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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Agriculture and Rural Development Policy and Finance

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HFXXXX Swedzinski A bill for an act relating to agriculture; providing for voluntary certification of good manufacturing practices for commercial feed and feed ingredients.
Consideration of Governor Dayton's capital budget recommendations.

Judiciary Policy and Finance

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As testimony has already been heard on the companion House Files (see committee minutes from May 4, 2011), further testimony will be allowed as it pertains to the susbtantive differences and their effect on the Judicial branch.
Joel Carlson, Minnesota Association for Justice
Amendment to A12-0561:
Page 1, line 5, delete "(c) or (d)," and insert "(b)"
Page 1, lines 7 and 8, reinstate stricken language and renumber clauses accordingly
Page 2, delete lines 1 and 2
Page 2, line 3, delete "(c)" and insert "(b)"
Page 2, line 7, delete "occurring or"
Amendment to SF 530, 1st eng.:
Page 3, line 25, delete "2011" and insert "2012"
Page 4, line 8, delete "2011" and insert "2012"
Bills Added:
SF373 (Wardlow) - Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.
SF530 (Mazorol) - Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Introduction of recently appointed director of Office of Higher Education - Larry Pogemiller
Office of Higher Education updates

Health and Human Services Finance

November Forecast Details from Department of Human Service and Minnesota Management & Budget

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF389 (Beard) - Interim zoning provided, and municipal development land dedication and fees provided.
HF673 (Banaian) - Public value impact statements required for legislation.
HF1560 (Wardlow) - Office of Administrative Hearings disposition of contested case hearings provided.
HF1810 (Dill) - Lake Superior-Poplar River Water District established, funding provided for the construction of water facilities, bonds issued, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

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Governor's 2012 Capital Budget Recommendations for Department of Human Services
HFxxx (Howes) Capital Improvements; authorizing Hennepin County to construct center for providing mental health services to children; appropriating money to construct a new Washburn Center for Children; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.

Health and Human Services Reform

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Presentation on provider peer grouping
Commissioner Edward P. Ehlinger, M.D., M.S.P.H.
Diane Rydrych, Director, Division of Health Policy
Stefan Gildemeister, State Health Economist
Mark Sonneborn, vice president of Information Services, MN Hospital Association
Mary Krinkie, vice president of government relations, MN Hospital Association
David Renner, director of state and federal legislation, MN Medical Association

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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HF1766 (Lohmer) - pending rereferral - Child care assistance fund payments modified.
Please contact Bethany Aronhalt (651-296-5322) if you wish to testify

Education Finance

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HF1860 (Woodard) Operating referendum levy aids provided to charter schools.

Veterans Services Division

1. Review of suicide rates in Minnesota National Guard
CORE program
2. Review of special audit of Minneapolis Veterans Home

State Government Finance

Update on local government redesign innovation efforts during the interim.
Introduction/overview by Rep. Carol McFarlane and Rep. Diane Loeffler
Others testifying will be:
Jeff Sparks, Executive Director, Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC)
Bob Meeks, Executive Director, Minnesota School Boards Assc. (MSBA)
Jim Miller, Executive Director, League of Minnesota Cities
Peter Hutchinson, representing the Bush Foundation and Beyond the Bottom Line Foundation
Carleen Rhodes, President and CEO of the Minnesota Community Foundation and the Saint Paul Foundation
Laura LaCroix-Dalluhn, Project Manager, Local government Redesign and Innovation
Reflections from attendees of regional meetings:
Kevin Donovan, Mahtomedi School Board member and MSBA Board of Directors
Marian Clennon, Austin City Council
Tony Murphy, County Administrator, Beltrami County

• Update on SWIFT accounting system , Lori Mo, Assistant Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget

• Update on SEGIP Dependent Eligibility Audit - as passed in Special Session 2011 SF12 - Nathan Moracco, Director of the Employee Insurance Division, Minnesota Management and Budget

• Update from MMB on status of Pay for Performance Bonds program as passed in special session SF12 – Jim Schowalter, Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget.
Also asking to testify on this issue:
Staci Becker, Consultant, Invest in Outcomes.
Brian Paulson, director of Innovation Strategies, Greater Twin Cities United Way.

• Update on tax analytics/tax compliance issues.
Dan Ostdiek, Chief Financial Officer, Minnesota Department of Revenue
Terri Steenblock, Assistant Commissioner for Income Taxes, Minnesota Department of Revenue
Matt Massman, Deputy Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Revenue

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

Chair: Joe Hoppe
Monday, November 21, 2011
10:00 AM

I. Call to Order.
II. Roll Call.
III. Discussion on the Executive Order Calling For Child Care Provider Union Election

If you would like to testify, please contact Stephen Rubis at or (651) 296-5994.

Health and Human Services Finance

Managed Care Competitive Bid Update
Update from DHS on the RFP Process
Update on Moving People into Managed Care
Update on Waiver Request Process
Update on the Implementation of the Defined Contribution
Hennepin County Health Demo
Insurance Exchange Task Force Update

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview and Background of Special Taxing Districts

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Department of Corrections parole process

Education Finance

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Minnesota’s application for No Child Left Behind waiver
Invited testimony only.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3

Presentation by House Research on the unionization of private home daycare providers.

Public testimony.

Equal time will be given for each side. Please limit testimony to 2 minutes per testifier. Written testimony will be accepted. If you would like to testify, please contact Dan Dwight at

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Agenda for informational hearing:

Presentation by House Research on the unionization of private home daycare providers.

Public testimony on the unionization of private home daycare providers.

Equal time will be given for each side. Please limit testimony to 2 minutes per testifier. Written testimony will be accepted. If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson at

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Appointments, Change in Status, and Terminations Reports
Resolution on Compensatory Time

Rules and Legislative Administration

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Resolution on Temporary Funding of Core Functions Litigation
Resolution on Expense Reimbursement
Resolution on Tuition Reimbursement
Resolution on Deferred Compensation Suspension
Resolution on Postage
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