharmaceutical provisions modified; covered services clarified; elderly waiver payment eliminated; right to appeal and appeal processes provided; provider requirements imposed; nonemergency medical transportation report required; and managed care and county-based purchasing data report required.
HF926 (Gottwalt) - Health coverage mandate evaluation provisions changed.
HF1498 (Liebling) - Human services agency provisions modified, and agency hearing and appeals provisions modified.
HF1334 (Mack) - Chiropractor scope of practice modified.
HF1341 (McDonald) - Health services to children under Minnesota public health care programs fiscal information reporting required.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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HFXXXX (HF1573) Will and Trust Construction Revision (To Be Introduced)
HF951 and HF952 - Testimony Only
Bills not listed in order of agenda
Other bills may be added as referred from other committees
Bills Added:
HF1198 (Mazorol) - Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updated.
HF1384 (Davids) - Charitable or religious organization transfers excluded from the fraudulent transfers act.
HF1418 (Woodard) - Successor corporation asbestos-related liabilities limited.
HF1423 (Gottwalt) - Adoption assistance reform, child protection, child support, and technical and conforming amendments provided.
HF473 (Smith) - Child support; calculation of maintenance after child support provided.
HF951 (Mazorol) - Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act provisions changed, updated, and clarified.
HF952 (Mazorol) - Guardianship compensation provisions clarified.
HF1217 (Smith) - Sex trafficking victim cause of action created.
HF876 (Smith) - Court hearing opening modified in delinquency or extended jurisdiction juvenile proceedings.
HF465 (Smith) - Safe at home program provision added, and protective orders provided.
HF322 (Scott) - Parenting time presumption increased.
HF292 (Anderson) - Child custody; parenting plans required by both parents.
HF1573 (Hortman) - Courts authorized to construe will and trust provisions, Uniform Disclaimer or Property Interests Act updated and revised, receivership provisions changed, assignments provided for the benefit of creditors, conforming amendments made, and statutory sections renumbered.

Government Operations and Elections

Please note that bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF705 (Crawford) - Audit requirements delayed for new first class cities, publication and reporting requirements eliminated, surplus law library fund use provided, county clerk hiring requirements repealed, seed and feed loan provisions repealed, and Ramsey County Community Corrections Department duties provided.
HF7 (Drazkowski) - State mandates abolished and made permissive, county audit by CPA firm authorized, surplus law library fee use provided, and publication and reporting requirements changed or eliminated.
HF495 (Garofalo) - Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote enacted.

State Government Finance

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Note: Some of the bills being heard today were previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. The following bills will be motioned to Ways and Means Committee during this hearing: HF2, HF384, HF 886, HF1063, and HF1024.
Bills Added:
HF1036 (Sanders) - State passenger vehicle fleet management and consolidation provided.
HF2 (Banaian) - Performance data added to budget proposal, zero-based budgeting required, and sunset advisory commission and sunset process established for state agencies.
HF384 (Dettmer) - Campus veterans representative program sunset repealed.
HF1024 (Stensrud) - Deputy commissioner numbers reduced and assistant commissioner position eliminated in the unclassified service.
HF1063 (Murray) - Counties permitted to perform private audit meeting standards of state auditor.
HF886 (Lanning) - Compulsive gambling money appropriated.
HF1309 (Kahn) - State government finance; amount billed by the commissioner of management and budget for statewide services changed, general fund budget reserve maximum amount set, additional forecast balance allocated, credited bond proceeds specified, Environmental Quality Board technical changes made, Enterprise Real Property Technology System funds availability extended, and money appropriated.
2011 Tax Incidence Study Presentation - Dr. Paul Wilson, Department of Revenue; John Spry, Professor, University of St. Thomas

Legacy Funding Division

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Final mark-up and passage of Legacy omnibus bill
Bills Added:
HF1061 (Urdahl) - Legacy bill; outdoor heritage, clean water, parks and trails, and arts and cultural heritage funding provided, provisions modified, and money appropriated.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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HF1214 (Hortman) has been moved to Thursday's agenda.
HF229 (Downey) has been moved to Thursday's agenda.
Bills Added:
HF358 (Barrett) - Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, and immigration-related data use provided.
HF1289 (Mack) - Buses provisions modified authorizing the use of highway shoulders.
HF1577 (Cornish) - Sex offender policy task force established.
The committee will resume Wednesday's agenda at Thursday's regularly scheduled meeting.

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, April 28

Transportation Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF867 (Anderson) - Driving instruction permit provisions modified and clarified.
HF1067 (Nelson) - Rail bank property prohibited activities provisions modified, and misdemeanor penalty imposed.
HF1412 (Murray) - Electric-assisted bicycle operation requirements and regulation amended, and electric-assisted bicycle operation permitted on bikeways and bicycle trails.
HF676 (Cornish) - Unmarked vehicle plates provided for conservation officers.
HF328 (Westrom) - Elbow Lake Municipal-Pride of the Prairie Airport public seaplane base license issued.
HF1223 (Smith) - Commissioner of transportation's duties regarding passenger railroads modified.
HF744 (Murray) - Winter storm preparation road equipment exemption from highway restrictions modified.
HF1537 (Hosch) - Protective agents right to escort oversized loads clarified.
HF1526 (Quam) - Frontage road and ramp for controlled access highways distinction made, and municipal road authorities authorized to issue permits for driveway access to frontage roads and ramps for controlled access to highways.
HF1488 (Quam) - Municipal state aid to cities formula modified.
HF1434 (Gauthier) - Working capital loans to small businesses provided to secure contracts with government agencies.
HF1482 (Hornstein) - Driver license acceptable methods of payment provided, and surcharge imposed.

Property and Local Tax Division

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(Continued) Presentation of the 2009 Minnesota City Finances Report - State Auditor Rebecca Otto

Data Practices Subcommittee

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HF1461 (Abeler) Human services licensing provisions changes made, data practice provisions changed, Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults Act amended, and Human Services Background Studies Act amended.
HF1533 (Peppin) Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board procedures and requirements changed.
*If the agenda is not finished during the scheduled meeting time, the Data Practices Subcommittee will reconvene at a later date.
**HF1532 was tentatively scheduled to be heard by the subcommittee but has been removed.
***HF1461 and 1533 will be heard on an informational basis, and will be moved when the bill is officially in the committee's possession.
Bills Added:
HF1466 (Scott) - Data practices technical changes made.
HF1130 (Nornes) - Student record and data use provided for.
HF601 (Holberg) - Optional disclosure of public appraisals provided by a government entity.
HF1060 (Beard) - "Personnel data" definition modified; data obtained for design-build transportation projects, adopt-a-highway program related data, and mileage-based road users data classified; and traffic accident related data provisions modified.
HF1370 (Paymar) - Law enforcement data sharing permitted.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills may not be heard in the order listed. Bills not heard during the morning meeting will be heard in the evening.
Bills Added:
HF922 (Kiel) - Collector emergency vehicles allowed to display and use nonconforming colored lights.
HF1245 (McFarlane) - Firearm possession by a minor included as unlawful for purposes of orders to enjoin gang activity.
HF1359 (Barrett) - State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
HF1428 (Westrom) - Emily's Law established, and age of extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution for violent offenses lowered.
HF1514 (Cornish) - State law enforcement agencies required to report on the transfer of cases involving forfeiture to the federal government, and more uniformity in terminology provided.
HF1534 (Cornish) - Forfeiture law general criminal code clarified.
HF1535 (Cornish) - DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.
HF1520 (Mullery) - State controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy authority modified to regulate controlled substances, and electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.


Bills Added:
HF1547 (Anderson) - Districting principles established for legislative and congressional plans.
HC2 (Anderson) - Redistricting; a house concurrent resolution relating to redistricting, establishing districting principles for legislative and congressional plans.
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