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Audio/Video Archives - 2011-2012 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Property and Local Tax Division

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HF2591 (Howes) Bloomington; tax increment financing district extension allowed.
HF2802 (Kiel) Agricultural homestead classification allowed when the homeowner lives off the farm due to flooding.
HF2811 (Kieffer) Woodbury; public debt issuance authorized.
HF2798 (McElfatrick) Itasca County; general obligation bonds issued for the county nursing home.
HF2848 (Banaian) St. Cloud Economic Development Authority expenditure of tax increments fund balance authorized, and tax increment financing actions ratified.
HF2849 (Banaian) Exempt property held for economic development allowable holding period modified.

To testify on any of these bills please contact Committee Administrator Bobby Patrick. Please note that the committee will reconvene to finish consideration of any bills not finished during the morning meeting. Bills will not be heard in the order currently listed. HF2798 will be heard during the evening portion of the committee.
Bills Added:
HF1676 (Gunther) - Fast investment today program performance rewards created, tax benefits provided, and money appropriated.
HF2123 (LeMieur) - Property tax late payment penalties modified.
HF2089 (Bills) - Apple Valley; creation of tax increment financing district authorized.
HF2090 (Mack) - Apple Valley; tax increment financing use authorized, and authority extended.
HF1791 (Slawik) - Oakdale; tax increment financing district applicable time limits extended.
HF2357 (Nelson) - Brooklyn Park; special tax increment financing rules provided.
HF2542 (Nelson) - Outside district expenditures modified.
HF2537 (Crawford) - Construction stimulation temporary authority time period extended.
HF2538 (Runbeck) - Enterprise zone and economic development power technical, minor and clarifying changes made, and obsolete provisions eliminated.
HF2189 (Davids) - Rochester local sales tax revenue sharing list of cities modified.
HF2072 (Davids) - Taxation, spending, and incurring debt based on market value limits clarified, terms defined, technical and clarifying changes made, and obsolete provisions repealed.
HF2027 (Davids) - Bloomington; tax increment financing district time limits extended.
HF2497 (Hansen) - Dakota County Community Development Authority tax increment financing district subject to special rules creation authorized.
HF2297 (Dill) - Cook-Orr Hospital District levy authority modified.
HF2352 (Quam) - Rochester; lodging tax authority increased, and food and beverage tax authority repealed.
HF2535 (O'Driscoll) - St. Cloud; local sales and use tax modified.
HF2492 (Falk) - Canby; special tax increment financing district created.
HF2381 (Runbeck) - Property tax statements and notices modified.
HF1890 (Fabian) - Bovine tuberculosis property tax credit revived.
HF2563 (Anderson) - City of Clearwater; local sales tax revenue use modified.
HF2583 (Davids) - City of Maple Grove; soil deficiency tax increment financing district subject to special rules creation authorized.
HF2313 (Rukavina) - Delinquent property tax interest rate changed.

Transportation Policy and Finance

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HF2685 (Beard) is the vehicle for an omnibus transportation policy bill. The author's delete-all is posted. Testimony will be taken, amendments will be considered and committee action on this bill is expected in the evening portion of this committee hearing.
Bills Added:
HF2232 (Drazkowski) - Department of Human Services data sharing required, public assistance fraud investigation required, and eligibility determinations required.
HF1607 (Woodard) - State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials, and Capitol complex security committee established.
HF2632 (Winkler) - Golden Valley deputy registrar office reinstatement directed.
HF2775 (Fabian) - Towed implements of husbandry brake requirements amended.
HF2793 (Shimanski) - Vehicle combination allowed to transport property and equipment.
HF2687 (Kiel) - Bridge inspection regulated.
HF2780 (Hornstein) - Veteran license plate stacked letter surcharge eliminated, anatomical gift education donation with vehicle registration tax authorized and account created, DWI conviction driver's license revocation periods provisions conformed, driver's license surcharge and payment acceptable methods provided, and motor vehicle title searches fee authorized and appropriated to the Department of Public Safety.
HF2753 (Hornstein) - Electric-assisted bicycle regulated as bicycle rather than motorized bicycle.
HF2051 (Paymar) - Electric-assisted bicycle regulations amended.
HF2868 (Lohmer) - Municipal state-aid street fund governing eligibility and apportionment provisions modified.
HF2042 (Abeler) - Ramsey; Highway 10 and Armstrong Boulevard Interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2624 (Beard) - Local bridge over the Minnesota River between Carver and Scott Counties funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF266 (Morrow) - Rail service improvement program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2399 (Hausman) - Rail capacity improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2099 (Peppin) - Maple Grove transit station, phase 2 parking expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2133 (Kriesel) - Gateway Corridor (I-94 East) funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF911 (Quam) - Rochester; Trunk Highway 52 improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1696 (Simon) - Southwest Corridor light rail transit line funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1679 (Hornstein) - Minneapolis Transportation Interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1456 (Hornstein) - Lake Street Transit Station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2685 (Beard) - Omnibus transportation bill.

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2127 (Myhra) - Online learning parameters modified, graduation requirements modified, and digital learning provided.
HF2729 (Loon) - Parent-child home program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2778 (Fabian) - Federally mandated pupil transportation radio communications updates made eligible for education health and safety revenue.
HF2779 (Rukavina) - Nonferrous minerals taxation rates modified, and production tax revenue distribution modified.

Capital Investment

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Department of Military Affairs overview
Department of Veterans Affairs overview
Housing Finance Agency overview

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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Bills Added:
HF2342 (Davids) - Township mutual fire insurance company combination policies regulated.
HF2354 (Sanders) - Plumbing requirements modified relating to sump pumps and drain tiles.
HF2136 (Sanders) - Motor vehicle damage disclosure modified.
HF2238 (Benson) - Service cooperatives permitted to provide group health coverage to private employers.
HF1774 (Kriesel) - Fireworks personal use authorized.

Civil Law

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**Order of the agenda is subject to change. Notice of any changes will be provided as practicable.
***HFs 1784, 2009, 2044, 2647, 2668 and 2701 were heard in the Data Practices Subcommittee March 12.
****Presentation of and testimony on bills may be limited by the chair. An announcement will be made prior to the committee or prior to the presentment of a bill.
Bills Added:
HF2009 (Abeler) - Human services legal provisions changed; human services licensing, licensing data, and the Office of Inspector General related provisions modified; Human Services Background Studies Act amended; municipal license provisions modified; program integrity monitoring provided for; data sharing required; eligibility determinations required; and report required.
HF1967 (Abeler) - Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
HF2084 (Stensrud) - Compensation provided for when a political subdivision enters into mixed municipal solid waste collection business.
HF1135 (Anderson) - Marriage dissolution education program participation required in marriage dissolution or legal separation proceedings involving minor children.
HF2346 (Gruenhagen) - Financial responsibility for hospital-caused adverse health events.
HF2647 (Myhra) - Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
SF1143 (Scott) - Data practices technical changes made.
HF1784 (Anzelc) - Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board regulated, and classification of loan or equity investment application data modified.
HF2044 (Petersen) - Natural resources department electronic licensing classifications repealed.
HF2668 (Holberg) - Fiscal note unofficial data classified.
HF2701 (Holberg) - Expedited data requests provided, subcontract filing with government entity required, and other miscellaneous changes made.
HF2356 (Daudt) - Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association compliance with the open meeting law and the Data Practices Act required, and board membership modified.

Health and Human Services Reform

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If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 13.
Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1918 (Dean) - State health care programs restructuring and reform plan in the event of federal changes to the Medicaid program required to be submitted by the commissioner of human services to the legislature.
HF1972 (Davids) - Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistant guest license provisions modified.
HF2340 (Holberg) - Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
HF1492 (Lohmer) - State Advisory Council on Mental Health member added.
HF2041 (Abeler) - Dental licensing provision changes made.
HF2379 (Gottwalt) - Adult foster care home certification requirements established.
HF926 (Gottwalt) - Health coverage mandate evaluation provisions changed.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you wish to testify on any of the bills, contact Christine Kiel at by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 13.
Bills Added:
HF2080 (Daudt) - MFIP ineligibility, sanctions, time limit, and exit level modified; and electronic benefit transfer card regulated.
HF2081 (Daudt) - Electronic benefit transfer cards modified, and electronic benefit transfer card use regulated.
HF2676 (Howes) - Abortion; grant eligibility modified for abortion alternative programs.
HF1985 (Schomacker) - Background study requirements modified, and notification requirements modified.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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HF2248 (Anzelc) has been removed from the agenda.
HF2214 (Hancock) has been added to the agenda (carryover from Tues hearing.)
The committee will review and vote on a list of bonding recommendations to send to the House Capital Investment Committee.
Other bills may be added.

Government Operations and Elections

Bills Added:
HF2508 (Barrett) - State-controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy's controlled substance regulation authority modified, and penalties provided.
HF1821 (Dettmer) - Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
HF2212 (Franson) - Work of art acquisition amount spent set from an appropriation for construction or alteration of state building.
HF2788 (Peppin) - Three Rivers Park District selection of commissioners modified.
HF2621 (Kelly) - Special or independent school districts made subject to mayoral control.
HF2164 (McNamara) - Omnibus environment and natural resources bill.

Government Operations and Elections

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Bills Added:
HF2722 (Mazorol) - Municipal employee liability regulated.
HF2458 (Torkelson) - Advisory inspection process created.
HF2614 (Mahoney) - Administrative law judge and compensation judge mandatory retirement age changed.

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2634 (Torkelson) - Subsurface sewage treatment systems alternative local standards provided.
HF2214 (Hancock) - State parks, state recreation areas, and state forests added to and deleted from, and conveyances and public and private sales of state and county lands authorized.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you wish to testify on any of the bills, contact Christine Kiel at by 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 12.
Bills Added:
HF1166 (Gottwalt) - Medical assistance reimbursement changed under other state health care programs, and mandatory participation by health maintenance organizations repealed.
HF1986 (Gottwalt) - Healthy Minnesota contribution program eligibility modified.
HF2412 (Gottwalt) - Managed care plan financial reporting changes made, an annual independent third-party audit required, and reporting requirements eliminated and modified.

Health and Human Services Reform

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If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 12.
Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF1236 (Hamilton) - Pharmacy audit integrity program established.
HF2715 (Schomacker) - Critical access nursing facility designation created and money appropriated.
HF2061 (Downey) - Group residential housing modified.
HF2339 (Gottwalt) - Health care compact created.

Higher Education Policy and Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2268 (Abeler) - Board of Trustees of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities policy on awarding college credit for tech-prep programs implementation required.
HF2573 (Dettmer) - College savings plan contingent account holder definition modified.
HF2507 (Dettmer) - Safety officer survivor graduate study education benefit authorized.

Jobs and Economic Development Finance

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Informational discussion on:
HF2210 (Banaian) - Greater Minnesota internship program established, tax credit allowed, and money appropriated
Bills Added:
HF1337 (Banaian) - St. Cloud Civic Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2245 (Kriesel) - Cottage Grove; former city hall conversion to business incubator funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2427 (Champion) - Minneapolis; historic Masonic Temple at the Hennepin Center for the Arts renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2548 (McElfatrick) - Construction code fund; fee deposit collected into an account, and funds appropriated annually.
HF2225 (Allen) - Statewide self-advocacy network established for persons with disabilities, and money appropriated.
HF2177 (Peterson) - Minnesota opportunity training grants created, and money appropriated.

Commerce and Regulatory Reform

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HF2344 (Gruenhagen) Health-insurance-related taxes and assessments consolidated
Other bills may be added to the agenda
Bills Added:
HF2683 (Gottwalt) - Unified personal health premium account administration permitted.
HF2345 (Gruenhagen) - Federally nonqualified health plan sales permitted to Minnesota residents.
HF2347 (Gruenhagen) - Small employer health insurance market expanded.
HF2349 (Gruenhagen) - Insurance agents regulated and "facilitate enrollment" defined.
HF2638 (Anderson) - Portable electronics insurance sale regulated.
HF2705 (Mazorol) - Closing agents regulated, and licensed attorneys and direct employees of licensed attorneys exempted from the licensing requirements for closing agents.
HF2633 (Atkins) - Bulk wine purchase and use by farm wineries permitted.

Capital Investment

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Perpich Center for the Arts overview
Pollution Control Agency overview
Department of Human Services overview

Education Finance

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Bills Added:
HF2025 (Urdahl) - Postsecondary enrollment options program expanded, and career and technical education task force established.
HF2645 (Erickson) - School district cooperative facilities grants limited.
HF1586 (McDonald) - Motorcycle safety education program fund allocation provisions modified.
HF2554 (Mariani) - Career and technical levy eliminated.
HF2577 (Torkelson) - Independent School District No. 88, New Ulm, onetime fund transfer permitted.
HF2625 (Peppin) - Independent School District No. 728, Elk River, equity revenue adjusted by the metro equity region factor for students residing in the region.

Education Reform

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Testimony on HF2596 will not be taken; that was completed at an earlier hearing.
Bills Added:
HF2596 (Doepke) - Commissioner of education prohibited from enforcing unadopted rules.
HF2310 (Erickson) - Education; obsolete statutes repealed.
HF1917 (Erickson) - School boards' ability to conduct school on holidays clarified.
SF1656 (Erickson) - High school graduation requirements and academic standards revision authorization required by the legislature.
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