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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State Government Finance

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Continuation of public testimony on State Taxes and Local Aids & Credits portion of Governor Dayton's Budget.
Please contact Bobby Patrick (651-296-4119; to testify. Time will be allotted based on the amount of notifications received. Notice is not required to testify.
Bills Added:
HF451 (Davids) - Internal Revenue Code changes conformed.
Budget overviews: Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs (MDVA): Major General Larry W. Shellito; Reggie Worlds, Deputy Commissioner of Programs and Services; Gil Acevedo, Deputy Commissioner of Health; Sherry Kromschroeder, Financial Director
Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board: Gary Goldsmith, Executive Director


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Property and Local Tax Division

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Bills Added:
HF481 (Runbeck) - Local government; property taxes frozen at 2010 pay levels, actions that would increase property tax levies prohibited, and exceptions provided.

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Budget reviews:Dept of Agriculture continues, Board of Animal Health

Education Reform

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Bills Added:
HF269 (Downey) - Teacher contract qualified economic offer provided.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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DNR budget presentation

Judiciary Policy and Finance

HF229 (Downey) Judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims. - This is continued business from a previous hearing, no public testimony.
Budget Overview: Tax Court and Judicial Standards Board

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

Presentations and overviews from: Lifetrack Resources, Vocational Rehab, State Services for the Blind and Boys and Girls Club

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Minnesota State Colleges and Universities:
Response to Gov. Dayton's proposed budget
Detailed discussion of organization and finances

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF191 (Downey) - Information technology and telecommunications technology services consolidated, advisory committee established, duties transferred, report required, and money appropriated.
HF297 (Kahn) - State agency information technology system and service consolidated, and duties transferred to the Office of Enterprise Technology.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Department of Human Services, Governor's Budget Review Continued

Health and Human Services Finance

Public testimony on Gov. Dayton's budget
If you would like to provide public testimony on the governor's budget recommendations for the areas under the jurisdiction of the HHS Finance committee, contact Christine Kiel at
Bills Added:
HF8 (Gottwalt) - Unified personal health premium accounts permitted.

Government Operations and Elections

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF574 (McNamara) - Efficiency and energy savings promoted through electronic conduct of state meetings and through telework.
HF591 (Knuth) - Candidates permitted to serve as an election judge in precincts where the candidate's name does not appear on the ballot.

Health and Human Services Reform

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Bills Added:
HF367 (Banaian) - Municipal laboratories certification exempted.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
DNR budget presentation

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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Budget review: Department of Agriculture

Capital Investment

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Commissioner Jim Schowalter , Minnesota Management and Budget
Capital Budget Coordinator Gay Greiter, Minnesota Management and Budget
Asst. Commissioner of Debt Management and the Treasury Kristin Hanson, Minnesota Management and Budget
Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, Hennepin County
Senior Civil Engineer Schane Rudlang , City of Bloomington
Engineer Lon Aune, Marshall County
Engineer David Overbo, Clay County
Vice President of University Services Kathleen O'Brien, University of Minnesota
Executive Director Lynne Osterman, MN Nano
President Teresa Bohnen, Saint Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce
Director of Local Gov't Affairs John Regal, Securian Financial Group
Director Michael Hahm, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Director Lee Ehmke, Minnesota Zoo
Asst. City Administrator Gary Neumann , City of Rochester
City Administrator Kurt Ulrich, City of Ramsey
City Manager Patrick Hentges, City of Mankato
Attorney Kevin Goodno , City of Moorehead
Mayor David Kleis, City of Saint Cloud
Bills Added:
HF607 (Howes) - Capital improvement funding provided to acquire and better public land and buildings and for other improvements of a capital nature, nonprofit housing bond authorization changes made, bonds issued, appropriations modified, and money appropriated.

Civil Law

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF564 (Drazkowski) - Ambulance services; nongovernmental licensees liability limited.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF395 (Wardlow) - Deeds clarified to correct title and certain acknowledgments, residential purchase agreements cancellation provided, and redemption period clarified for foreclosure of certain mortgages.
HF562 (Sanders) - Manufactured home parks water and sewer charges regulated, and air admittances valve prohibition repealed.
HF342 (Murdock) - Manufactured homes inspections provided, and alternative design plans and reinstallation requirements modified.
HF434 (Hackbarth) - Petroleum tank release cleanup fund eligibility modified, and sunset date extended.
HF288 (Downey) - Tax credit provided for investment in start-up and emerging Minnesota businesses.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF442 (Loon) - Professional development two percent set-aside repealed.
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