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Results: Total: 192
Rep. John Huot statement on oil refinery leak at Flint Hills - (Thursday, March 20, 2025)
Legislative Update- March 11, 2025 - (Tuesday, March 11, 2025)
Release: Rep. Huot stop 'Shoot First' legislation from passing - (Thursday, March 6, 2025)
Legislative Update- February 27, 2025 - (Thursday, February 27, 2025)
Update from the Minnesota House - (Wednesday, February 12, 2025)
Rep. Huot’s statement on the start of the 2025 Legislative Session - (Tuesday, January 14, 2025)
2025 Laws Take Effect; Town Hall Meeting on Saturday - (Monday, January 6, 2025)
Thanksgiving Day Greetings & Legislative Update - (Tuesday, November 26, 2024)
Release: Co-Chairs of Emergency Medical Services Task Force Reflect on 2024 EMS Legislation, Look Towards Future Legislative Initiatives - (Monday, July 29, 2024)
Legislative Update- July 18, 2024 - (Thursday, July 18, 2024)
Legislative Update- June 10, 2024 - (Tuesday, June 11, 2024)
Rep. Huot applauds new federal aid for 8 energy efficient school buses in Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan School District - (Tuesday, June 4, 2024)
Release: Minnesota House Passes EMS Concurrence Adding $30 Million in Emergency Ambulance Service Aid to the New Office Dedicated to Emergency Medical Services - (Sunday, May 19, 2024)
Minnesota House Passes Bill Creating New State Office Dedicated to Emergency Medical Services - (Tuesday, May 7, 2024)
Legislative Update- May 6, 2024 - (Monday, May 6, 2024)
Legislative Update- April 10, 2024 - (Wednesday, April 10, 2024)
Rep. Huot Statement on Meta’s New Data Center in Rosemount - (Thursday, March 14, 2024)
Legislative Update- March 13, 2024 - (Wednesday, March 13, 2024)
Release: Minnesota Legislature Unveils Legislation to Strengthen Emergency Medical Services - (Tuesday, March 12, 2024)
Legislative Update- March 5, 2024 - (Wednesday, March 6, 2024)
Legislative Update- February 21, 2024 - (Wednesday, February 21, 2024)
Advisory: Rep. Huot legislation to fine unruly fans at youth activities to get first hearing - (Monday, February 19, 2024)
RELEASE: Rep. Huot and Sen. Seeberger Statements on Progress of Emergency Medical Services Task Force - (Friday, February 16, 2024)
Advisory: Emergency Medical Services Legislative Task Force to review findings and recommendations of EMS delivery improvements - (Thursday, February 15, 2024)
Legislative Update- January 31, 2024 - (Wednesday, January 31, 2024)
Release: Rep. Huot announces $2.4 million for local interchange in Rosemount - (Thursday, January 4, 2024)
Release: Legislative Task Force on Emergency Medical Services convenes first meeting - (Friday, December 8, 2023)
New State EMS Task Force - (Friday, November 3, 2023)
Speaker Hortman, Majority Leader Dziedzic announce formation of Joint Task Force on Emergency Medical Services - (Thursday, November 2, 2023)
Rep. Huot to host ‘John in the Park’ Community Event and Canned Food Drive - (Wednesday, September 13, 2023)
Storm Damage Resources; John in the Park on Saturday - (Monday, August 14, 2023)
Advisory: Rep. Huot to host ‘John in the Park’ Community Event and Canned Food Drive - (Friday, August 11, 2023)
Release: Apple Valley Village Health Care Center benefiting from $437,838 in new state funding; Another $437,838 in 2024 - (Friday, August 11, 2023)
Reminder: John in the Park on Saturday! - (Tuesday, July 11, 2023)
Advisory: Rep. Huot to host ‘John in the Park’ Community Event and Baby Formula Drive - (Friday, June 16, 2023)
Release: State Legislators in Dakota County praise Minnesota Department of Health’s swift action to address Norovirus, allowing reopening of Schulze Lake Beach - (Friday, June 9, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot delivers millions in Rosemount, Apple Valley, and Eagan investments - (Thursday, June 8, 2023)
Legislative Update- May 18, 2023 - (Thursday, May 18, 2023)
Minnesota House Passes Public Safety Budget; Contains Gun Violence Prevention & Law Enforcement Recruitment Measures - (Tuesday, May 16, 2023)
Release: Minnesota House passes, Rep. Huot supports, legislation to secure peace officers and firefighters’ duty benefits - (Tuesday, May 2, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot supports Paid Family and Medical Leave’s passage in the House - (Tuesday, May 2, 2023)
Legislative Update- April 24, 2023 - (Monday, April 24, 2023)
Release: Rep. John Huot Recognized as ‘2023 Advocate of the Year’ by Minnesota Ambulance Association - (Monday, March 27, 2023)
Legislative Update- March 16, 2023 - (Monday, March 27, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot votes to approve $1.9 billion in Local Jobs and Projects, funding for Rosemount Readiness Center - (Tuesday, March 7, 2023)
Legislative Update- March 1, 2023 - (Wednesday, March 1, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot votes to crack down on catalytic converter theft - (Monday, February 20, 2023)
Legislative Update- February 16, 2023 - (Thursday, February 16, 2023)
Rep. Huot Votes ‘Yes' to Expand Affordable Access to Child Care - (Tuesday, February 14, 2023)
Release: Minnesota House Votes to Increase Investments to Prosecute Violent Crimes - (Monday, February 6, 2023)
Release: Huot legislation to increase EMT recruitment receives hearing in House Education Finance Committee - (Thursday, February 2, 2023)
Legislative Update- February 2, 2023 - (Thursday, February 2, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot cheers ISD 196’s nomination of Teacher of the Year - (Monday, January 30, 2023)
Advisory: Reps. Huot, Bierman & Sen. Maye Quade announce February 4 District 56 Town Hall Meeting - (Wednesday, January 25, 2023)
Release: Apple Valley to receive state investments for broadband internet access - (Friday, January 20, 2023)
Release: House State and Local Government Committee advances Rep. Huot legislation boosting funding for violent crime prosecution statewide - (Tuesday, January 17, 2023)
Legislative Update- January 17, 2023 - (Tuesday, January 17, 2023)
Advisory: House State and Local Government Committee to hear legislation boosting funding for violent crime prosecution statewide - (Friday, January 13, 2023)
Release: Rep. Huot Votes to Pass Federal Tax Conformity Bill; Governor Walz Signs into Law - (Thursday, January 12, 2023)
Legislative Update- January 10, 2023 - (Tuesday, January 10, 2023)
Advisory: Rep. Huot Announces January 21 ‘Coffee with John’ - (Monday, January 9, 2023)
Season's Greetings - (Friday, December 9, 2022)
Legislative Update- July 18, 2022 - (Monday, July 18, 2022)
Legislative Update - May 4, 2022 - (Wednesday, May 4, 2022)
Release: Rep. Huot supports new law to extend Hometown Heroes Assistance Program - (Tuesday, May 3, 2022)
Rep. Huot votes to deliver $762 in aid per student in ISD #196 - (Thursday, April 28, 2022)
Release: Rep. Huot votes to replenish Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, deliver bonus pay to frontline workers - (Monday, April 25, 2022)
Legislative Update- April 22, 2022 - (Friday, April 22, 2022)
Legislative Update- April 7, 2022 - (Thursday, April 7, 2022)
Release: House Capital Investment Committee considers Huot proposal to build a new public safety and public works facility in Rosemount - (Tuesday, April 5, 2022)
Legislative Update- March 29, 2022 - (Tuesday, March 29, 2022)
Reps. Huot & Bierman vote to approve Minnesota sanctions against Russia - (Thursday, March 24, 2022)
Release: Rep. Huot proposal advances to enhance penalties for disrupting or interfering with a youth athletic activity - (Tuesday, March 22, 2022)
Legislative Update- March 1, 2022 - (Tuesday, March 1, 2022)
Release: House Public Safety Committee discusses Rep. Huot’s proposal to recruit new police officers - (Thursday, February 24, 2022)
Release: Rep. Huot votes to provide bonus checks to frontline workers - (Thursday, February 24, 2022)
Release: Legislation to build inpatient mental health facility at former Bethesda site receives hearing - (Tuesday, February 22, 2022)
Legislative Update- February 16, 2022 - (Wednesday, February 16, 2022)
Legislative Update- February 7, 2022 - (Monday, February 7, 2022)
Rep. Huot Supports Extension of COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Presumption for Public Safety and Healthcare Workers - (Thursday, February 3, 2022)
Legislative Update- Mini Survey, CNAs & Blood Donations Needed - (Thursday, January 20, 2022)
Season's Greetings, Local Diaper Drive & Infrastructure Update - (Friday, December 17, 2021)
Release: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development awards Rosemount new funds for job creation - (Monday, December 6, 2021)
President Biden Visits Rosemount; Local Infrastructure Projects Update - (Wednesday, December 1, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot Advocates for Water Infrastructure Improvements in Coates - (Thursday, November 18, 2021)
Advisory: Rep. Huot teams up with National Honors Society students to aid in local food shelf distribution - (Tuesday, November 16, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot welcomes House Capital Investment Committee to Apple Valley & Rosemount - (Tuesday, November 9, 2021)
Legislative Update- October 29, 2021 - (Friday, October 29, 2021)
Update: SMART Center Opens in Dakota County, Boosters, & Bonding Tour Begins - (Thursday, September 30, 2021)
Advisory: Rep. Huot Announces Rescheduled ‘Conversations with John in the Park’ - (Monday, August 23, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot Attends Bison Refuge Groundbreaking at Spring Lake Park Reserve - (Friday, July 30, 2021)
Legislative Update- Bipartisan Progress on State Budget - (Saturday, June 26, 2021)
Legislative Update- June 11, 2021 - (Friday, June 11, 2021)
Honoring our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day - (Friday, May 28, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot encourages community members to take advantage of Minnesota’s vaccine incentives - (Thursday, May 27, 2021)
Legislative Update- May 10, 2021 - (Monday, May 10, 2021)
Reminder: Virtual Coffee with John on Saturday - (Thursday, April 29, 2021)
Rep. Huot to serve on Legacy Conference Committee - (Tuesday, April 27, 2021)
Legislative Update- Budget Bills Move Forward in the House - (Monday, April 26, 2021)
Rep. Huot statement following the Derek Chauvin verdict - (Tuesday, April 20, 2021)
Legislative Update- April 15, 2021 - (Thursday, April 15, 2021)
Legislative Update- March 26, 2021 - (Friday, March 26, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot Votes to Extend COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Benefits for Frontline Responders - (Thursday, March 25, 2021)
Legislative Update- March 19, 2021 - (Friday, March 19, 2021)
UPDATE: New Public Health Guidance & Vaccine Update - (Friday, March 12, 2021)
Legislative Update- Survey & Vaccine News - (Wednesday, March 3, 2021)
Legislative Update- School Guidance Shift & Survey - (Wednesday, February 17, 2021)
Legislative Update- February 10, 2021 - (Wednesday, February 10, 2021)
Release: Rep. John Huot Appointed to the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board - (Monday, February 8, 2021)
Legislative Update- February 3, 2021 - (Wednesday, February 3, 2021)
Release: Under new proposal, notaries public could perform civil marriages - (Tuesday, February 2, 2021)
Legislative Update- January 26, 2021 - (Tuesday, January 26, 2021)
Legislative Update- January 19, 2021 - (Tuesday, January 19, 2021)
Release: Rep. Huot introduces legislation to provide workers’ compensation for teachers and school staff who contract COVID-19 - (Wednesday, January 13, 2021)
Legislative Update- January 7, 2021 - (Thursday, January 7, 2021)
Release: Rep. John Huot sworn in for second term representing District 57B - (Tuesday, January 5, 2021)
COVID-19 Economic Assistance Update - (Friday, December 18, 2020)
Rep. Huot votes to deliver urgent COVID-19 economic assistance to Minnesotans - (Tuesday, December 15, 2020)
Legislative Update- December 1, 2020 - (Tuesday, December 1, 2020)
Advisory: Rep. Huot & Bierman to Host Joint Virtual ‘Community Coffee Hour’ - (Tuesday, November 24, 2020)
New Executive Action on COVID-19 - (Tuesday, November 10, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot votes for Jobs & Local Projects and Critical Economic Development legislation - (Wednesday, October 14, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot, state representatives host listening session dedicated to the state of Emergency Medical Services amid COVID-19 pandemic - (Wednesday, August 26, 2020)
RELEASE: Rep. Huot Applauds Governor’s Executive Action to Save MN Zoo - (Wednesday, July 1, 2020)
MN Zoo Update & New Laws - (Wednesday, July 1, 2020)
Join me for a virtual coffee chat this Saturday - (Wednesday, June 24, 2020)
Legislative Update- June 19, 2020 - (Friday, June 19, 2020)
Special Session Tomorrow - (Thursday, June 11, 2020)
Advisory: Rep. Huot to Attend Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Morrison Project - (Wednesday, June 10, 2020)
Legislative Update- May 19, 2020 - (Tuesday, May 19, 2020)
Legislative Update- May 8, 2020 - (Friday, May 8, 2020)
Legislative Update- May 1, 2020 - (Friday, May 1, 2020)
Governor's Plan to Safely Reopen Businesses - (Friday, April 24, 2020)
Legislative Update- April 17, 2020 - (Friday, April 17, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot votes to approve Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act - (Tuesday, April 14, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot Applauds Met Council’s Free Ride Service for Healthcare Workers - (Monday, April 13, 2020)
Legislative Update- April 9, 2020 - (Thursday, April 9, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot Votes to Secure COVID-19 Workers’ Compensation for First Responders and Health Care Workers - (Tuesday, April 7, 2020)
Legislative Update- April 3, 2020 - (Friday, April 3, 2020)
Release: State Rep. John Huot Applauds Governor’s Executive Order to Transport Personal Protective Gear to First Responders and Health Workers - (Monday, March 23, 2020)
You're Invited: March 25 Virtual Town Hall Meeting - (Friday, March 20, 2020)
Legislative Update- COVID-19 Response & Resources - (Wednesday, March 18, 2020)
Release: Guaranteeing Confidentiality in Confidentiality for First Responders in Peer Support Activities - (Wednesday, March 11, 2020)
Legislative Update- March 11, 2020 - (Wednesday, March 11, 2020)
Reps. Huot and Bierman Vote for Coronavirus Response Bill - (Tuesday, March 10, 2020)
Update: Minnesota's Response to COVID-19 - (Friday, March 6, 2020)
Release: Rep. Huot Proposes Emergency Services Task Force - (Thursday, March 5, 2020)
Legislative Update- Survey, Insulin, Voter Privacy & Gun Violence Prevention - (Thursday, February 27, 2020)
Legislative Update- February 20, 2020 - (Thursday, February 20, 2020)
Legislative Update- 2020 Session is Underway - (Wednesday, February 12, 2020)
Advisory: Rep. Huot to host listening session in Rochester dedicated to recruitment and retention of Emergency Medical Services workers - (Wednesday, January 29, 2020)
Rep. Huot to host listening session in Thief River Falls dedicated to recruitment and retention of Emergency Medical Services workers - (Tuesday, January 21, 2020)
Release: Rosemount to Receive Approximately $500,000 for Broadband Internet Improvements - (Tuesday, January 21, 2020)
Legislative Update- January 16, 2020 - (Thursday, January 16, 2020)
Season's Greetings! - (Thursday, December 12, 2019)
Advisory: Rep. Huot to host series of listening sessions dedicated to recruitment and retention of Emergency Medical Services workers - (Wednesday, December 11, 2019)
Rep. John Huot Statement on 2019 November Budget and Economic Forecast - (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
Legislative Update-November 22, 2019 - (Friday, November 22, 2019)
Legislative Update- October 16, 2019 - (Wednesday, October 16, 2019)
Reminder: Education Town Hall this Sunday! - (Tuesday, September 17, 2019)
Legislative Update- Back-to-School & State Fair Opinion Poll Results - (Wednesday, September 11, 2019)
ADVISORY: Rep. Huot to host town hall meeting dedicated to education - (Monday, September 9, 2019)
Rep. Huot to Hold Meeting on Air Ambulance Pricing and Patient Billing - (Monday, August 26, 2019)
Legislative Update- August 13, 2019 - (Tuesday, August 13, 2019)
Reminder: Transportation Town Hall Meeting - (Monday, August 5, 2019)
Rep. Huot to host town hall meeting dedicated to transportation - (Wednesday, July 24, 2019)
Legislative Update- July 22, 2019 - (Monday, July 22, 2019)
Legislative Update- New Laws Begin July 1 - (Thursday, June 27, 2019)
Legislative Update- Session Recap - (Friday, May 31, 2019)
RELEASE: Gov. Walz Signs into Law Rep. Huot’s Bill to Help Keep Minnesotans Safe & Healthy - (Thursday, May 23, 2019)
Legislative Update- May 17, 2019 - (Friday, May 17, 2019)
Legislative Update- Legislative Update- Education & Health Care Differences - (Friday, May 10, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Huot Introduces Legislation to Limit ‘Stay Away Pay’ for Public Employees under Investigation - (Tuesday, May 7, 2019)
Legislative Update- April 30, 2019 - (Tuesday, April 30, 2019)
Legislative Update- E-12 Education Budget Approved by House - (Wednesday, April 24, 2019)
Minnesota House Expected to Approve E-12 Education Budget - (Tuesday, April 23, 2019)
Legislative Update- Upcoming Town Hall & Survey - (Thursday, April 18, 2019)
Legislative Update- April 9, 2019 - (Tuesday, April 9, 2019)
Legislative Update- March 25, 2019 - (Monday, March 25, 2019)
Legislative Update- March 20, 2019 - (Wednesday, March 20, 2019)
Apply to Serve on the Flint Hills Advisory Council! - (Wednesday, March 13, 2019)
Legislative Update- March 12, 2019 - (Tuesday, March 12, 2019)
Legislative Update- March 6, 2019 - (Wednesday, March 6, 2019)
Rep. Huot Proposal Would Deliver Tax Credit to Volunteer Firefighters, EMTs and Ambulance Workers - (Tuesday, March 5, 2019)
Legislative Update- February 26, 2019 - (Tuesday, February 26, 2019)
House Education Finance Committee Holds Public Hearing in Windom, MN - (Monday, February 25, 2019)
Rep. Huot Introduces Legislation to Honor Military Service Members & First Responders - (Monday, February 25, 2019)
Legislative Update- February 14, 2019 - (Thursday, February 14, 2019)
RELEASE: Rep. Huot’s proposal to increase standard deduction receives a public hearing - (Wednesday, February 13, 2019)
ADVISORY: Rep. Huot's proposal to increase standard deduction scheduled for Feb.13 public hearing - (Tuesday, February 12, 2019)
Legislative Update- February 8, 2019 - (Friday, February 8, 2019)
Legislative Update- January 31, 2019 - (Thursday, January 31, 2019)