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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Transportation Policy and Finance

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This committee hearing will include a walk-through of the omnibus transportation finance bill. HF1140 will be the vehicle for the omnibus bill. Testimony may be taken at this hearing, as well as the March 21 meeting.
Bills Added:
HF976 (Anderson) - Town road state aid allocation formula amended.
HF1140 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.
HF1196 (Holberg) - Metropolitan area transportation sales and use tax funds allocated for transit operations.
HF1197 (Holberg) - Temporary transfers authorized from the metropolitan livable communities fund accounts and the right-of-way loan acquisition fund for transit operating deficits, and funding sources modified for metropolitan livable communities fund accounts.


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Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

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Bills may not be heard in the order listed. Bills not heard on Thursday will be continued on Friday, March 18.
Bills Added:
HF1072 (Cornish) - Minnesota State Retirement System; employment position covered by correctional state employees retirement plan revised, vesting period modified for a retirement annuity for the correctional state employees retirement plan, and service credit transfer permitted to the general state employees retirement plan by certain correctional employees.
HF1103 (Mullery) - Assault of utility or postal service employee or contractor gross misdemeanor created.
HF738 (Cornish) - Public notice provided for the release hearing for killers of peace officers, and harassment restraining order provisions modified.
HF981 (Cornish) - Familial DNA searches authorized.
HF1161 (Cornish) - Education and program development requirements amended, and certificates of compliance provisions amended.

State Government Finance

Minnesota House of Representatives budget overview
Bills Added:
HF864 (Peppin) - Commissioner of revenue authorized to enter into a reciprocal agreement with the federal government for collection of unpaid debts.
HF1063 (Murray) - Counties permitted to perform private audit meeting standards of state auditor.
HF1031 (Stensrud) - Legislative Coordinating Commission; provisions modified governing the election of officers and the provision of services, and records retention policy established.
HF681 (Downey) - Minnesota pay for performance pilot program established, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1090 (Stensrud) - Commissioner of management and budget required to issue a proposal request and enter into a contract for dependent audit verification for state employee health plans.
Consideration of omnibus taxes bill (HF0042)

Testimony will be taken. Please contact Bobby Patrick (; 651-296-4119) to testify on the Omnibus Tax bill. Please note that the delete all amendment posted on the website is the Omnibus Tax bill and not HF42 as currently listed. If necessary testimony will continue into the evening meeting.
Bills Added:
HF991 (Kieffer) - Corporate franchise tax rate reduced.
HF1003 (Stensrud) - Schedule of income tax rates reduced for individuals, estates, and trusts.
HF974 (Melin) - Nonferrous mineral taxation rates modified, and distribution of net proceed and taconite production taxes modified.
HF1120 (Anderson) - Ring tone sales and use tax repealed.
HF505 (Davids) - Charitable contribution deduction expanded for food inventory.
HF247 (Davids) - State and local government finance provisions changed relating to income and corporate, property, sales and use, mineral, and miscellaneous taxes; and other provisions changed relating to local development, estate taxes, and homestead market value cleanup; and money appropriated.
HF1084 (Davids) - Wisconsin reciprocity agreement negotiation directed and its termination permitted only by law.
HF42 (Davids) - Omnibus tax bill.
State Board of Investment Budget Overview
Minnesota Historical Society Budget Overview
Legislative Coordinating Commission (LCC) budget overviews

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Omnibus bill walk-through
Bills Added:
HF1010 (McNamara) - Omnibus environment, energy, and natural resources finance bill.

Education Finance

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HF558 (Downey) Graduation-Required Assessment for Diploma mathematics exception removed.
HF947 (Erickson) Alternative teacher pay system modified.
Bills Added:
HF1078 (Garofalo) - Perpich Center for Arts Education status changed from a state agency to a charter school.
HF1056 (Davnie) - Targeted family outreach activities grant program created, and money appropriated.
HF1093 (Garofalo) - School district or charter school required to spend at least 70 percent of its total general operating expenditures on direct classroom expenditures.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF1130 (Nornes) - Student record and data use provided for.
HF1133 (Vogel) - Undergraduate stable tuition rate provided.
HF560 (Downey) - Government agency energy forward pricing mechanisms provisions modified.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Presentation from the Minnesota Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans

Presentation from Elim Transitional Housing, INC.

*Additional items may be added to the agenda*
Bills Added:
HF667 (Mahoney) - Conservation Corps Minnesota statewide job skills development program grant administration money appropriated.
HF112 (Barrett) - Taylors Falls; border city development zone powers authorized, and money appropriated.
HF1076 (LeMieur) - Administrative, rulemaking, enforcement, and safety and health provisions modified.
HF1037 (Sanders) - Department of Employment and Economic Development required to issue an unemployment compensation payment and business intelligence contract proposals request.
HF1110 (Mahoney) - Small business investment tax credit provisions modified.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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Minnesota Management and Budget - Informational on Health Care
Bills Added:
HF506 (Shimanski) - Fourth-degree assault crime and the assaulting a police horse crime expanded to provide more protection to law enforcement assistants.
HF718 (Champion) - Civil rights restoration and civil rights possible loss notices required, and incarcerated offenders excluded from receiving absentee ballots.
HF6 (Cornish) - Convicted sex offender indeterminate sentencing provided.
HF447 (Kelly) - Vulnerable adult criminal abuse made a registrable offense under the predatory offender registration law; investigation, review, and hearing provisions modified; terminology changed; criminal penalty increased for assaulting a vulnerable adult; and criminal penalties provided.
HF989 (Smith) - Criminal case disposition timing objectives repealed.
HF1023 (Smith) - Courts and common interest ownership provisions modified.
HF382 (Hoppe) - Receiverships, assignments for the benefit of creditors, and nonprofit corporation statutes amended; and Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act changed, updated, and clarified.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Bills Added:
HF367 (Banaian) - Municipal laboratories certification exempted.
HF200 (Gottwalt) - Alzheimer's disease data collection and reporting required, and learning collaborative established.
HF248 (Loeffler) - Small Group Health Insurance Market Working Group recommendation enacted by repealing a requirement that small employers that do not offer group health coverage either offer, or file a form with the state stating a decision not to offer, a Section 125 plan through which employees may contribute wages to a pretax account from which to pay for individual health insurance.
HF1143 (Kiffmeyer) - Qualified medical assistance enrollees and all MinnesotaCare enrollees required to receive basic services through an enrolled provider network, and major medical coverage provided to these enrollees.
HF928 (Falk) - Publicly owned nursing facility cost additional local share clarified, and publicly owned nursing facility payment rate clarified.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF1074 (Westrom) - Advisory Committee for Technology Standards for Accessibility and Usability expiration date extended, advisory committee codified, and money appropriated.
HF962 (Howes) - Tobacco license suspension alternatives authorized for sales to minors upon compliance with requirements.
HF681 (Downey) - Minnesota pay for performance pilot program established, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF371 (Hoppe) - Local government employees required to approve participation in or withdrawal from the public employees insurance program.
HF66 (Drazkowski) - Political contribution refund repealed.
HF917 (Melin) - St. Louis County; fairground tax exemption provided.

Health and Human Services Reform

Additional bills may be added.
Each bill will be given 30 minutes (10 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for opponents. And 10 minutes for proponents).
If you would like to testify, please keep comments to 2 minutes. Written testimony will be accepted. Please contact Holly Iverson at if you would like to testify.
Bills Added:
HF936 (Holberg) - Abortions at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age prohibited unless exceptions apply, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
HF311 (Hayden) - Human services supplemental contracts authorized.
HF795 (Hoppe) - Bermuda; human services commissioner instructed to initiate a foreign reciprocal agreement.
Elements of the omnibus health and human services finance bill.
No testimony will be taken at this hearing.

Education Finance

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HF945 (Petersen) Teacher licensure, evaluations, and tenure modified.
Bills Added:
HF1029 (Kelly) - Board of Teaching funding provided from the special revenue fund for activities associated with licensure by portfolio.
HF669 (Loon) - Early childhood education scholarship finance system created, early education worker training and retainment tax credits provided, early childhood education programming quality improved, and money appropriated.
HF638 (Myhra) School grading system created, school recognition program created, school report cards modified, rulemaking authorized, and report required.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Continuation of public testimony on HF400.
The committee will re-convene at 6:15PM in Room 10SOB
Continue testimony on HF400 and consider amendments

Civil Law

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HF469 (Gruenhagen) Harassment restraining order jurisdiction for petitions provided.
Bills Added:
HF695 (Mack) - Civil immunity extended to municipalities that donate public safety equipment.
HF625 (Anderson) - Livestock liability activities regulated.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Pass through grants administered by the Dept. of Agriculture

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Proposed Calendar for the Day for Thursday, March 17

State Government Finance

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General Fund Budget overviews by:
Teachers Retirement Association (TRA)
Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS)
Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA)
Governor’s Office budget overview
Bills Added:
HF2 (Banaian) - Performance data added to budget proposal, zero-based budgeting required, and sunset advisory commission and sunset process established for state agencies.
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